Friday, October 21, 2011

More Thoughts on 'The Abyss' and 'The Monster' (Id, Shadow...)

Further revisions and extensions, October 25th, 26th, 2011...


We always deceive ourselves twice about the people we love — first to their advantage, then to their disadvantage. -- Albert Camus

All things truly wicked start from an innocence.  -- Ernest Hemingway


When I start using Nietzsche's concepts of 'The Abyss' and 'The Monster', I have this visual picture in my head....It's a bit morbid -- existential too, Freudian too -- sometimes the imagery comes to me such as now in a more 'academic' moment; other times, if I am feeling deathly sick, the imagery and whole experience becomes much more real...

Here I am, David Bain, looking over the precipace of 'life' and 'death', metaphorically if not literally a few times in my life....I'm staring into a deep, deep abyss, and I start to see two 'eyes' staring back at me....Am I hallucinating or is this real? Am I staring down into the eyes of a 'Shadow Life Monster' or a 'Shadow Death Monster'? Or is it both?

If I keep staring long enough into the Abyss, is it possible that I could be 'dragged down into the Abyss'? Or even jump? Or give the 'Monster' enough time, space, freedom, and energy to 'jump out of the abyss of my psyche' and into my 'Conscious Personality'?

Academically speaking, can I make a distinction between my 'Id Monster' and my 'Superego Monster'?

My Superego Monster seems to be ranging around in my conscious personality all the time, and when I get sick, or when I start thinking about what I wanted to achieve, and haven't achieved up to this point in my life, my Superego Monster can start going 'ballistic' on me -- 'bathing and toxifying me in self-loathing' like a character in a Doestevsky novel.

My 'Shadow-Id Monster' is of a different sort....He seems to dwell in the depths of my personality a la Nietzsche, Freud, and Jung. Usually, he stays down there -- indeed, I usually have lots of 'ego-defenders' to keep him 'chained up down there'....Still, he has enough power to 'send partly restrained amounts of either life and/or death energy up to any 'ego-state' in my conscious personality -- 'sexual energy' up to my 'hedonistic ego', 'creative-passionate energy' up to my 'creative-romantic ego', 'righteous energy' up to my 'righteous ego' (which can turn into my 'Superego Monster'), 'approval-seeking and/or co-operative energy' up to my 'approval-seeking, co-operative ego'...(which is the more 'wimpy', non-confrontational, non-assertive side of my character)....

Some of these different types of energies can collide with, oppose and contradict each other...especially as they fully manifest themselves in their respective ego-states. And all of these different 'ego-states' can themselves split into either a 'superior (topdog) ego position' or an 'inferior (underdog) ego position.

We have to recall that before 1920, Freud visualized the dialectic opposition between 'the sexual instincts' (with a 'sexual object' and 'sexual aim' in mind) and the 'self-preservative (ego) instincts' which were designed to 'keep our sexual instincts under normal, safe, civil, self-control', and not have them endanger or destroy us -- what can turn out to be a 'lose-lose situation' or even a 'win-lose situation' where the loss significantly over magnifies any 'win' before it...(like having an affair, getting caught, and losing your wife/husband and family because of it).

However, in 1914, Freud introduced the concept of 'narcissism' and this concept became front and centre in all further, evolving Freudian theory. It more or less, took the place of Freud's '(sexual) libido' theory because 'narcissism' became a new form of 'energy' theory containing both 'sexual instincts' and 'ego instincts' which blew away the line between 'sexual instincts' and 'self-preservative instincts' -- they both merged together under the concept of 'narcissism' which reflected 'the self-interests of the organism' whether that 'self-interest' was of a 'sexual' nature, an 'egotistic' nature, and/or a 'self-preservative' nature.

In this regard, you could start to see 'conflicts' developing within the concept of 'narcissism' itself -- such as 'approach-avoidance conflicts' between being boldly assertive vs. being more 'cautiously conservative and self-restrained'....
And our aforementioned conflict between 'the sexual (id) instincts' and 'the self-preservative (ego) instincts' still remained -- it was just that, again, the line between what we would normally call 'the ego' (defense) and 'the id' (sexual libido) had both been subsumed under the concept of 'narcissism', and thus, Freud had no conceptual 'dualism' left, heading into 1920.

You could probably say that there was a new 'dualism' between 'narcissism' and 'altruism' but Freud never, to my knowledge, seemed to write much about 'altruism' except as a type of 'sublimation' or 'diffusion' of underlying 'sexual impulse and energy' and/or 'narcissistic impulse and energy'.

One could argue that the root of all altruism is still narcissism -- this is a type of Ayn Rand philosophy (as well as Freudian philosophy), the idea being that when we say, 'I love you because you are hugely important to me', well, you can see here a 'merging of altruism and narcissism'....You could call 'love' -- either 'narcissistic altruism' or conversely, 'altruistic narcissism'....We are not going to treat anyone with 'love' (altruism) who we do not deem to be 'important to us' (narcissism).

 Anyways, we can say that this Freudian 'problem' of 'narcissism' blowing away the dualistic boundary between 'sex' and 'self-prervation' led to Freud's huge revisionism of 1920 (Beyond The Pleasure Principle) in which 'the life' and 'death instincts' both became incorporated within the concept/confines of 'the id' -- this latter part of the revision not taking place until 1923 when Freud wrote 'The Ego and The Id'.

My conceptuology above which borrows a couple of Nietzschean metaphors follows in line with this last revisionism on the part of Freud where he 'deposited' all 'life and death energy' into the confines of 'the id'.

If you are a psychotherapist or a client engaging in 'depth' psychology, it can be very useful to use the Nietzschean model of 'The Abyss' and 'The Monster'
as I have above, and line it up with 'Classic' Freudian Psychoanalysis with some modifications and extensions such as below...

My concept of 'The ID Vault' (think also of 'Impulse-Defense' Vault) as basically a synonym and substitute for 'The Abyss'. Turning to Jungian language, I also feel comfortable using Jung's famous concept of 'The Shadow' as another synonym and substitute for Nietzsche's metaphor of The Abyss....

The 'It', the 'id', the 'shadow', the 'disowned', the 'dissociated', the 'estranged', the 'suppressed', the 'repressed', the 'projected', the 'transferred', the 'sublimated'....all can be incorporated into one under-riding concept regardless of what we want to call it: I have basically brought this idea down to three or four concepts: 1. The Id (which can have 'free-flowing', 'partly free-flowing', or 'restrained/bound/imprisoned energy' in which case I bring into being my concept of ; 2. The Id Vault (restrained/bound/imprisoned Id energy); 3. The Shadow; 4. The (Nietzschean) Abyss (or 'The Black Pit').

Now the human personality is full of multiple dualisms, paradoxes, contradictions, and even hypocrisies. What might be totally 'intolerable' to one of our 'internal ego states' might be totally 'acceptable' to another....That is why most people can generally accept the dualistic ideas of 'ego' and 'alter-ego'...Robert Louis Stevenson published 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' in 1886 which, to give you a time line...

1.  Nietzsche had just finished writing 'Thus Spoke Zarathrusta' between 1883 and 1885, and wrote (or published) 'Beyond Good and Evil' the same year that Stevenson published Dr. Jekyll (1886)....Nietzsche would 'lose his sanity' on January 3rd, 1889.

2. Joseph Breuer -- later to hook up with Freud -- had clinically worked with 'Anna. O' (Bertha Pappenheim) between 1880 and 1882, in what is now usually regarded as 'the first case of psychoanalysis'. It would not be written up until the 'preliminary communications' of 'Studies on Hysteria', co-written by Freud and Breuer, in 1893.

3. Freud, in October, 1885 went to study with Charcot in Paris which became the turning point at which Freud moved away from neurology research and into the field of medical psychopathology and what would eventually turn into the study and practice of 'clinical psychology';

4. As Freud started advancing his ideas of a 'split between the conscious and unconscious self' -- and 'the defense/repression against unacceptable  ideas' (which started out as 'real memories' in Freud's work between 1893 and 1896, and then became 'repressed fantasies' after 1897, so too was Pierre Janet advancing his ideas of 'splits in consciousness' whereby 'two or more states of consciousness are dissociated from each other'....Janet was probably even a year or two ahead of Freud in that Freud was critiquing Janet's work in Freud's earliest papers on the study of hysteria and neurosis (1893), and trying to clearing distinguish the difference in their work, which may or may not have been more or less conceptually important. Janet coined the terms 'subconscious' and 'dissociation' as opposed to Freud's 'unconcious' and 'repression'. Both of Janet's terms/concepts here I prefer to Freud's because they are less 'definitionally confusing', less 'reductionistic' and, I believe, more clinically useful. I have already shown -- and will show more below -- that 'transference neuroses/complexes' can easily be linked to 'conscious early memories' (which Freud later called 'screen memories', minimizing as opposed to trumpeting their clinical significance). Freud was only interested in 'repressed' memories (or after 1896 'repressed fantasies') because for Freud in his early work it was the 'repression' that 'caused' the neurosis, and nothing less -- like 'suppression' or 'conscious dissociation' would do it. 'Repression', to this day, remains a troublesome concept -- a potential 'smoke and mirrors' concept that has no empirical -- or possibly even 'clinical' validity. Or alternatively, 'repression' -- as in a 'repressed memory' may be a 'rare bird' that only few therapists and/or clients may ever experience in or out of therapy. Most of us 'remember' our childhood traumacies -- only too clearly. And our 'remembering them very clearly' does not stop them from being 'neurotically and/or erotically operative' as 'transference/lifestyle neuroses/complexes/games' for our whole lives.  What Freud called 'the repetition compulsion' does not have to be 'unconscious' or 'repressed' to be neurotically/erotically operative although it is usually carried on 'out of consciousness' or 'out of awareness' -- i.e., in Janet's word -- 'subconsciously'.
Are we knit-picking over our choice of words. Maybe -- or maybe not. A discussion or debate that we will perhaps pick up again at another time. There are many similar and different comparative and contrasting angles between the two competing theorists/therapists that are worth investigating in greater depth. Just not here.

Whether we want to talk about 'dissociative splits in consciousness' as in 'dissociative splits between ego states' or we want to talk about 'splits between conscious and sub/unconscious impulses' (the ego vs. the id, or the personna vs. the shadow), all of this partly similar, partly different conceptuology and terminology can be viewed as being like one big 'spider's nest' that weaves its way inward towards the 'core figure' of 'the spider', the Monster in the Abyss and/or in The Superego, the Identification and/or Compensatory Hero...'the transference neurosis'....

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Nor could Freud...properly...

Because he was too busy looking for either 'sexually repressed memories' and/or 'sexually repressed fantasies'....

Which drew the common criticism of 'pansexualism' and 'scientific (or non-scientific) reductionism'...

Let me give you this example, kinda like an 'excavation' example that Freud used to use.

Let us say that Freud was a 'building contractor' and had information suggesting that there was 'gold' -- or alternatively a 'skeleton' -- buried somewhere behind one of the walls in your house, although he didn't know which wall. If you wanted it taken out from behind one of the walls, then he and his work crew would have to start opening up the walls in the house, wall by wall, until he found where the 'gold' (or 'skeleton') in your house was actually hidden....

Then I came along as a second building contractor and concurred with Freud that there was indeed 'gold' (or a 'skeleton' -- indeed, maybe more than one 'gold bar' or more than one 'skeleton') buried behind one of the walls in your house but that I knew just exactly which wall that it was, indeed, it was the wall in your front closet, and that therefore, I would not have to tear apart all of the rest of the walls in your house, needlessly....

Which 'contractor' would you hire to 'find your gold' (or get rid of your 'skeleton')?

The one likely to be cheaper, faster, and more efficient, which, in this case, would be me -- providing I was telling you the truth, and that I indeed knew what I was talking about -- i.e., more specifically knew where the 'gold' or 'skeleton' was exactly hidden....

I am not trying to underestimate, or undervalue, the meaning and importance of good 'psychotherapy' -- regardless of what school of psychology it derives from. There are good and bad psychotherapists, and ones who care more than others, in every school of psychology out there, and there are often 'different routes' to the same 'core, nuclear conflict or problem'.

Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen, and Fritz Perls learned more about 'body and character armour' than most therapists, and could get a client quickly to a point of 'grief and crying' simply by say, rubbing his/her eyes, or to a point of 'anger and rage' by perhaps 'rubbing his/her jaw' or getting him to 'clench and unclench his fist'...assuming their was 'locked in tension' in one of these three areas...

A properly trained, reputable massage psychotherapist can often do the same...and perhaps cut through 'intellectual and/or emotional resistances' much faster than other types of therapists from other schools of psychotherapy who are working with words only that may keep a client 'locked up in his head' -- and unable and/or unwilling to 'feel' his or her bodily and/or emotional sensations.

There are different 'phases' of psychotherapy -- an 'awareness' phase, a 'working and sorting through' phase, and a 'willingness to try different choices' phase -- and there has always been a push both inside and outside Psychoanalysis to cut down the number of inefficient sessions to help a client to get to a better place involving better day to day choices as quickly and efficiently/effectively as possible.

Coming at least partly from an Adlerian (as well as a Gestalt) paradigm, I am prepared to say to you that...

You can usually, if not always, find 'your gold' and/or your 'skeleton', or alternatively, find some of the most important answers to 'The Riddle of  your Id, Ego, and/or Superego Monster(s)' -- as well as your 'Internalized Super Heroes' -- in your earliest, conscious memories...which you can get to in a matter of minutes as opposed to seemingly endless, far less efficient, sessions...searching for unconscious and/or 'repressed' memories that may or may not exist, and/or may not even be worth 'the transference interpretation value', time, and energy that it takes to 'dig them out'.

The Adlerian route -- or my modified Freudian-Adlerian route -- can take far less time to find 'valuable transference-lifestyle memories' that do not have to take you half of your lifetime as a 'student analyst' to figure out how and where to find them, and how to interpret them properly -- or let the client 'play out' the memory in such a fashion that he or she can learn 'more experientially' how he or she has, in effect, 'introjected' the 'entire memory' into his or her 'transference template' and 'character structure' in such a way that the memory becomes the 'initial prototype' for an ongoing, evolving, 're-creation' and/or 'repetition compulsion' that takes on a life of its own -- in a 'phobic' and/or 'counter-phobic, obsessive-compulsive' manner -- for likely the rest of the person's life...'To be or not to be' -- in the sphere of a 'transference phobia and/or obsession' -- can essentially become...'To strive for perceived self-psychotherapy at the risk of perceived self-destruction...If you want to get back on the horse again, you have to risk falling off of it again....

Put another way, ideally, if I have 'three clusters of points on your personal, evolutionary graph' -- 1. your childood early memories, plus a brief description of your 'family constellation' (i.e. your relationship growing up with your mother, father, sisters and brothers, plus any important extended family members...), any other close friends and/or mentors and/or 'enemies' who might have influenced the direction of your early life...2. a brief, evolutionary history of the time period between your early childhood and present adulthood, including any major relationships, relationship breakups, deaths or sicknesses, other possible types of traumacies...achievements and celebrations, mentors....3. your present, here and now ('existential') life, including all major relationships, recent or current stresses and/or traumacies, achievements and celebrations, etc.....

If I have these 'three major clusters of points' to work with, then in my head, I can start 'drawing lines' between individual and clusters of points in each time period and their similar (or opposite) type of occurence in the other two time periods of your life....This is what I call a 'transference-lifestyle analysis' which intermixes some of the fundamental concepts and theories of both Freudian and Adlerian Theory (Adler didn't believe in 'conflict' in the personality whereas I do) with perhaps some elements of Nietzschean, Jungian, and/or Gestalt philosophy-psychology thrown into the 'psychic stew' as well...

We 'introject' (or 'internalize') our earliest, conscious memories in such a fashion that they 1. become 'templates' for our 'psychic structure'; and 2. become metaphors for our entire life history -- or at least the seemingly 'pre-determined, fatalistic part of it'...the 'lifestyle-transference' part of it...

These 'lifestyle-transference scripts' are partly amenable to change but with usually great difficulty and only partly....I support much of what Freud wrote in his classic paper on transference -- 'The Dynamics of The Transference' (1912). Combine that paper with what Adler wrote on his concept of 'lifestyle' and the interconnection between a person's 'lifestyle' and his 'conscious early memories' and you have the essence of my concept of 'transference-lifestyle scripts'...

If you buy into this strategy, you will easily find that it also solves the 'memory' vs. 'fantasy' conundrum....

We live a life that is both 'reality-bound' and 'fantasy-driven'....and very, very often the two are as interconnected as our left and right hands, our left and right brains, and Adler's concepts of 'inferiority/insecurity feelings' and 'superiority-striving'....The superiority-striving -- regardless of what direction it might take, if it is linked to 'the inferiority feeling' becomes a 'compensatory and/or defensive measure' taken to 'alleviate', 'reverse', and/or 'celebrate' our 'mastery' over previously debilitating inferiority/insecurity feeling....

For Freud to 'abandon' his 'traumacy-reality theory' in favor of his later 'fantasy-longing-wish-fulfillment theory', would be like Adler abandoning his 'inferiority complex' theory in favor of his 'superiority-striving' theory....
For Adler, the two 'half theories' made up a 'complete whole' theory...Why Freud didn't do the same thing in terms of integrating his 'fantasy-wish-fulfillment' theory with his previous 'reality-traumacy' theory is beyond me...To me, it implies to this day that there were 'neurotic elements' in Freud's own personal and professional life back in 1895 and 1896 that 'motivated' Freud to 'dissociate' his 'reality-traumacy' theory from his 'fantasy-longing theory'... And Classical Psychoanalysis has paid to this day for Freud's 1896 'dissociation' of his previous 'reality-traumacy' theory....

In contrast, if you read my paper 'The First True Case of Psychoanalysis', I don't think you will find any psychoanalyst or psychoanalytic historian, or Adlerian psychologist for that matter, before or after Freud died who has given a 'transference-lifestyle analysis' the way that I did in the paper cited above.

I credit that analysis with my being able to integrate a part of Freudian theory with what I learned studying Adlerian theory for two years in Toronto -- backed up by what I learned at The Gestalt Institute in different workshops and programs between 1979 and 1991. And the fact that my own earliest memory just happens to be remarkably similar to Freud's -- allowing for some 'creative tranference projection' on my own part...

Little Siggy was evicted from his parents' master bedroom by his irate dad for busting in at the most inappropriate time....

Little David, about 4 years old, the same age as little Siggy, was evicted from the front door of my friend's house by my friend's irate mother for ringing their doorbell too many times, too early in the morning...I can only surmise that she was sleeping or otherwise not wanting to come to the door...but that didn't take away any of the shock and petrification that prevented yours truly from being able to coherently say anything, or even being able to move a muscle, until the door was slammed in my face....To this day, I still have nightmare-dreams of being caught in a perilous situation -- and not being able to move a muscle...

Freud's 'rejecting topdog' or 'internal object' was his rejecting pertains to the 'transference complex' stemming from his first memory...

My 'rejecting topdog' or 'internal object' was a 'strange woman' (although it could be extended to the relationship with my father as well -- regarding 'petrification in response to his volatile temper')....

The 'transference game' out of Freud's earliest conscious memory had several different variations or elements off the same overall theme -- 'reversing the transference rejection'....Such as:

1. Two men 'analyzing' a female 'client' (sexual object);

2. Freud 'taming' a 'here-and-now, adult, projective transference figure' of his father (i.e, Freud's own internalized rejecting object) by keeping the 'projective transference figure' (eg. Fliess, Jung) 'happy' with Freud's ongoing 'performance of achievement' -- as Freud strove to do with Fliess, and to a lesser extent, Jung (caught inside his 'approval-seeking ego state' until the point at which he finally became cold on both of them -- his 'rejecting topdog or underdog ego-state' and/or 'anal-schizoid' topdog or underdog ego state);

3. Freud rejecting other adult men (his co-workers and students) as his father rejected little Siggy for 'unbecoming behavior' and/or 'unacceptable performance'.

My transference pattern follows much the same route as numbers 2 and 3 in Freud's case...More particularly, I would say that I have:

1. 'Power battle-Abandonment Issues with both 'anal-schizoid' women and 'authoritarian men';

2. An 'approval-seeking neurosis' with both men and women -- or at least with some men and women of more judgmental personalities;

3. A 'narcissistic, anal-schizoid neurosis' where I would prefer to be in my own fantasy world (in my head, thinking, integrating, creating, writing) than in the company of other live, people (not always but often) -- to the point where I will 'snap' at someone who interrupts me at the wrong moment or 'rings my doorbell too loud and too often' when I am 'preocuppied' with what's happening inside my own 'fantasy world';

4. An over-compensating, over-liberal, over-nurturing father who didn't come down hard enough on his/my son's homework and essay procrastinations -- but he's doing well enough in his career as a young arborist and as foreman of his work crew to put his father's guilt to rest;

I have another early memory of driving in the deserts outside of Yakama, Washington with my dad (we lived in Yakama when I was about 5 or 6 years old and my dad spent a lot of time driving with me on both business trips -- I am his eldest son -- and on social family trips ) and somehow, perhaps through direct questioning, or simply his informing me, I ascertained that there were 'rattlesnakes living up in the desert hills', which left an anxiety-provoking image in my head, and my deciding that the desert hills were no place that I wanted to visit on foot...

In our early childhood memories -- just as in our dreams -- we are every part of our memory: indeed, our memory becomes our own personal 'psycho-drama' templated into our psyche in the form of what are being referred to here as 'transference-lifestyle scripts'....And like Freud said in his earliest works (Studies on Hysteria, The Aetiology of Hysteeria), memories 'co-operate' with each other in that they can be like the different angles of a spider's net weaving towards the centre of the net: the 'primary or integrative transference-lifestye complex'

In this memory, the 'rattlesnake' 'co-operates and integrates' with the 'rejecting friend's mother' from my first memory....creating the image of the 'rattlesnake mother' (the anti-thesis of my own mother) who can 'strike' with a 'ratttlesnake bite', with or without a 'rattle warning'....vs. the kid who has learned from prior experience 'not too get too close' or within 'striking distance'....Thus, the rattlesnake lives his own solitary existence is a very desolate, non-human environment, and the curious little boy has learned not to encroach into the rattlesnake's territory....

On the other hand, this memory also has created a 'transference template' within me around the activity of 'driving' both for business and for pleasure....and whenever I get too close to the 'rattlesnakes' of the corporate world, I usually go back to 'driving' for a living where I am generally a safer distance away from the 'corporate rattlesnakes'....

The metaphor of the 'rattlesnake' might be a bit of 'overkill'....

But memories -- as well as dreams -- can be analyzed in terms of their 'symbolic, metaphorical signifance' (in addition to their 'reality content')...and so too, can the 'obsessive-compulsive, adult transference scenes' played out many years later be symbolically or metaphorically analyzed in terms of their childhood 'prototype transference scenes'...

You get the idea...

We will leave it at that..

Perhaps I am also partly warming up for an eventual critical analysis of  Freud's often acclaimed masterpiece, 'The Interpretation of Dreams'....
We will get there when we get there...
-- dgb, October 21st, 2011,

-- David Gordon Bain

-- Dialectical Bridges are still being crossed...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Tribute To Nietzsche on His Birthday and His Foreshadowing of The Work of Freud and Jung....My Integrations....'The Monster in The Abyss'....and 'The Taming of The Transference Dragon'....

Reconstructed and expanded again, October 17th, 2011...

Friedrich Nietzsche, born October 15th, 1844....Died August 25th, 1900...

Maybe I am not doing proper justice to Nietzsche here...but I thought I would pay tribute to him on his birthday by combining two of his more famous quotes...and then adding a little more...

However, before we get there, below is an assortment of original Nietzschean quotes from the website 'Brainy Quotes'...

And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Here is one that I really like....

All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Another one I like...

Before the effect one believes in different causes than one does after the effect.
Friedrich Nietzsche

And an assortment more...

Character is determined more by the lack of certain experiences than by those one has had.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Does wisdom perhaps appear on the earth as a raven which is inspired by the smell of carrion?
Friedrich Nietzsche

Egoism is the very essence of a noble soul.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Every man is a creative cause of what happens, a primum mobile with an original movement.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Experience, as a desire for experience, does not come off. We must not study ourselves while having an experience.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme positions. (This one sounds like Hegel and/or Nietzsche from his first book, 'The Birth of Tragedy'. -- dgb)
Friedrich Nietzsche

This one has a zinger attached to it...

Faith: not wanting to know what is true.
Friedrich Nietzsche

They keep coming...

Fanatics are picturesque, mankind would rather see gestures than listen to reasons.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Fear is the mother of morality.
Friedrich Nietzsche
He who cannot give anything away cannot feel anything either.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Here's the other quote I was looking for...the first and the last one, often highlighted on the tv show, Criminal Minds

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.  Friedrich Nietzsche


And now for my integrative creation....for better or for worse...I think I have something worthwhile to add here....

If we stare too long or too deeply into our own private Abyss, our 'Id Vault' or 'Shadow', we may find a 'Monster' that stares back at us....(Or perhaps the ghost of Nietzsche still trying to free himself from the Abyss of his own insanity)...a 'Monster' -- symbolic or real --ready to pull us down with him....or ready to jump up, out of our Abyss, and into our Conscious Personality...our 'Conscious Ego-as-a-Whole' bring either darkness to the light of our day...or bring 'light' and 'healing' to the darkness of our day...

Our 'Monster' can be a 'Bad Guy' who brings us nothing but bad will, destruction and self-destruction....and/or our 'Monster'...our 'Id' or 'It' or 'Shadow' can sometimes be a'Superhero' who has the potential to 'cure us' of our 'neurosis' and/or 'psychopathology' or even to cure the 'socio-neurosis' and/or 'socio-psychopathology' of a whole culture that cannot or will not see its own 'neurotic cultural blindspot' or 'centre of socio-psychopathology'....Erich Fromm called this 'the pathology of normalcy' and R.D. Laing and Thomas Szaz -- as well as many other well-known socio-psychologists -- spent much of their professional careers emphasizing the 'neurotic and/or pathological cultural factors' involved in 'individual neurosis and psychopathology' that can be like 'the canary in the coal mine'...

Only there may be thousands and thousands of 'canaries' showing basically the same pathological symtoms -- metaphorically speaking, 'lack of oxygen, vibrancy, passion, movement, and life' -- for example, some form of 'existential neurosis', 'chronic depression', 'covert, overt, and/or displaced/transferred anxiety and/or rage', etc...

Our 'monster from our abyss' could be our own personal 'Compensatory Superhero' to protect us against those might be trying to 'squeeze the existential life and passion out of us'...

These 'cultural pathologies -- disguised as 'cultural norms and written or unwritten laws' in a society that may not be 'normal' at all -- may indeed be hostile to human growth and wellness -- and, in their cultural pathology, these sociopathological norms may contribute to the growth of individual 'psychopathology', 'neurosis', 'mental illness', physical illness, the imprisonment and/or institutionalization of men and women who do not deserve to be imprisoned or institutionalized, and the suppression, repression, oppression... of upper, middle, and/or lower classes for the same or different reasons...

'The Monster', the 'Bad Guy' or 'The Bad Guy turned Superhero' --  such as Nietzsche in his hayday with his 'rhetorically hard-hitting Hammer' -- can be either 'bad' or 'good' depending on the context of the situation -- and what is being 'rhetorically hammered away at' (i.e., 'deconstructed'), metaphorically speaking, of course. 

Every 'corrupt' or 'narcissistically pathological' culture needs a 'Bad Guy-Superhero' to stand up with courage against all that needs to be 'culturally detoxified and cleansed'...and against all those with power who abuse and exploit that power, and do not want to see the status-quo changed...who profit or otherwise benefit from the status-quo the way it is -- in ways that are conspiring to hurt and/or even kill innocent people in the process...

Freud could have been one of those Courageous-Bad Guy-Superheroes' (and still partly was one) but he either ran out of ethical-moral courage (Masson's thesis) and/or he simply had other 'fish to fry' -- namely his Dream Theory, Fantasy Theory, Instinctual Impulse Theory, Childhood Sexuality Theory, Oedipal Theory...-- that he thought (he was mistaken) opposed his Traumacy and Seduction Theories...

Professionally speaking, it was not Freud's 'traumacy theory' that his scientific co-workers and superiors were 'all bent out of shape about'...For example, on November 29th, 1895, Freud writes to Fliess that 'I am in top working form, have nine to eleven hours of hard work, six to eight analytic cases a day -- the most beautiful things, of course, all sorts of new material.' 

It was not Freud's and Breuer's 'traumacy theory' that was causing the good doctors of Vienna grief but rather Freud's sliding more and more into the 'sexual traumacy etiology' formula -- which evolved into 'The Seduction Theory' of early 1896: Freud theorized -- much to chagrin of his co-author of 'Studies on Hysteria', Breuer, who Freud was becoming more and more estranged from -- that his adult patients had been 'sexually assaulted' and/or, more lightly put, 'seduced' as young children, and that it was 'the repression' of this childhood memory of a 'real event' (or series of memories of such events) that was the underlying 'essential cause' of 'hysteria'. This was the part of Freud's theory -- not entirely supported by even Breuer (Breuer thought that Freud was 'overgeneralizing' which he was, and furthermore, Breuer was more 'politically attuned' to what kind of 'reaction' Freud was going to get if he launched this new theory -- uncompromised and unconditionalized -- on the scientfic community. On both counts, Breuer was right, and on the evening of April 21st, 1896, Freud took the full wrath and ridicule of The Vienna Psychiatry and Neurology Society...the leader, Krafft-Ebing, again calling Freud's newest essay and theory a 'scientific fairy tale'....

However, there were underlying 'ethical' (and/or narcissistic, unethical) reasons, at work amongst the scientific community, some of which they would own up to, and some of which, perhaps they wouldn't.

First and foremost, none of the doctors of Vienna wanted to 'probe into the privacy of their patiencts' sexual lives'. There was also the issue of how much 'reality story' a therapist/doctor was getting from his 'hysterical client' vs. how much 'fantasy story' the therapist/doctor might be getting from his patient, with neither the patient nor the well-intentioned doctor perhaps being able to 'sort out what was what' -- how much was 'reality story' and how much was 'fantasy story'. Perhaps, in the end, this too became Freud's own biggest conundrum.

Beneath that, there was the 'unadmitted potential conspiracy theory' advanced by Masson that none of the 'good doctors' wanted anything to do with the legal ramifications of Freud's 'childhood sexual assault' theory, nor in particular, might some of the doctors want anyone prying into their own private sexual lives, and what they might be doing behind their own closed doors at home.

Has any of this really changed today?

The only theory I am prepared to advance at this point in time is that there was a 'Perfect Storm' coming together in the spring of 1896:

1. Freud's advancing 'Dream and Fantasy Theory', some of it perhaps more influenced by Fliess than academics have usually given him credit for. Fliess might have been a far more intelligent man than most of the academics have surmised -- intelligent, assertive, persuasive, self-confident, narcissistic -- even if he and/or some/many of his 'seemingly hare-brained, offside' theories didn't go anywhere except perhaps down a 'neurotic, pathological trail' that Freud unbelievably followed, like a little puppy dog or like a man completely intoxicated and/or in love -- 'starry-eyed, approval-seeking, and submissive' in the context of another man's perceived intellectual superiority and willingness to stand alone in the face of significant social and professional confrontation and ostracism brought on by the man's 'outrageous, risky, new theories' that others are dumbfounded by, and/or abhorred by....There were some heavy-duty, over-idealized and over-idolized 'projective transferences' going on here that suggest that Freud was looking through a mirror at his 'idealized, narcissistic, self'...and Freud for the better part of seventeen years between 1887 and 1904 basically used Fliess as his own private 'psychoanalyst';

2. The Emma Ekstein medical fiasco of February, 1895, with Freud and Fliess as her unintentional 'medical victimizers' -- the incident didn't seem to bother Fliess much even though it was he who left 'the long piece of gauze' in her nasal cavity without telling anyone, and then headed back from Vienna to Berlin. Freud was much more bothered by it -- for the better part of a year he was riddled with guilt -- until, under Fliess' influence -- on April 26th, 1896, Freud writes to Fliess...


'First of all, Ekstein. I shall be able to prove to you that you were right, that her episodes of bleeding were hysterical, were occasioned by longing, and probably occurred at the sexually relevant times (the woman, out of resistance, has not yet supplied me with the dates).'


 Ouch! This, to me, reads like Freud himself having difficulty separating 'reality theory' from 'fantasy theory'....'rationalization', 'justification', 'denial'...seemed to have been his relevant 'defence mechanisms'...for what seems like a pretty clear-cut story of two 'medically offside doctors' in this case engaging in an application of Fliess' brand new 'nasal-sexual theory' that Freud bought into and which may have had more to do with their shared 'cocaine misadventures' than anything else that makes sense (and quite possibly, knowing Freud's propensity for 'giving out cocaine like candy in his earlier years' perhaps even Emma Ekstein was involved). Horrifically, Ekstein almost bled to death due to another unsuspecting doctor, weeks later, arriving at the scene of Emma's infected nasal passage that wouldn't heal (Fliess was long gone back to Berlin) -- and pulling at something in her nasal passage that shockingly became visible as the 'lost gauze in her nasal passage' that Fliess put in there -- and then forgot about. Freud put together this 'longing' theory in his April 26th and May 4th letters to Fliess, this 'longing' theory became the essence of Freud's evolving 'fantasy' and 'wish-fulfillment' theory which lay at the heart of his thesis in 'The Interpretation of Dreams', also his new, evolving theory of hysteria...and the essence of what is still known today as 'Classical' Psychoanalysis, built on the ashes of Freud's earlier 'traumacy, sexual traumacy, and/or seduction theories';

3. The Scientific Meeting of the evening of April 21st, 1896 seems to have been the 'icing on the cake' for the demise of the 'traumacy-seduction theories'....Freud partly held on a little longer but by the fall of 1897, he no longer believed in the traumacy and seduction theories; in their place he was just in the process of creating his new 'childhood sexuality' and 'Oedipal' theories...and the rest is history...

Freud could have been a Hero for The Women's Rights Movement, and instead, for whatever the reason, he ended up seemingly 'betraying' The Women's Rights Movement, seemingly betraying his female clients -- at least betraying a trust in their credibiltiy to deliver to him, 'true, reality-based memories' -- and in particular, Freud betrayed those women amongst his clients, and indeed, those female clients belonging to the whole history of Psychoanalysis after 1897 who actually were sexually assaulted as children...and treated like they were not...

Ah, Freud could have been a greater hero than he was if only he had known how to 'put Humpty Dumpty back together again -- properly -- which he did not'...

In order to have done this, Freud would have had to hang in there more forcefully with his 'traumacy' and 'seduction' theories which of course he did not -- perhaps he started to 'lose moral courage in the light of The Emma Ekstein affair, and/or in light of professional, political, and economic leverage possibly being used against him 'to help motivate him' -- shall we call it 'negative reinforcement' -- to change his latest 'scientific fairy tale theory', after April 21st, 1896.

We will never know for sure.

Freud's 'Abandonment of The Traumacy-Seduction Theories' remains an essentially, unsolved mystery except in the eyes of those academics and professionals who hang hard on Freud's reasons to Fliess, and later publicly written up reasons for doing what he did back in his obviously very stressful spring of 1896... In one letter to Fliess -- I cannot find the exact letter right now -- Freud wrote that he was 'morally exhausted'....But did he 'morally cave'....or did he hang in there strong enough to do what he thought was 'morally, theoretically, and clinically right' -- that is the question!  One thing for sure, he did not write much about childhood sexual abuse for the rest of his is hard not to say that he knew 'which side of his bread was buttered on'....Would any of us have been any different under the extenuating circumstances where none of his professional co-workers and superiors wanted to read or hear about what he had to say in this department? Not that the whole subject matter of 'childhood sexuality' was anymore welcomed, but at least it didn't have any possible 'legal ramifications' attached to it...

The paradoxical part of this whole theoretical and therapeutic conundrum is that you can reach back into most of Freud's and Breuer's case histories and find just as much 'fantasy theory' as you can 'reality theory'...women suppressing their 'fantasies' as well as their 'traumacies'...both 'sexual' and 'non-sexual', 'romantic' and 'non-romantic'...the minute you try to 'compartmentalize' human thinking, feeling, and acting, you are bound to be dissappointed unless you decide to use 'multi-bi-polar compartments' because, otherwise, 'human behavior' will always 'slip outside of your theorized compartments' -- even your/my 'multi-bi-polar ones'....But at least my 'multi-bi-polar compartments' can capture more human behavior than either of Freud's 'reality theory' or 'fantasy theory' taken separately....

You cannot separate man from either of his 'real perceptions' or his 'fantasized perceptions' and try to pretend that you have a theory that covers 'the all of human behavior'...That's what Freud tried to do -- first going the one way, then the opposite way, like physisists first postulated the 'particle theory' of matter and then 'the wave theory' until one 'dialectically integrative' physicist -- I have forgotten which one at this moment -- came up with the brilliant idea of integrating the two opposing theories together in what became known as 'Quantum Physics'....

Freud and Classical Psychoanalysis unfortunately never evolved that far -- at least until now, and what you are reading here -- 'the anal retentive, introjecting' Classical Psychoanalysts continued to buy into the fossilized 'Classical' version of what Freud gave us, and the 'smarter, more flexible, evolving psychoanalysts opted out of Classical Psychoanalysis, and into Object Relations, Self-Psychology, Lacanian Psychoanalysis, Bionian Psychoanalysis, or whatever else...

And I am doing what someone should have done a long time ago -- 're-integrating a split personality in Psychoanalysis' -- or today it might be called 'dissociative identity disorder'....'Fantasy' Psychoanalysis (1896-1939) was -- and still is -- the alter-ego of 'Reality Psychoanalysis' (1893-1896)...And Freud couldn't put the two together properly....thus, Psychoanalysis became 'dissociated' from its 'Central, Reality-Processing, Ego -- or that part of the Central Ego dealing with the proper perception, interpretation, and evaluation of reality' once Freud fell in love with 'Instinct Theory, Fantasy Theory, Dream Theory, Childhood Sexuality Theory, and of course...'The Oedipal Complex'....Perhaps Freud's 'Narcissistic Theory' was meant as a 'compromise-formation' between 'ego and self-esteem theory' (Adler) on the one hand, and his sexually based theories on the other hand. Also, Freud's 'death instinct' theory was purposely or non-purposedly used to go back and 'cover up' where Freud's earlier 'Traumacy Theory' went AWOL...

Even Freud had his 'Abysses' and 'Monsters' and he did not always handle them properly...
What have you got holed up down there in your Abyss, or 'locked up in your 'Id Vault'? -- a 'good, life energy' that you are 'over-suppressing', 'over-restraining'? Or a 'toxic, death or destructive energy' that may need the help of a good therapist to help you 'detoxify' and 'heal' it slowly?

If we have 'over-suppressed life energy' trapped down in our Abyss, in our Id Vault, then with or without help, we need to bring it up out of 'The Shadow' of our personality and into our 'Conscious Ego Domain' -- into your interactions with the world to give our life more of the 'passion, intensity, vibrancy, and engagement' that we all need to live a 'full life', not a 'half a life' or an 'estranged life'.

On the other hand, if our Abysss or Id Vault is full of 'toxic, transference complexes', then it would be prudent to be a lot more careful -- probably with professional help -- in the way that we deal with and aim to 'detoxify' or 'tame' these 'bad Monster transference complexes'.

Maybe some of these negative forces shouldn't be released at all -- and in the worst case scenarios -- it may be the person himself who needs to be 'institutionalized' if he or she has shown an inability to 'restrain toxic id forces' in his or her personality that are capable of unleashing 'harmful destruction' on either the world and/or on him or herself. We see this type of person -- the worst of the worst -- in horrific newspaper articles, journals, and/or books, on any 'Criminal Minds' show that we may happen to watch...'the violent serial victimizers'...

Nietzsche's 'Abyss' and 'Monster' were the precursors to Freud's 'Id'....and Jung's 'Shadow'...

When I was writing my earliest papers on 'Transference' back in the 1980s, I once was going to title the largest of these papers: 'Transference: Taming The Dragon'....the idea being that the 'tail of the dragon' was our 'childhood traumatic memories' and 'the head of the dragon was our 'here-and-now transference projections, identifications, compensations, reaction-formations, re-creations, repetition-compulsions, sublimations, dissociations, complexes, ego-games...'.

Our 'transference complexes and/or games' are largely subconscious, very obsessive-compulsive, very addictive, and at times, can be highly destructive and/or self-destructive...or the reverse....brilliantly creative, enlightening,  constructive to the ongoing evolution of man and society....

Freud at the toddler age of 3 or 4 was prevented by his dad from 'being enlightened' on just exactly what he saw when he busted in unexpectedly to his parents' bedroom....He spent most of his entire adult life addressing the issue of 'sexuality' relative to 'normal' and 'neurotic' human behavior, spending thousands of hours on this subject matter, 'enlightening himself'  where his dad wouldn't...

Alfred Adler had a case of 'rickets' that prevented him from walking until he was four years old, and Adler also came close to dying of pneumonia when he was four years old...Hearing the doctor say to his father, 'Your boy is lost' due to the pneumonia, it was at this young age that Adler decided he was going to be a physician.

Furthermore, Adler introduced Freud and The Vienna Circle to the idea of 'organ inferiority' and 'organ compensation' that later, after Adler had separated from Freud, Adler turned into two of his most important concepts -- 'the inferiority feeling' and 'the (compensatory) striving for superiority' (which can be in either a positive and/or a negative, 'neurotic' or 'pathological' way)...

The closest Freud came to Adler's concept of 'compensation' and 'superiority striving' was towards 1920 (particularly in 'Beyond The Pleasure Principle', 1920), when Freud started writing about 'the mastery compulsion' but unfortunately Freud left this path and went 'the death instinct' path instead....Bad choice -- Freud would have been better off advancing the idea of 'the mastery compulsion', particularly if he hadn't become 'professionally neurotic' himself because then he could have reached back into his 'full bag of theoretical and therapeutic wisdom' and advanced a theory like this (with Adler's help):

1. 'Traumatic and/or Narcissistic Early Childhood Transference Memory and/or Relationship' leads to....

2. 'Inferiority Feeling and Complex' ('Lifelong Narcissistic/Self-Esteem Injury) which leads to...

3. 'Compensatory Superiority Striving of Different But Interconnected Types (Melanie Klein's 'Positions'; Eric Berne's 'Ego States' such as: 'The Approval-Seeking Child' Position, 'The Angry, Schizoid Child' Position, 'The Angry, Aggressive Child' Position, 'The Narcissistic, Hedonistic, Rebellious Child' Position, 'The Nurturing (and/or 'Approval-Seeking') Parent' Position, 'The Narcissistic-Hedonistic Parent' Position, 'The Righteous, Ethical Parent' Position...)

Usually one of these particular 'ego-positions or states' tends to dominate and becomes what Adler called the person's 'life style (plan)', or what Jung called 'The Personna'...while another particular 'opposing position' (alter-ego) becomes 'suppressed' or 'dissociated' and is pushed back into the 'The Id Vault', 'The Abyss', 'The Shadow'....of the subconscious or 'the strongly restrained conscious (alter-ego)'... 

From the 'intra-psychic dynamics' of our different 'ego-states' interacting with each other, and their 'projection' into 'our external world encounters' so too follows the particular dynamics of our 'transference ego-complexes and games'...which we often tend to either play out 'neurotically and erotically with our chosen love partner' or alternatively often play out in 'authoritarian employer/employee relations' or even 'family or friendship relationships' and very often also through 'the sublimation of our transference work energies'....

Such is 'The Universal Nature of Transference Intra-Psychic and Inter-Social Dynamics'   

In order to 'tame our transference dragon' -- Nietzsche's Monster -- we need to be able to fully understand all of the 'characteristics' of our dragon and how it can pull us down into our own Private Abyss, our Private Hell...or alternatively, 'break loose' -- like in a 'prison break' (often under the influence of alcohol, drugs, stress, rejection, loss...) and visit us up in our 'Conscious Ego' from the depths of our 'Id Vault'...or 'Nietzschean Abyss' or the 'place of residence' ('Hell') of our 'Faustian Devil'...

Ideally speaking, once we have a full transference understanding of our own unique particular dragon....and its particular strengths, attractions, repulsions, and dangers....

Then perhaps we might be able to look down into our own Private Abyss...and not be quite so afraid...

When we look face to face with our own private dragon...

Perhaps we really have 'tamed' it....

Perhaps we can say to ourselves -- and mean it -- 'I am not going to play this silly, destructive 'Transference Dragon' game anymore...

It may be exciting, scary, dangerous, exhillarating when we win....

But I am tired and getting too old to keep falling off this 'Dragon Roller Coaster game of love and hate...serial seduction and abandonment... lust, power, sexual conquest, and/or rejection...The Don Juan Syndrome, Sexual Addiction, Serial Seductionism and its Neandrathal Cousin -- Serial Sexual Assault....often attractive men in either looks and/or charismatic charm....coming from a subjectively perceived position of 'narcissistic sexual power' and/or its opposite -- with the 'partial id monster' of a rejecting and/or abandoning female transference figure in his childhood (usually the mother) playing a dominant role in this type of man's 'transference psycho-dynamics'.....

Maybe there is an interconnection between our sexual hormones and our Transference our sexual hormones start to slow up, so too does our Transference (Love and Lust) Dragon start to get a little more lethargic....Personally, I would say that 'transference dynamics' tend to escalate and/or remain steady between about 20 and 50 and then start to de-escalate after that with more transference awareness and/or less transference energy....or simply the reluctance to continue to get involved in this type of 'rocky, unstable, high psycho-drama' fashion...


Or maybe not...

Battling with our 'transference dragons' is usually more or less...

A lifelong process....

Those first five or six years are pretty darn critical...

A network of early childhood experiences turned into a network of 'transference learning templates' that create our own private...

'Semi-psychic determinism'...

A ready-made path with a predictable destination and outcome...

Is easier to travel...perhaps...

Than trying to thrash our way through dense, new, uncut forest...with no paths to direct our way...

And no known destination and/or outcome...

New territory can be scary, anxiety-provoking...

With rough terrain,


And new, uncharted abysses...

At four or five years old....

We can make the definitive decision...subconsciously...

That the devil we do know is better than the devil we don't know...

And/or we can bounce back and forth between 'opposite types of devils'...

Or we can play it safe and do our best to 'bury all devils' way down below...

Big life decisions for a four or five year old....

Who certainly doesn't have an 'adult range of experiences' nor an 'adult more logical reasoning process' upon which to draw....

These fast made, early childhood 'prototype', 'template', 'transference' decisions,

Get 'cemented' in fast...

And don't change much over time...

They remain our 'lifelong buddies' -- and/or 'monsters'...

Our 'Bainian Transference Dragons' or 'Nietzschean Abyss Monsters' from down below...

Nietzsche led the way into 'The Psychic Abyss'...

And Freud (The Id) and Jung (The Shadow) followed where Nietzsche left off....

-- dgb, October 15th, 16th, 2011,

-- David Gordon Bain

My son was born on October 15th, 1984...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Essence Before Existence: A Humanistic-Existential Counter-Thesis To Sartre...and An Expansion of The Id

Under renovation again!...and I think finished....October 15th, 2011....


1. Introduction: Existence Before Essence or
Essence Before Existence...

Like Sartre -- although Sartre kept changing ideological labels by
which he wanted to be classified under -- I consider myself to
 be a 'humanistic-existentialist', albeit not one subscribing to Sartre's 'existence before essence' premise.

'Well, how can you call yourself an 'existentialist' and not believe in the  "existence before essence" premise?', you might ask. 'Isn't that the fundamental premise for being called an "existentialist"?'

Historically, there were numerous philosophers who we now call 'existentialists' -- before, during, and after Sartre's lifetime -- who didn't necessarily subscribe to Sartre's 'existence precedes essence' philosophical premise. Since some were long dead -- Kierkegaard, Doestevsky, Nietzsche... -- and didn't get a chance to react to Sartre's philosophical premise.

I don't think that anyone has a right to speak for the dead in this type of capacity, assuming what they may or may not have believed. If there is one thing that can be said about most existentialists, it is perhaps that they are 'very unpredictable' in their thinking and inclined to go down 'thought passages' easily ignored, and/or purposely avoided, by other more 'orthodox' thinkers.

Thus, to assume -- or to try to 'box in' all existentialists -- by saying that they all subscribe to the philosophical premise of 'existence precedes essence' is to make a careless, bogus assumption. Go back to Philosophy 101.

I, for one consider myself to be a 'dialectic-essential-existentialist' or a 'genetic constitutional existentialist'. By this, I mean that I subscribe to the following theory:

That we are all born with certain unique individual talents and capabilites that no one else on earth can exactly duplicate -- and upon this 'genetic, constitutional foundation', we need to give meaning to our own unique existence in a way that, through hard work, and love/passion for what we are doing, 'actualizes' or 'fulfills' to our maximum 'existential potential' the parameters of our genetic, constitutional foundation as loosely laid out by our 'genetic heritage' and/or 'Creator'.

When we find this 'line of work' that 'fits with our spirit/soul', we will know it because we will come alive -- like we are 'in love' with our work or hobby, which you are -- as opposed to being 'totally self-alienated and estranged' from a type of work that we apathetic towards and/or even despise...but basically 'prostitute' ourselves at, in order to bring a paycheque home to put a roof over our head, pay our bills, and feed ourselves and/or our family...


From Wikipedia

The proposition that existence precedes essence (French: l'existence précède l'essence) is a central claim of existentialism, which reverses the traditional philosophical view that the essence or nature of a thing is more fundamental and immutable than its existence. To existentialists, the human being—through his consciousness—creates his own values and determines a meaning for his life because, in the beginning, the human being does not possess any inherent identity or value. By posing the acts that constitute him, he makes his existence more significant.[1][2]


The assumption that 'in the beginning, the human being does not possess any inherent identity or value', is shaky at best -- hugely flawed at worst.

Since existentialism is hardly 'one philosophical system' but rather a 'network of similar but different philosophical systems', this seems to be an unwarrented and premature assumption -- especially for someone like Kierkegaard who was a religious philosopher and most assuredly believed in 'the spiritual nature of man', and likewise, for someone like Plato who was perhaps one of the main influencers on all Western religious philosophy, who trumpeted the inherent and constitutional existence of man's 'soul' that gave man's life meaning, direction, inherent identity and value -- that gave man something to 'hang on to' in the face of any and all adversity.

To be sure, we could get into metaphysical arguments about 'when exactly existence starts' but is anyone going to argue that there wasn't something genetically present -- and special -- in Michael Jordan's DNA, in his constitutional makeup, that predisposed him to a game like basketball where he could 'showcase' his immense talents and capabilities -- admittedly mixed with thousands and thousands of hours of hard 'existential' work -- but I could have put in those same thousands and thousands of hours and no one today would be talking about me as the 'greatest basketball player who ever lived'....I would still be playing in school gyms if I was that persistent...

Nor can Michael Jordan do what I can do which is to create and integrate philosophical and psychological theories like not too many men or women alive today.

My point is this: Existentialism starts in our genetics, in our DNA, in our Genetic Potential Self -- and that means 'Essence precedes existence.' I'm onside with Plato and Erich Fromm on this issue; not Sartre. We are all born with unique, individual talents that our Creator gave us to 'actualize'....

If Sartre were alive today, I would ask him how well he would have done trying to 'actualize' his talents as a 'plumber' or an 'electrician' or as a 'hockey player' rather than as a philosopher? 

Yes, to be sure, we have the choice to be anything, but it doesn't usually take very long for our friends, our family, ourselves to find out what we are really good at -- if our passion and our talent meet, well, that is what we probably should be doing, and if we work hard in this direction, then the 'sky is the limit' in terms of where we may eventually get to...

Anything significantly less than this and we are probably existentially failing and falling beneath the 'upper potential threshold' of our creative talents and capabilities'....We may finally realize this one day -- maybe in the midst of our 'Post-Mid-Life Crisis' -- when we wake up one morning ...and feel like an 'Insect' or a 'Stranger Within Ourselves'.... 


As I have argued over and over again in Hegelian
fashion, 'every theory, every thesis carries the seeds of
its own self-destruction'.

Why?  Because the minute you assert a particular point
of view, you are doing two things at the same time:
1. you are metaphorically shining a flashlight on
something you want your audience to see; while
2. at the same time, anything that doesn't show up in
the light of your flashlight is going to be relegated to
'the darkness' of seemingly 'non-relevance', 'non-
importance' as you are basically dictating to your
audience that what what you don't see in my particular
theory or thesis, my particular perspective -- 'doesn't
exist', or at least is 'background noise or distraction'
that you have no need to pay attention to....It is out of
this 'background noise' or 'field of seeming irrelevance'
-- that theories and theses eventually self-destruct,
because like in Psychoanalysis, and in the 'subconscious
dynamics of the psyche', 'what you dissociate and
push downwards into your subconscious psyche', if
it matters, even if you don't think it does matter, it will
come back to 'haunt' you -- as 'the return of the
repressed or suppressed or oppressed or dissociated
or disavowed or displaced, or transferred, or
introjected, or projected, or sublimated...'

This is very much the 'essence' of Psychoanalysis...

The same basic principle, learned from Psychoanalysis,
can be applied to all avenues of life: business,
marketing, economics, politics, philosophy,
religion, architecture, engineering, science,
physics, biology, medicine, civil rights...

As soon as one 'class' of people is 'preferentialised'
and another class of people is 'discriminated against',
you have the beginning of 'social distrust',
'resentment', 'anger', 'rage'...and the potential for
'civil violence' as the 'volcanic fire' of inequality
continues to build...

I think I heard in a survey the other day, that about
80 percent of people hated their job....

Well, you cannot 'hate' your job within a 'Sartrean
field of Nothingness'...only within a 'field of
Constitutional and/or Genetic Rootedness that is different than what we are doing, and what we hate'...

In order to be able to say that you 'hate' something,
you basically need a concept like 'the Self or Soul' --
'My Self or My Soul' -- in order to be able to say
something like 'I prostitute myself' or 'I sell myself
to the Devil of Capitalism each morning I go
to work and do something for 8 or 10 or 12 hours
a day that defies and defiles my Self, my Soul'.....
'Yes, I am making a paycheque, and yes,
I am bringing home enough money each week to
put a roof over my head, to support myself and
my family....but in the process, I am killing my
Spirit, my Soul...because I am living a 'fraudulent
life'...I am living the life of 'The Stranger'...

In order for us to be able to say anything like this,
there cannot be a 'Blank Tablet' within each of us,
there cannot be a 'Constitutional Void of Nothingness'
 within us; rather, there has to be something -- I call
it our 'Genetic Template' that tells each and
everyone of us something like: 'Dave, this is what you
were meant to be....and that is what you were not
meant to be...'

'Man is both the artist and the object of his art.'
 -- Erich Fromm

Under this 'Essence Before Existence' assumption
as opposed to Sartre's assumption of 'Existence
Before Essence', humanistic-existential ideas
like 'self-fulfillment' or 'self-actualization' or
'individuation' come alive just as their 'bipolar
opposite' ideas of 'self-alienation' and 'self-
fraud' also take on meaning....

These words would have no meaning if we were
all made up of a 'Constitutional Void, a
Constitutional Nothingness'...

The concepts of 'self-actualization' and 'self-
alienation' only take on meaning in an
assumptive philosophical world that gives relevance
to the idea of a man or woman having an individual
'Spirit' and/or 'Soul'...that we are 'constitutionally
born' with...that comes from our 'essence', not
our 'existence'...

2. The Essential and Existential Id -- Energy, Thought, Feeling, Impulse, Restraint, Behavior... For The Entire Psyche

In 1923, Freud 'deposited' the 'life' and 'death' instincts (from 'Beyond The Pleasure Principle, 1920) inside the 'id'.

Is there anything that the life and death instincts would not cover in terms of the roots of human thought, feeling, impulse, restraint, and behavior? 

This being the case, Freud had to be arguing in favor of all psychic energy originating from the 'depths of the id' which in turn manifested itself from the creation of energy in the body, presumably directly or indirectly from the sun, the air, water, and the nutrients in our food from the earth....all coming together in the mitochondria of our cells....and like what happens in a car engine...'exploding into usuable energy'...

Some of this energy is deposited into our 'psyche' in the form of 'psychic energy' -- including 'mental energry', 'feeling energy', 'passion', 'sexual drive', 'assertion', 'aggression', and so on....

'Life energy' can be defined as any form of psychic (and/or bodily) energy that contributes to the growing life force within us, and/or within the people around us...

In contradistinction, 'death energy' can be defined as any form of psychic (and/or bodily) energy that contributes to the decaying life force within us, and/or within the people around us....This includes what will be called 'toxic' and/or 'destructive' and/or 'self-destructive' energy...

Thus, if we are to accept this foundational premise which is based on Classical Freudian Theory from 1920 and 1923, 'the id' can be viewed as containing any degree of mixture between life and death energy within it -- some of which is 'dissociated' from and/or by 'The Ego-as-a Whole' (or Wholistic Ego) - and/or consciousness and/or from particular 'Ego States'....

At this point, we have started to extend 'Classical' Freudian Theory from 1920 and 1923 -- significantly beyond its 'normal Freudian Classical Theory limits' and into Melanie Klein territory, into Object Relations territory, and into the type of territory where Freud was starting to move towards the end of his life and his last papers such as: 'The Splitting of The Ego in The Process of Defence' (1938/40) written according to Strachey (and Jones) during Christmas, 1937, dated January 2nd, 1938, and published posthumously in 1940 -- unfinished. 

Fast forward some 71 years later of psychoanalytic history and evolution -- and you have 'The DGB Model of The Splitting of The Ego' that has been split up like this:

1. The Nurturing-Altruistic Superego, 2. The Narcissistic-Hedonistic (Selfish) Superego, and 3. The Righteous-Rejecting (Ethical) Superego;
4. The Central Ego Board and/or Therapy Room, 5. The Central, (Mediating) Executive Ego;
6. The Righteous-Rebellious Underego, 7. The Narcissistic-Hedonistic (Selfish) Underego, and 8. The Co-operative (Approval-Seeking) Underego.

Particular types of 'id energy' are more likely than not to be associated with particular 'ego states' -- for example, 'righteous energy' with The Righteous Superego and/or Rebellious Underego...'narcissistic energy' with either The Narcissistic Superego and/or Underego, and 'altruistic energy' with either The Nurturing Superego and/or The Co-operative Underego...

'Superego states' and 'underego states' are divided on the basis of 'self-esteem and childhood upbringing factors': 'superego states' with the 'power of a particular parent' and 'superiority feelings' for example, and 'underego states' with the usual 'lack of power' and 'inferiority/insecurity feelings' associated with being a child...

Now, in case I haven't properly done this before, let me now emphasize the difference between a 'dualistic pairing of entities' vs. a 'dialectic pairing of entities'...

In a 'dualistic pairing of entities' there is an inherent 'power play' going on, a 'competition for opposing values, needs, and/or wants'...whereas in a 'dialectic pairing of entities' there is some movement afoot for 'negotiation, compromise, democracy, equal rights, peace and/or harmony'...

The current NBA owners lockout is an example of a 'mixed dualistic and dialectic pairing of opposing, competing entities -- i.e., the owners vs. the players and their union representives -- in which both entities very much want their own way and as big a slice of the pie as they can get but within the realm of trying to reach as 'favorable' an agreement as each side can possibly arrive at -- and have the other side agree to it.

Such a state of affairs -- unpredictability between warring dualistic and/or dialectic entities or factions -- is the usual state of affairs within the human psyche -- as it has been with all of human history...both as it has been felt internally, and as it has been 'projected' externally, through politics, religion, mythology, science, medicine, philosophy, business and economics, and back to psychology...

'Monism' is -- from this perspective -- 'half' of any number of possible 'dualisms'; 'pluralism' is the entire field of possible 'dualistic' and/or 'dialectic' entities, and/or 'triadic' or 'trialectic' entities, etc...and 'multi-dualisms' and/or 'multi-dialecticisms' or 'multi-dialectic' systems are any number of dualistic/dialectic/binary systems (or triadic/trialectic systems, etc.) within a greater, pluralistic field or system...

Now, at this point, I would like to put in a plug for one of the earliest and greatest philisophers in both Greek and Western history -- one who is usually largely under-recognized, under-appreciated -- for the fact, that he laid down the essential and existential foundation for some 2600 years plus...of Western dualistic and dialectic philosophy, politics, economics, science, religion, and psychology to come....

Indeed, Anaxamander's concept of 'The Apeiron' practically anticipated the idea of 'Chaos' and 'Chaos Theory' as well as Hegel's dialectic philosophy, Freud's concept of 'The Id', Jung's concepts of 'The Personna' and 'The Shadow', Foucault's philosophy of 'power', Derrida's concept of 'binary opposites' and 'Deconstruction' (of the 'dominant' opposite such that the 'suppressed' opposite can start to come 'alive' again...), and The Gestalt Psychologists and Gestalt Therapists binary concept of 'figure' vs. '(back)ground'...

Indeed, I view Anaxamander's concept of 'The Apeiron' as an 'externalization' of Freud's concept of 'the id' or conversely, Freud's concept of 'the id' as an 'internalization' of Anaxamander's concept of 'The Apeiron'.  Both are connected to the idea of 'dark, chaotic disorganization, and competition between opposing entities, brimming over the top with energy -- 'binary energy', 'dualistic energy', 'dialectic energy' -- and the potential for 'synergy' -- or the opposite: 'dominance' vs. 'suppression', 'the exploiting' vs. 'the exploiting', 'the victimizer' vs. 'the victim', 'winners' and 'losers' -- not often on a 'fair field' -- one entity coming out on top and into 'The Sunshine', the other entity being 'forced back into the dark', The Background, The Shadows, The Id, The Apeiron... Inequality -- thy name is humanity -- or rather, the lack of it -- as witnessed over 2600 plus years of human history...both externally and internally...inter-socially, politically, economically, legally... and intra-psychically between 'the dominant' and 'the suppressed'...the Ego and the Id, the Personna and the Shadow...the 'figural' and the 'background'....the 'preferentialized' and the 'dissociated'/ 'rejected...

Back and forth goes the teeter totter of life...

Anaxamander wrote about it in 'The Fragment'....

He was writing about 'Cosmic Justice'...

Hegel might have called it 'the dialectic justice of history and evolution'...

'What goes around comes around...'

'The return of the repressed, the oppressed, the rejected, the suppressed, the dissociated, the projected, the introjected, the disavowed...

Freud had a 'hang up' -- a complex -- with 'castration anxiety'...

It is too bad he couldn't have gotten beyond that...

I'm sure it may have reflected a real fear amongst some Victorian boys...including Freud himself perhaps threatened by his own father with 'the removal of his thing, his manhood' if he didn't behave properly...

But beyond this, we see the more inevitable 'clash' of 'wills' between parent and child, father and son, mother and daughter, and the child's fear of 'losing his or her parent(s)' as his or her primary source of 'survival' or 'self-preservation' vs. the child's fear of 'losing his or her own self-identity'.....

And within this 'existential' conflict between parent and child, we often see a type of conflict that plays itself out 'in the transference' over and over and over again in the course of a person's life -- particularly in a Capitalist System but no less in the Mao Tse Tung regime, or The Lenin or Stalin fact, in many tyrannical countries much, much worse...

But regardless, of what country, what culture, what religion, what economic system, what political all generally, comes back to this:

Hegel's classic depiction of 'The Master/Slave Relationship' -- the 'co-dependence of each on each other and/or 'The Master's wish to keep the status-quo with all of its established benefits' and The Slave's wish to break the status-quo in order to re-establish a sense of 'Selfhood', a sense of freedom, a sense of less rigid authoritarianism, a sense of not being exploited, a sense of more balanced 'equal rights', and a sense of 'living one's life the way one wants to live it'....

The problem with all of this...all of the wishes, the desires, the demands...of The Slave, The Exploited...

Is that once all the 'chains' have been broken free of...

The Scariest Fear of Them All may be still waiting in The Shadows...

And that is man's fear of....his own freedom... (Erich Fromm, Escape From Freedom)

'The dizzying -- and sometimes paralyzing -- fear of one's own freedom....(Kierkegaard)....

Can leave man -- the slave in man -- running for the Master again...

To escape the petrifying freedom of his own existence...

A famous author -- through one of his characters -- wrote it this way:

'To be or not to be....that is the question...'

In order to break free of the slavery we feel on the outside...

We need first to break free of the paralyzing anxiety we feel in the face of freedom -- on the inside....

Otherwise, we will look for -- and complain against -- countless Masters, over and over and over again...

Smoke and mirrors to 'distract' us from what is really scaring us inside of us...

To paraphase and extend Nietzsche...

Be careful when you fight Monsters on the outside...

Because The Biggest Monster may be lurking inside of you...

To run from our fear by keeping ourselves 'busy' undoing 'the many chains of our existence'....

Distracts us from the real problem of facing the fear of our freedom...

Like all of those early Charcot, Breuer, and Freudian cases of hysteria...

The 'so-called hysterics' for the most part all 'defeated' the therapists...

Because through the hours and hours of painstaking therapeutic work of Breuer, Charcot, or Freud when they finally 'uncovered' 'the source of The Nile, the source of the hysterical symptom -- the repressed memory' -- presto! the symptom was gone like disappeared into the cosmology of life... But then the next session, the client/patient would 'replace' the 'gone symptom' with 10 new ones!!  And after treating a hundred such can perhaps start to see why Freud was getting more than a little frustrated with 'the traumatic memory' theory...

The therapist was 'winning all the tedious individual symptom battles'...and still 'losing the therapeutic war'...

Like 'Anna O' was being 'held hostage' by her sick father who (non-purposely) took away her every freedom...

So too, did Anna O learn the principle of 'identification with the more powerful person'...and she turned the tables on her therapist (Breuer) keeping him busy, hour after hour, day after day, one symptom after another...until one day she looked at Breuer and said in effect, 'Dr. Breuer, I'm having your baby!'  

That was the end of their sessions...Dr. Breuer went running back to his wife...

Wasn't there a best-seller in the 60s.....'Games People Play' by Dr. Eric Berne...

We all play lifelong 'transference games'...

We suck people into our 'spider webs'....

And then we say, 'Gotcha!' when we have them trapped...

And then we move on to our next victim and play the same game...

All over again....attempting to re-establish a sense of 'lost childhood self-esteem'...

Until we find someone who knows how to play our game better than we do....

And then we go crashing back down into Nietzsche's Abyss...

The Black Pit...

To nurse our wounds and figure out whether or not...

We want to 're-embrace' life or not....

Sometimes we do....

And then sometimes we erect...bigger and bigger...

'Emotional Fortresses'...complete with 'Body Armour'...

Until someone can see inside us again...

Or we decide to expose our heart again...

And start sending out 'Allusions to Immediacy'....

'Compromise Formations'...

Between what is in our heart...and/or our 'id'....or 'Id-Vault'...

And what we throw out there as 'illusions' and 'allusions' -- 'smoke and mirrors'...

To get the one we most care our scent...

To be or not to be...or to compromise between being and not being...

The latter path is probably the most common path...

Life fully too intense...

So we 'water' it down a bit...or a lot...

On a good day, we look in the mirror and are proud of ourselves....

And our accomplishments, and the people we love and are loved by....

But on a bad day -- or in that potentially gruesome 'post-mid-life crisis' period -- we look in the mirror and we see 'The Stranger'....

And we feel ourselves crashing into 'Nietsche's Abyss'...

The Black Pit....

Until someone helps us out of it...

Or we gather the strength to pull ourselves out of it again...

In this regard, my current model of 'the subconscious', from top to bottom, looks like this:

09. The Dream, Fantasy, and Nightmare Weaver;

10. The ('Bound') Id Vault with Transference Complexes

11. The Learning and Transference Memory Template;

12. The ('Boundless') Id;

13. Nietzsche's Abyss (The Black Pit);

14. The Genetic, Symbolic, and Potential Self

-- dgb, October 13th, 2011,

-- David Gordon Bain