Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Comparison/Contrast Between The Classical Freudian Model of The Personality and This Current DGB Model

Just finished...April 1st, 2010. 

For anyone who has studied Freud even on the most basic, introductory level, you probably know that Freud 'conceptually divided' or 'compartmentalized' into three parts: 1. The Id; 2. The Superego; and 3. The Ego.

It is important -- indeed imperative -- that we not get lost in our travels here, and separated from the fact that we are talking about 'model-building' or 'theory-building' or 'map-making' here with there being a world of difference between 'the map' and the 'territory' the map is supposed to represent.

'The map is not the territory' is Korzybski's most famous metaphor and the foundation of General Semantics. General Semantics 101 (Korzybski, Science and Sanity, 1933; S.I. Hayakawa, Language in Thought and Action, 1939, 1940, 1972...).

When we realize this, then it can help us not to get too emotionally attached -- and partly blinded -- by the limitations, weaknesses, boundaries, and means of classification that we are using in the model/map/theory we are presenting to the public. 

We can get into a world of 'semantic and philosophical pain' when we do not distinguish properly between our 'man-made world of more or less arbitrary concepts and conceptual boundaries' and the world of 'real world phenomena' that generally does not fit completely and perfectly into our particular classification system/model/map/theory.

Of course, even the concept of 'real world phenomenon/phenomena' is a 'conceptual, semantic, and philosophical snake pit of proposed meaning' because who amongst us is willing to arrogantly claim that we absolutely know without any shadow of a doubt 'what is real' and 'what is not'? 

The 'subjective-objective' split has driven philosophers and epistemologists in particular 'snaky' for a thousand years...and we are no closer to breaking any epistemological new ground here in this philosophical dichotomy, conundrum, quagmire....nightmare....Did I miss anything? 

As Nietzsche has asserted in so many words -- and i am paraphrasing -- There is no objective world, only human subjectivity. One of Nietzsche's exact quotes is, 'There are no facts; just interpretations.' 

You see the problem -- or the main problem is -- other than the fact that both: 1. our 'sensory-perceptual' system and; 2. our 'rational-empirical' (or 'perceptual-interpretive') system is not perfect (the latter significantly less so than the former), is that our whole 'sensory-perceptual-interpretive-evaluative (SPIE)' system is absolutely full of narcissistic self-interest, subjectivity, and bias...

Do the 'facts' determine our value judgments; or do our value judgments determine the 'facts'? And/or both?

This becomes more and more true, the more we become habitualized by the 'Narcissistic --What's In It For Me? -- Capitalist Culture' that we live in... People begin to lose their sense of 'social interest', 'community interest', and caring for what others want other than themselves...Self-interest and social interest are two character qualities that need to be 'homeostatically in balance' with each other. We need to be able to stand up for what we want and to express our beliefs and values clearly, but at the same time, we need to be able to listen to the beliefs, values, interests, and wants of others as well -- and to care about resolving conflicts of interest between different people, and different groups of people...

Also, money changes everything...

As soon as an employer pays a scientist a salary to conduct a particular experiment -- and the employer has a 'vested interest in the outcome of the experiment' -- then, the employer, the employee, and our society as a whole that allows this to happen, has 'narcissistically corrupted science' to the point where it no longer deserves to be called 'science', and the scientist no longer deserves to be called a 'scientist'. The scientist has become a 'narcissistically corrupted scientist' where 'payment towards a particular corporate goal' has compromised, distorted, subverted his or her own 'scientific objectivity' and the so-called 'objective scientific results of the scientific experiment'. 

When you are looking for the content and quality of the food ingredients listed on a food package, don't be fooled by what is on the front of the package -- the front of the package contains 'narcissistic advertising' and 'semantic mysticism' geared towards telling you what you want to believe (i.e., that the food is 'good' for you; go ahead and buy it...)  -- turn the package over and you will find the more 'objective, scientific' information on the back of the package, not the front. Unfortunately, turn the package over and you are bound to be disappointed, disillusioned, disturbed...

Without straying any further into the domain of 'Corporate and Political Narcissism', even in the domain of our own personal perceptions and behavior, whoever we are, and whatever room we walk into, we are going to notice and pay attention to different things and/or different people in the room according to our own self-interest .

An artist will be attracted by the art on the wall, a writer will be attracted by the books in the library, an internal designer will be attracted (or repulsed) by the internal design of the room...many of the men will become focused on the woman/women in the room who they deem attractive, and likewise with the women regarding the men, assuming a heterosexual orientation, if not the context and factors of the situation regarding 'perception' change again...

In short, the content and focus of our perception depends as much on what is 'going on inside' of us as much as it does on what is going on 'outside' of us... 

Back to Freud and his Classic 'Triadic' (Id, Superego, Ego) Model of The Personality that reflects a Hegelian assumptive dialectic foundation of the personality (Thesis, Anti-thesis, Synthesis)...

1. Thesis...'The Id'...(Home of all our driving instincts, impulses, wants, needs, hedonism, pleasure-principle, sex, violent tendencies...)

2. Anti-Thesis...'The Superego' (Home of our ethical-moral conscience, assuming we have one, society's laws, norms, expectations, values, our family's (parents') expectations, moral-ethical conscience...self and social restraints...etc.)

3. Synthesis...'The Ego'  (Home of the 'Grand Mediator', The 'Negotiator', The 'Compromiser', The 'CEO' of the Personality unless the ego's power has been undermined or overwhelmed sufficiently by one or more of the other 'internal special interest lobbysts' in the personality with 'specific narcissistic and/or anti-narcissistic biases'...i.e., towards either getting one's 'impulses and needs looked after' (The Id's job)....or 'denying/restraining these same impulses, needs, wants, etc because they are too dangerous, too socially risky, and/or too self-threatening' (The Superego's job).

It is a simple, beautiful model of the personality...and easy to work with...

To repeat, this is a very 'Hegelian, dialectic' model....the Id in conflict with the Superego and the Ego mediating and resolving most conflicts...unless the Ego is undermined, manipulated, cajoled, coerced, and/or overwhelmed by the Superego, and/or alternatively, undermined and/or overwhelmed by the deeper, darker forces coming up from the Un/Subconscious Id...(or in Jung's counter-but-similar-model, 'The Shadow'...)

As with any model, there are some weaknesses and limitations to the Classic Freudian model...

It is good that the model is a 'dialectical model' in that it brings out certain 'dialectic conflicts' in the personality, although some of these conflicts such as the internal conflict between 'sexual' and 'anti-sexual' choices of behavior, it describes more clearly and efficiently than others.

In this regard, Freud's model starts up where Nietzsche's dialectic model in 'The Birth of Tragedy' leaves off.

Specifically, Nietzsche's dialectic distinction between the 'Apollonian Personality' (ethical, cognitive, anti-sexual...) and the 'Dionysian Personality' (sexual, sensual, hedonistic...) provides much of the bridge between Hegelian Philosophy and Freudian Psychology. 

However, there are many, many other dialectic conflicts at work in the personality, going off at the same and/or different times that are not as well described by the Classic Freudian model...

In this regard, I like to view my own still evolving DGB Philosophy-Psychology model of the personality as a more 'multi-dialectic model' of the personality than Freud's model. This, hopefully, allows us to view an assortment of other dialectic conflicts in the personality in a more clear light...

Some of these other 'dialectic distinctions' that Freud at least partly missed in his model have been addressed, or at least partly addressed, by other personality theorists such as:

1. Adler: The distinction between 'feelings of inferiority' and 'superiority striving'...

Adler -- and Adlerian Psychology -- liked/likes to view his/its own particular model of the personality as a more 'wholistic, unified' model of the personality than Freud's Psychoanalytic model.

This is a highly debatable point because Adler's distinction between inferiority feelings and superiority striving brings us very close to another highly inflammatory dialectic conflict both inside the personality and outside the personality relative to other men and/or women, parents and/or children, people of opposite sexes, different colors, different religions, different ethnic and/or cultural groups, different political groups...and so on...It brings out the potential conflict between 'Us' and 'Them', 'You' and 'Me', 'dominant' and 'marginalized' groups, dominant and marginalized individuals...it brings out issues of 'positive' vs. 'negative' self-esteem; it brings out problems of 'authoritarianism' vs 'democracy' or 'egalitarianism'; in short, it brings out any and all extensions of 'the master/slave relationship'....

As democratic as Adler was aiming to be in his 'wholistic, unity -- as in 'no conflict' -- in the personality' model of the personality -- still, his 'democratic idealism' was clashing big time with the 'internal reality' of the master/slave relationship inside the personality (i.e., 'intra-psychically') as well as outside the personality in the socio-economic-political world ('interpersonally').

You see, culturally as well as politically, we like to view ourselves -- meaning both Canada and the U.S. -- as 'democratic countries'.

And yet a quick overview of just how many of our relationships are 'authoritarian' and 'undemocratic' in nature, puts our whole 'idealistic, democratic vision of ourselves' highly into question.

Our parent-child relationships are usually mostly authoritarian.

Our teacher-student relationships are usually mostly authoritarian.

Our employer-employee, manager-supervisor, and supervisor-worker relationships are usually highly authoritarian.

Our legal systems are mainly authoritarian.

Our economic systems are mainly authoritarian.

Our educational systems are mainly authoritarian...

And intertwined within all of these different types of authoritarian relationships...

We try to 'run a democracy'...or pretend that we run a democracy...

At best we might say that we live in an 'authoritarian democracy' or a 'democratic autocracy'.

Everywhere we look -- either 'socially' and/or 'intra-psychically' -- we see deep entanglements and conflicts between authoritarianism and democracy, between the 'will to power' and the 'will to negotiate and interact fairly and equally based on the underlying philosophy of democracy and egalitarianism'.

This is one of the deepest, most challenging dialectic conflicts in the personality -- as well as in our external socio-political-legal-economic world...What we see outside of us and all around us, we can also see inside of us -- indeed, our socio-political-legal-economic world is simply a 'reflection' and a 'projection' of our internal world and our internal conflict between authoritarianism and democracy...between our will to power and control vs. our will to be democratically fair...

How do we reflect this dialectic conflict between authoritarianism and democracy in our model of the personality? 

Freud's distinction between the 'Superego' vs. 'The Ego' goes part of the way but does not fully bring out the type of distinction that we are looking for here...

A better distinction of what we are looking for here is a distinction between 'The Superior Ego' and 'The Inferior Ego', or 'The Superego' and 'Underego' (partly picked up by The Gestalt Therapy distinction between 'topdog' and 'underdog') -- with, ideally, 'The Central Ego' mediating and resolving conflicts democratically -- or less ideally -- being over-run by the respective strength of either the Superior Ego (Superego, Topdog) or The Inferior Ego (Underego, Underdog), or conversely by either The Apollonian Ego or The Dionysian Ego in a partly different conflict dynamic around the issue of 'sexuality' as opposed to 'power'.  Oftentimes, the respective issues of 'sexuality' and 'power' collide and/or 'conflate' together like too different waves coming at each other from different directions...In such a fashion, we get issues of 'The Master/Slave Relationship', 'Dominance and Submission', and 'Sado-Masochism' often playing themselves out in 'the bedroom'...

There are at least two or three other 'dialectic conflicts' in the personality that I would like to give voice to here...and these conflicts have been addressed by two other schools of psychology -- one of which is a 'subset' of Psychoanalysis -- and that is the school of 'Object Relations', created mainly by the highly unorthodox Psychoanalyst -- Melanie Klein. 

Melanie Klein's work, in turn, was picked up and modified by the likes of Ronald Fairbairn, Winnicott, and Guntrip, modified further by Heinz Kohut and turned into 'Self Psychology', while at the same time Eric Berne was further modifying some of Melanie Klein's ideas in the form of his own newly developed school of psychology called 'Transactional Analysis'. 

This is my own -- or at least partly my own -- brand or rendition of a combination of Object Relations and Transactional Analysis blended in with Freudian Classical Psychoanalysis and Adlerian Psychology as developed above...Check out the theorists cited above for their own respective, original contributions in this regard...

Melanie Klein mainly originated, and focused on, the distinction between 'good' and 'bad' object...Melanie Klein was developing her controversial ideas in the 1930s. The concept of 'object' goes back to Freud and at least 1905 (Three Essays on Sexuality, Standard Edition)... 

From 'good' and 'bad' object, we evolve to the ideas of 'good' and 'bad' parent, and 'good' and 'bad' child...

Some of you old enough to remember, might recall the best-selling book, 'I'm Okay, You're Okay'.  This was a Transactional Analysis book that was basically an extension and modification of Kleinian Object Relations thinking... 


I'm OK, You're OK

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cover of I'm OK- You're OK.
I'm OK, You're OK, by Thomas A Harris MD, is one of the best selling self-help books ever published. It is a practical guide to Transactional Analysis as a method for solving problems in life. From its first publication during 1969, the popularity of I'm OK, You're OK gradually increased until, during 1972, its name made the New York Times Best Seller list and remained there for almost two years. It is estimated by the publisher to have sold over 15 million copies to date[1]and to have been translated into over a dozen languages[citation needed].


Thus, in Kleinian Object Relations, and its extension and modification into Transactional Analysis (originally created by Eric Berne),  the 'triangular' dialectic model of Classic Freudian Psychoanalysis (Superego, Ego, and Id) has changed into a more 'square' or 'rectangular' model of Object Relations with 'four ego-quadrants' (or ego-compartments or ego-states), which with more creative evolution developed a  fifth ego-compartment in Transactional Analysis (the 'Adult' between the Nurturing Parent and the Critical Parent, as well as between the Compliant Child and The Rebellious Child).

In  the DGB model of the personality, the 'Adult' in Transactional Analysis is renamed 'The Central Ego' which can be found in some Psychoanalytic models of the personality.  1. The Central Ego is surrounded by: 2. 'The Nurturing (Supportive, Encouraging, Oral-Giving, 'Good') Parent (Topdog, Superego, Superior Ego)'; 3. 'The Critical (Righteous, Judgmental, Anal-Rejecting, 'Bad') Parent' (Topdog, Superego, Superior Ego); 4. 'The Compliant (Approval-Seeking, 'Good') Child (Underdog, Underego, Inferior Ego); and 5. 'The Rebellious (Defiant, Anal-Rejecting, 'Bad') Child (Underdog, Underego, Inferior Ego...

Two more ego-states that can be added to this model are: 6. 'The Dionysian Topdog (Superego, Superior Ego'); and 7. 'The Dionysian Underdog (Underego, Inferior Ego). 

The distinction between The Anal-Righteous Topdog and The Dionsyian Topdog, or conversely, The Anal-Righteous Underdog and The Dionysian Underdog is that the first is about power, righteousness, and revenge, whereas the second is about sensuality, seduction, and sex. (Often, the two are mixed together in the same or interconnected 'rebellious' package...)

From a three-component Classic Freudian model, we have now 'evolved' to a '7-compartment DGB model'...

Still under reconstruction...

Left out of this equation or model -- or at least partly left out of this equation or model -- is 'the dark force of the underlying, unconscious, repressed sexual and/or violent Id'...However, the 'Id' is at least partly picked up by the concept of 'The Rebellious, Defiant, Bad Child' -- particularly to the extent that you can see the issues of 'sex' and/or 'violence' operating within the psychic domain of 'The Bad Child'...

For some theorists who may like this DGB personality model, they may want to keep the concept of 'The Id' or 'The Shadow' as a dark, underlying force that can propel itself 'upwards from the domain of the sub(un)conscious' and into the various ego-states -- particularly 'Rebellious Anal-Rejecting and/or Dionyisan Ego-States'...I have no problem with this outlook although I will be presenting a little different picture down below...

What we have described above is 7 ego-states that reflect, in general, a more conscious part of the personality, including various different types of intra-psychic and/or transference conflicts and/or conflicts and/or neuroses...

The more sub(un)conscious elements of the personality have not been articulated yet -- at least in this essay -- and they still await us below. 

From what has just been stated, we can see the 'rise' of another dialectic relationship and potential for conflict -- the dialectic relationship between the more conscious and the more sub(un)conscious  elements of the personality. 

If there is one ego-state that is most clearly missing in our '7 ego-state' model above, it is this: 'The Romantic Ego'. 

The Romantic Ego becomes the 8th ego-state in our now '8 ego-state model'. The Romantic Ego can revolutionize the inside of our personality just as quickly and clearly as Jean-Jacques Rousseau revolutionized 'Enlightenment Philosophy' and moved it in the direction of first 'Romantic Philosophy' and then 'Humanistic-Existentialism'. 

For any and/or all of you who have been 'overtaken' or 'subsumed' by love, you know as well as I do that this process of having 'fallen in love' can and usually will come to 'dominate' all other facets of your/our personality. All of your 'rational thought' can just go flying out the window...in a 'Cupid-hit' moment...

The 8 ego states listed above are all 'psychologically important, intra-psychically active, and therapeutically important' to work with. If you wanted even greater simplicity, you could probably bring it down to the first five -- using Transactional Analysis, two 'parent ego states' (The Nurturing Parent and The Critical Parent), 'two child ego states' (The Good, Compliant Child, and The Bad, Defiant Child), and 'The Central, Mediating Ego' to process and integrate the other four ego states. These four or six ego states are almost entirely formed and cemented in childhood.

Whether we talk about the 'Split Self' or 'The Integrated Self' depends very much on how good a job our Central, Mediating Ego does at integrating our 4 or 6 'auxiliary special interest, lobbyist' ego states. 

Now, for purposes of greater psychological and philosophical consideration, both for ourselves striving for greater self-awareness and self-balance, and for a therapist who may want to help a client in these dimensions as well, I will list off a number of 'bi-poloar spectrum ego-states', any one of which can 'cause' a 'bi-polar disorder' if we get too 'stuck' at one extreme end of the bi-polar spectrum or the other (or an alternating combination of both) -- specifically:

01. 'The Enlightenment-Romantic Bi-Polar Spectrum';
02. 'The Humanistic-Existential Bi-Polar Spectrum';
03. 'The Autocratic-Democratic Bi-Polar Spectrum';
04. 'The Narcissistic-Altruistic Bi-Polar Spectrum';
05. 'The Apollonian-Dionysian Bi-Polar Spectrum';
06. 'The Constructionist-Deconstructionist (Creative-Destructive) Bi-Polar Spectrum';
07. 'The Reductionist-Holistic Bi-Polar Spectrum';
08. 'The Introversion-Extroversion Bi-Polar Spectrum';
09. 'The Contact-Withdrawal Bi-Polar Spectrum';
10. 'The Rational-Empirical (Observation-Interpretation) Bi-Polar Spectrum';
11. 'The Concreteness-Abstraction Bi-Polar Spectrum';
12. 'The Rootedness-Transcendence Bi-Polar Spectrum';
13. 'The Conscious-Unconscious Bi-Polar Spectrum';
14. 'The Safety-Risk Bi-Polar Spectrum';
15. 'The Impulse-Restraint Bi-Polar Spectrum';
16. 'The Sexual-Non-Sexual Bi-Polar Spectrum';
17. 'The Passive-Aggressive Bi-Polar Spectrum';
18. 'The Yin-Yang Bi-Polar Spectrum';
19. 'The Testosterone-Estrogen Bi-Polar Spectrum';
20. 'The Thought-Action Bi-Polar Spectrum';
21. 'The Religion-Science Bi-Polar Spectrum';
22. 'The Religious-Atheist Bi-Polar Spectrum';
23. 'The God-AntiGod (Christ-AntiChrist, God-Satan) Bi-Polar Spectrum';
24. 'The God-Archetype Bi-Polar Spectrum';
25. 'The Love-Hate Bi-Polar Spectrum';
26. 'The Peace-War Bi-Polar Spectrum';
27. 'The Married-Single Bi-Polar Spectrum';
28. 'The Heterosexual-Homosexual Bi-Polar Spectrum';
29. 'The Dominant-Submissive Bi-Polar Spectrum';
30. 'The Sadistic-Masochistic Bi-Polar Spectrum';
31. 'The Anal (Work, Discipline, Order, Authority, Leadership, Accountability, Defiance...) -Oral (Giving, Getting, Love, Nurturing, Caring, Empathy, Sensitivity...) Bi-Polar Spectrum';
32. 'The Giving-Getting Bi-Polar Spectrum';
33. 'The Structure-Process Bi-Polar Spectrum';
34. 'The Change-No Change' (Similarity-Difference) Bi-Polar Spectrum;
35. 'The Parent-Child Bi-Polar Spectrum';

That is 35 bi-polar 'homeostatic balance' spectrums off the top of my head...

Move into biology and bio-chemistry and you could get hundreds more...such as: 

36. 'The Blood-Sugar Bi-Polar Spectrum';
37. 'The Blood Pressure Bi-Polar Spectrum';
38. 'The Immune System Bi-Polar Spectrum';
39. 'The Thyroid Bi-Polar Spectrum';
40. 'The Cholesterol Bi-Polar Spectrum'.

Every mineral that the body needs to survive -- such as selenium, zinc, iron, potassium, iodine, calcium... -- can also kill us if we ingest too much of this same mineral...Call this the 'dialectical bi-polar paradox or dichotomy of life and death'. 

Indeed, Freud was probably not too far off base when, at the end of his career, he differentiated between the 'life' and 'death' instinct...However, I would re-word this as our 'life and death bi-polar  spectrum' (listed above). 

Enough nutritious food and we stay alive and healthy; too much food and we start to kill ourselves by compromising our body organs and functions...

Enough exercise and we keep all our organs healthy and in good working order; too much exercise and our body organs and functions could start to break down and we kill ourselves...

Dieting to get our body down to a 'good, healthy weight' that we can carry properly is generally going to be good for our health as long as we don't do it too fast and too extreme; diet too hard, too fast, too much, and we could end up killing ourselves...

Our 'transference complexes', played out in one way, can help us to become happy, healthier individuals; however, played out in another way and they could lead to destruction and/or self-destruction. 

If you haven't already, are you starting to capture the full idea of what I mean by 'dialectic, bi-polar, homeostatic balance', biology, philosophy, psychology, politics, religion, law, business, economics, ecology, etc...

It has been said thousands of times before in similar and/or different words...

Everything needs to be in balance...

Now I must add that I have played with the idea of giving some or all of these different 'dialectic pairs' of bi-polar spectrums separately named 'ego states' in their own respective name -- most specifically: 'The Apollonian Ego', 'The Dionysian Ego', 'The Narcissistic Ego', and 'The Altruistic Ego'...

But there is significant duplication and overlapping of values and goals here...and the biggest risk is turning a reasonably simple, straightforward model into a much more complicated and convoluted one...

Thus, I distinguish between the relatively more simple versions of the model I have created here vs. the more extensive, exhausting version of the model. 

As I have stated previously in other essays, that leaves four other 'sub/unconscous' components of the personality underlying the psycho-dynamics of what I have articulated above, and these are: 

9. The Un/subconscious, Creative-Destructive Dream, Fantasy, and Nightmare Weaver (perhaps this is the work of The Central Ego while we are asleep and/or are otherwise preoccupied);

10. The Un/subconscious Personal Transference Memory and Complex Template;

11. The Un/subconscious Genetic, Mythological Memory, God, Archetype, and Complex Template (Jung's influence);

12. The Un/subconscious Potential, Evolving (Good and/or Bad, Healthy and/or Toxic) Blueprint or Template of The Self (Spiritually or religiously speaking, we might call this our 'Spirit' and/or our 'Essence' and/or our 'Soul').

This is the '12 part model of the personality' that I will predominantly work with.

The first 8 parts of the personality, I will quickly list again, in my own DGB language:

1. The Oral-Nurturing Superego;
2. The Anal-Righteous (Critical, Rejecting, Apollonian, Constructive) Superego;
3. The Narcissistic-Dionysian Superego;
4. The Oral-Receptive, Oral-Approval-Seeking, Anal-Compliant Underego;
5. The Anal-Rebellious (Defiant, Deconstructive) Underego;
6. The Narcissistic-Dionysian Underego;
7. The Romantic-Spiritual Ego;
8. The Central Mediating and Executive Ego

All of these different ego states have both healthy and/or pathological dimensions attached to them....depending on how we play them out...

For those of you who are not familiar with the Freudian 'oral-anal' distinction which are both capable of being very ambiguous, semantically confusing concepts, I will quickly give you my interpretation of what these concepts mean:

'Oral' pertains to the domain of 'ingesting or taking in through the mouth' and often the 'pleasure' associated with this action: specifically, eating, drinking, sucking...and more metaphorically speaking, 'oral' in the context of many Freudian papers, and the categories listed above, pertains to the domain of 'giving' and 'getting', and in particular, giving and getting love...like in the case of the mother as 'primary nurturer' and the child as the 'recipient of this unconditional maternal love'...under normal, healthy child-rearing conditions...

'Anal', in contrast', pertains more to the area of 'work' and 'performance' and 'discipline' and 'being judged' on the basis of your performance....and 'detoxification' (hygiene, neatness, cleanliness, organization or disorganization...), 'punctuality', 'parsimony', 'collecting', 'hoarding' or not hoarding, 'cheapness', 'being able to save money'...

From all or most of these often inter-related character traits, we get the 'anal-retentive' personality...'the neat freak', 'the control freak', loves rules, love routines, loves order...and so on...

On the opposite side of the 'anal' polar spectrum, we get, in DGB, if not in Freudian, terminology, 'the anal-explosive' personality (messy, disorganized, hoarding, unclean, un-neat, un-hygenic, habitually late, rebellious, hates rules, breaks rules, impulsive, hates routine, hates authority, hates 'The Establishment', hates 'The Status Quo', critical of existing rules, sometimes likes to create new rules and new ways of organizing things...philosophical ramifications of the 'anal explosive personality' are 'Deconstructionism' and 'Post-Modernism'...Socrates, Hume, Nietzsche, Foucault, Derrida, Masson, and yours truly being prime examples of this type of personality...

It is important to understand that every individual person reflects different degrees of 'extremism' in all these listed character traits and the more abstracted categories of 'oral' vs. 'anal' and 'anal retentive' vs. 'anal-explosive'....Also, every individual person reflects and displays 'mixed character traits' and 'mixed categories'...Everything is not all 'black' and 'white' except perhaps in the final distinction between 'life' and 'death', and even here 'mistakes in classification' have been made...

I will make one last point that I have developed in another set of essays (Gods, Myths, Philosophers, and Psychologists...) before I close this essay. 

'Gods, heroes, villains, myths, and external transference objects/figures' in DGB Philosophy-Psychology become 'external projections and reflections' of the internal structure and dynamics of our psyche...

In contra-distinction, 'archetypes'  and 'archetype-myths' are 're-internalizations' of these same externally projected Gods, heroes, villains, and myths...

On this note, we will close for today...

-- DGB, Tuesday March 30th, finished up on April 1st, 2010. 

-- David Gordon Bain

-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...

-- Are Still in Process...


Monday, March 29, 2010

The Proposal of a New 'Ethical Harmony Tax'....Regarding The Subject of Political and Corporate Narcissism, and Unethical Lobbyist Practices...

Regarding, the subject of political and corporate 'lobbyist narcissism' and unethical lobbyist practices...

If there are 'corporate lobbyists' hanging around heads of pertinent government departments -- or 'power politicians' even above heads of government departments -- and 'contracts' or 'drug approvals' are at stake worth millions or even billions of dollars...and 'money'  is either directly or indirectly (through 'political contributions') passing hands from 'private corporations' to 'government officials'...
then we all know that this is 'blatant conflict of interest', violating 'private competition laws'....and a form of direct or indirect bribery which obviously is illegal -- or should be. 

However, like the 'back of the food package', often if not usually, we would just as soon not 'read or hear what we do not want to read or hear'....and when we read or hear these political-corporate scandals coming out in the daily news, we deem ourselves to be more or less 'helpless' on these matters, and eventually just let the whole scandal slide....which is what the accused and/or guilty politicians want us to do...

Meanwhile, the lost government money goes out the back door, or into the hands of some fired government official who walks away with a multi-hundred thousand dollar 'separation agreement', and to compensate for all the lost money, government just raises our taxes in the next budget meeting -- for example turning our 'Goods and Services Tax (GST)' into a more lucrative, all-encompassing, and hard-hitting 'Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)'....See, even the name of this new tax sounds nice and 'harmonious'...like the front of the package that says: 'No Trans Fats!'...

 Every prime minister-to-be, or president-to-be has the greatest ideals for 'cleaning up government conflict of issue problems'...until they actually get into power...and then their 'ethical clean up program' seems to get swallowed up by the  gigantic 'Government Establishment Whale'... Personally, I would create a whole system of new taxes geared towards reducing government and corporate corruption...

A brand new network of 'EHTs -- Ethical Harmony Taxes' such as: 1. The 'GOT' (as in 'GOT CAUGHT!') -- i.e., The 'Government Overspending Tax' -- this would be a 13 per cent 'Ethical Harmony Tax' applied to the personal income tax of any government official convicted of having a 'lavish and grossly inappropriate personal/government expense account' in any particular budget year. 2. The 'UGLYT' -- i.e.,  The 'Unethical Government Lobbyism Yearning Tax' -- this tax could be applied to either government officials and/or private corporate lobbyists who are convicted of any type of unethical government lobbyism malpractice -- such as: 

Brian Mulroney and the 'suitcase full of money' episode with the German arms dealer. 

At the very least, the Government of Canada could have hit Mulroney with the UGLY Tax -- a 13 per cent surcharge on his personal income tax plus another 13 per cent corporate tax on any company owned by Mulroney or anyone else associated with this debacle (we would hope that, in this case, the German arms dealer would have been banned from any further business dealings with The Government of Canada... however, I doubt it......this might be partly laughable but at  the very least, any 'contract chaser' inside or outside Canada convicted of UGLY (Unethical Government Lobbyism Yearning) would be hit with a 13 per cent 'EHCT'' (Ethical Harmony Contract Tax) on any further government contract dealings, as well as an additional 13 per cent corporate surcharge tax, and a personal income tax surcharge for the particular convicted lobbyist and the owners and/or shareholders of the company the lobbyist is working for. It could be applied to anyone 'reasonably assumed to knowing what shenanigans were going on'. 

In Ontario here, there was the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Scandal in which the terminated CEO, Kelly McDougald walked away with a$750,000 termination settlement...

And there was the EHealth Scandal which the auditor said was a '1 billion dollar waste'...

His report says the board of directors at eHealth Ontario felt it had little power over CEO Sarah Kramer because she had been hired by chair Alan Hudson "with the support of the premier." That, McCarter said, gave Kramer the impression she had approval to ignore normal procurement procedures.
It was revealed late Tuesday that Health Minister David Caplan resigned because of the report.
Just minutes after the release of the report, Premier Dalton McGuinty announced that Children and Youth Services Minister Deb Matthews would take over the health portfolio.

Too much power in too few hands

McCarter's probe, which went back to 2000, criticized unnamed consulting companies for driving up each other's fees to artificially create a higher rate for their services and putting too much power in too few hands in awarding of contracts.
In his report, the auditor general also slammed unnamed officials at the Ministry of Health for thwarting his efforts to get investigators into the ministry for a routine audit in the summer of 2008. In the end, the audit didn't happen until February 2009.
McGuinty has since announced new rules to keep a closer eye on the expenses of about 300 top executives at 22 of Ontario's 615 arm's-length agencies, boards and commissions by having them approved by the province's integrity commissioner.
EHealth was set up in 2008 to create electronic health records after Smart Systems for Health spent $650 million but failed to produce anything of lasting value.
Smart Systems for Health was quietly shut down last September.

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2009/10/07/ehealth-auditor.html#ixzz0jZX5E7cj

Sarah Kramer walked away with, I believe, around a $300,000 termination settlement...Meanwhile here was what was said about her 'government performance as former CEO for The EHealth Department...

Kramer's $114,000 bonus was double eHealth's allowable rate

Cancer Care Ontario CEO says no one there was getting such bonuses

Last Updated: Friday, June 5, 2009 | 2:26 PM ET 

EHealth Ontario CEO Sarah Kramer's six-figure bonus was double the maximum rate allowed at the Crown-owned agency, a spokeswoman for the organization has confirmed.
EHealth Ontario first came under scrutiny last week for nearly $5 million doled out in untendered contracts, with more than half questioned over personal ties to company executives.EHealth Ontario first came under scrutiny last week for nearly $5 million doled out in untendered contracts, with more than half questioned over personal ties to company executives. (CBC)
In early March, four months after Kramer started her post at the newly created agency, its board of directors approved a $114,000 bonus, on top of her $380,000 salary.
Under eHealth's regulations, however, executives are permitted to receive a bonus ranging from zero to 15 per cent of their salary, spokeswoman Deanna Allen told CBC News.
Fifteen per cent would amount to $57,000 under Kramer's current salary. However, she received a bonus worth 30 per cent.
Asked by CBC News whether she had an explanation for why Kramer's bonus was double the highest allowable rate, Allen responded, "No, I don't."
The letter notifying Kramer of her approved bonus was signed by Dr. Alan Hudson, chairman of the board of directors and the former head of Cancer Care.
Hudson and Kramer have been under fire since late last week for awarding more than $5.5 million in untendered contracts, more than half of which have raised questions about personal connections to the vendors.

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/06/04/ehealth-ontario-cancer-care-bonus-kramer.html#ixzz0jZXobnoq

So who is paying for all of this overspent Ontario government money? The new 'Harmony Sales Tax' start on July 1st, 2010. 

I think my 'EHT' and/or 'EHCT' ideas would have been, and still would be, much more appropriately suited here...There are a lot of potential 'ethical culprits' who could have, and should have, been taxed a new 'Ethical Harmony' tax....Without the McGuinty Liberal Government having to turn in the direction he has always turned in since he took power -- by taxing the citizens of Ontario more for his government's ethical transgressions and indiscretions...

Everyone maligned in 'The Gomery Report' regarding 'The Liberal Adscam Scandal' could have been hit with the EHT (Ethical Harmony Tax) and/or the EHCT (Ethical Harmony Contract Tax).  You see, in Canada, Liberals and Conservatives alike have both been found guilty of such 'Unethical Lobbyism Scandals' (ULS). One might almost be tempted to say that it is in 'the blood of many, if not most, seasoned politicians'...not to mention the corporate lobbyists that they deal with behind closed doors, in bars, in alleys,  and in untaped phone conversations...As far away as they can reasonably get from the probing public eye and ear...This is called the 'narcissistic capitalist subversion of democracy'... AIG....banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies, stock trading companies...which brings me to another two proposed taxes associated with the newly proposed EHT network of taxes...

3. The 'UGCBT' -- The 'Unreasonable/Unethical Government/Corporate Bonus Tax' -- charged against any and/or all government and/or private, corporate executives charged with, and convicted of receiving 'unreasonable and/or unethical bonuses' for performances not rendered...and/or not appropriate to their job...Sarah Kramer, are you listening? AIG, are you listening? 

4. The 'UCSCT' -- The 'Unreasonable/Unethical Corporate Service Charge Tax' -- applied to any corporations and/or associated executives and/or shareholders who are found guilty of charging private citizens and/or employees for 'service charges and/or administration charges where there is no service delivered or delivered sufficiently to warrant the service charge'... Banks would probably be the number one offender here...

5.  The 'CGT' -- The 'Corporate-Customer Gouging Tax' -- applied to any corporations and/or associated executives and/or shareholders who are found guilty of overcharging private citizens and/or employees for goods and/or services rendered (or not rendered)...

6. The 'RCBWT' -- The 'Rollover Contract and/or Bank Withdrawal Tax' -- applied to any corporation and/or executives and/or shareholders who are found guilty of coercing/seducing/manipulating customers into signing 'rollover contract agreements' that allow the particular corporation to keep withdrawing money from the customer's bank account even after year end and/or without any overt and/or direct consent on the part of the customer to continue with the contract basically until the customer is dead...or rather, the bank account is dead...All 'rollover contracts', or 'multi-year' contracts in cases such as 'gym memberships' and 'cell phone contracts' should be illegal and/or failing that, also hit corporations and their executives and/or shareholders who indulge in such 'unethical profit gouging' practices with a 13 per cent personal and/or corporate RCBWT...

7. The 'CMMMCT' -- The 'Corporate Monopoly and/or Collusion Tax' -- should be applied to any corporation and/or its executives and/or shareholders who are found guilty of artificially raising consumer prices because it is a monopoly goods and/or service company, and/or because it has found a way to 'manipulate the market' to artificially raise prices, and/or because two or more companies have banded together and colluded, in effect, to create a 'non-competition monopoly' in order to artificially raise consumer prices...

8. The 'GSOTT' -- The Government's (President's, Prime Minister's, Premier's, Mayor's...) Special Over-Taxing Tax' -- designed particular for any and/or all of those politicians held accountable for creating and passing into law the existence of a 'new citizen tax' -- such as the HST -- which is deemed inappropriate by a court of law based on the government's (President's, Prime Minister's, Premier's, Mayor's...) own accountability in the government's waste of taxpayers money relative to government overspending and/or lobbyist and/or bonus and/or expense account overspending scandals that should put the accountability for such overspending squarely back on the government's broad shoulders -- and any and/or all particular officials within the government who are dutifully (or non-dutifully) held accountable for such scandals -- through the administration of the GSOT on any and/or all of the accountable government officials on his or her: 1. personal income tax; 2. private expense accounts; 3. salary bonuses; and/or the elimination of all such future salary bonuses and/or expense accounts all together....

9. One more thing: A 'three strikes and you are out' policy where any and/or all politicians and/or corporations and/or corporation lobbyists who are convicted three times for 'overspending transgression's -- if they have not been let go already after the first or second transgression -- will be removed from all government jobs and/or government-corporate business transactions...forever...

That is about the limit of my political-corporate ethical imagination for today...


-- dgb, March 29th, 2010

-- David Gordon Bain

-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...

-- Are Still in Process...

-- Democracy Goes Beyond Narcissism....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Wolves Are Circling The Deer ....(Shorter, More Optimistic, Version)

It is hard to keep your eye on the goal, the prize -- your ideal -- when the wolves of economic collapse are biting at your heels, your calves...and lunging for your throat...

My deer friend...don't be intimidated by the wolves...don't panic...

Keep your head together...and gather the spring in your legs...

Jump high over the wolves...land outside the circle...and just keep going...

Keep that spring in your legs...

Don't look back cause you're faster than they are...

And looking back will only slow you down...

(They could still be chasing you.)

Then, once the most immediate danger is over...

Start looking for your prize, your goal -- your ideal -- again...

And keep heading in the right direction...

Don't look back...

-- dgb, March 23-24th, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

On Political Correctness, Political Incorrectness, Social Repression and Oppression

When there is a passionate, intellectual search, indeed obsession, for truth...

Then the issue of conformity vs. nonconformity becomes irrelevant,

A needless sideshow amongst partisans of this side or that...

Unless the conformity -- or the nonconformity -- involved is hiding the truth...

Similarly with political correctness and incorrectness...

Both can be hiding the truth of oppression...

And/or the truth of narcissistic extremism and lack of integrity...

The party that is in power vs. the party that is not...

And, for both sides, towing the party line...

The best case scenario is when both sides are searching for the truth,

The second best -- and second worst -- case scenario,

Is when one side is searching for the truth...

Usually that 'one-sided search for truth' comes from the side that is not in power,

Because the side in power is hiding something that is 'narcissistically pleasurable, convenient or beneficial' ...

But democratically out of line..

Not ethically or morally or legally right....

But they can get away with it because they are the side in power...

The side with the hand in the til...

The side with the inside knowledge

That could be detrimental to their staying in power...

Meanwhile, the side not in power can usually 'sense' that something is not right...

Or even know that something is not right...

And choose to do something about it...

Or not...

He/she/they can  'let it slide' because they don't have enough power...

Don't think that they have enough power...

Or have become too passively and apathetically 'used to things not being right'...

Corruption, political and/or corporate greed and overspending,

An 'unpleasant truth' that one or both sides 'keep burying under the carpet'...

And/or keep 'sweeping into the closet'...

Lost in silence, distortion, illusion, ideology, abstraction, myth...

Whatever hides the truth...

Freud saw this in individual clients and called it 'repression'....

The repression hides the truth...

While the 'neurotic and/or pathological symptomatology'...

Alludes to the truth...

On a larger level, I call it social, family, political, corporate, legal, cultural, and/or historical repression...

'Political correctness' is, or can be, a form of political, legal, and social repression...

Hiding oppression...and the intellect, the passion, the courage, the will, the perseverance...

To undo the oppression...

In the same way that non-stopped 'stereotyping' and 'discrimination' can do the same...

Political correctness can hide either underlying partisan narcissism...

Or even reverse discrimination...and social pampering...

The saddest, most tragic thing of all, is when everyone is so intimidated...

That no one is left to challenge the pathological boundaries of political correctness...

Or political incorrectness....

Conformity or non-conformity...

No one is left to search and obsess for truth...

To undo the repression...

The suppression...

And the oppression...

That leaves us all at least partly guilty...

For turning a blind eye to the oppression...

And above the oppression...

To whatever is hiding the truth...

-- dgb, March 20th, 2010,

-- David Gordon Bain,

-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...

-- Are Still In Process..

Right and Wrong is Not About Conformity vs. Non-Conformity....

If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist, it's another nonconformist who doesn't conform to the prevailing standard of nonconformity..
  - Bill Vaughan

For those who believe that The Jeffrey Masson Interview is about 'conformity' vs. 'non-conformity'...

Please, think again...

There is a lot of context and history behind this controversy...and it really is not about conformity vs. non-conformity...

It is about real or imagined childhood sexual abuse in the memories of female psychoanalytic patients...

And that is not about conformity vs. nonconformity...

It is about who is right and who is wrong...

Regardless of who the 'conformist' is and who the 'nonconformist' is...

And that should be based on a case by case analysis...

Not by any 'predetermined generalizations'...

What is true in a court of law...

Should also be true in a therapist's office...

Although, to be sure, a judge and a therapist have different jobs and different goals...

To carry out in society...

A judge to administer 'fair justice'...

A therapist to help his or her client 'get better'...

Still, in both cases, 

No predetermined decisions should ever be made...

Context and individual circumstances are of the utmost importance...

When a judge walks into a court of law...

For a particular case, 

He never steps into the same river twice...

And the same is true for a therapist...

A therapist when he enters his therapeutic office...

Never steps into the same river twice...

'Prefabrication' may work for houses....

But it doesn't work for either judges or therapists....or clients....

It doesn't matter whether the judge or the jury or the lawyer or the therapist or the theorist...

Is conformist or non-conformist...

It is all about a therapist doing his or her job according to what is 'epistemologically right'....

To the best of his or her ability...

Just like a judge in a court of law...

Pre-determined generalizations and pre-decisions...

Handed out carelessly and with no flexibility...

Just don't work....

-- dgb, January 19th, 2010.

-- David Gordon Bain

-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...

-- Are Still in Process...