Friday, February 12, 2010

A Work Stoppage At Hegel's Hotel?

Sorry, Hegel's Hotel is experiencing some construction problems due to management/union discord.

At the heart of this discord is the issue of money -- what else?

Management and employees cannot get it together as to how to 'fairly' divide the 'money pie'.

With this being the case, Hegel's Hotel -- like the Dubai Tower -- is closed (albeit for different reasons) in Hegel's Hotel's case, while management and employees continue to try to get their act together on how to properly pool their resources to maximize profits -- and then get it together on how to split these profits.

Goverments, government political parties, private corporations, corporate or charity organizations, institutions of all kinds, families, marriages -- can all have deep 'splits in their internal and/or external socio-economic-political-philosophical-psychological personalities'. Just like an individual can. When the impasse is too cold or the conflict is too hot, all proper functioning can grind to a halt. And stay that way until the problem or problems are solved; and the conflicts more harmoniously resolved.

Otherwise, you just have one big wrench in the assembly-line of proper individual, partnership, and/or group functioning.

And so it is with Hegel's Hotel.

Ironically -- and paradoxically -- Hegel's Hotel is more or less immobilized by some of the same type(s) of human problems it seeks to fix, and some of the same type(s) of human conflict(s) it seeks to resolve.

Even Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Freud, Reich, Jung, Melanie Klein, Sartre, Foucault, Derrida, Ayn Rand, Nataniel Branden, Fritz Perls, Jeffrey Masson...have all had their individual, relationship, and group problems...There is no such thing as being 'problem and/or conflict free'.

The essence of our existence comes down to how well and/or how poorly we handle our day-to-day problems and/or conflicts.

I read a quote the other day that said something to the effect that: The more we learn about a person the less likely we are to either idolize or hate them...

Presumably because we learn more and more abou the 'whole person' and not just the person's 'idealized persona' and/or his or her 'darker Shadow' or 'narcissistic ego'...

I may be fairly well educated.

I may have a strong creative-integrative side of my personality.

Still there is some significant relevance to 'Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs'...

And some of the baser needs -- when they are insufficiently met -- at the bottom of this hierarchy.

This latest recession-depression is showing many of us, and specifically me, just how much the world of people, corporations, and politics all revolve around money.

On that note, and at this point in time, I definitely have to go back to Business and Economics 101.

I seemed to have missed some important lessons along the way.

Because, financially, both Hegel's Hotel and its builder -- that's me -- have taken a huge financial hit.

And everything grinds to a halt until the money is sorted out.

Even if Hegel's Hotel is only a metaphor,

The person behind it is not.

Hopefully, this stoppage in construction will not last too long.

And hopefully too, my readers will bear with me.

-- dgb, Feb. 12th-13th, 2010