Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Struggle in The Personality Between Narcissism and Altruism, Between Self and Social Interest, Between Self-Identity and Social Inclusion

An extreme narcissistic person is a 'self-a-holic'. 

An extreme approval-seeking person -- or 'pleaser' -- is a 'victim-a-holic' or a 'martyr-a-holic'. 

The extreme approval-seeker falls victim or prey to anyone and everyone with a stronger 'will-to-power' than him or her. Which is probably almost everyone except for maybe another approval-seeker...

Somewhere in between these two extreme types of people, or extreme 'bi-polar types', or extreme 'ego-states'

Lie the rest of us...battling between self-assertiveness or even self-preservation on the one hand, and social sensitivity and caring and real, old-fashioned 'altruism' towards one's fellow man on the other hand. 

This can be viewed as one of a number of 'dialectic paradoxes or dichotomies' in the existence of man: the dialectic struggle between narcissism and altruism, or between self and social interest, or between self-identity and social inclusion.  

Which way are we going to move? 

Or can we find that balance in the middle that makes us happy? 

Once again, dialectic-democratic integration becomes imperative to a healthy existence. 

-- dgb, March 16th, 2010

-- David Gordon Bain 

-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...

-- Are Still In Process...