Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Splitting of The Id Into 'The Shadow-Id' and 'The Shadow-Id-Ego' As It Moves Up Towards Consciousness: The DGB Quantum Psychoanalytic Model From Bottom to Top...

In process...June 23, 24, 2012....

This is a good time to write this paper. My second grandson -- the first from my son, Michael, 27, and his partner, Nikita -- was just born on June 20th, 2012 -- Noah Michael Bain, 7lb, 7 ounces. My first grandson -- from my daughter, Jennifer, 21, and her husband, Mike -- Nathan Wilson, is coming up to 2 years old this fall. 

Freud has described the 'newborn baby' as basically being 'all biological need and impulse', or stated otherwise, all 'narcissistic need and impulse'.  In other words still, according to Freud, the newborn baby is born 'all id'. 

There are some problems or difficulties with this conceptualization that most contemporary psychoanalysts, as well as non-psychoanalysts, recognize. 

Today, Freud is largely viewed as a 'biological reductionist' -- meaning that he didn't put enough emphasis on man's 'humanistic-existential' and 'social-cultural' needs and impulses/drives. 

If 'the id' was today to be viewed as not strictly an 'unconscious biological container' but rather as a 'psycho-social-biological primitive id-ego' containing not only our biological needs and drives but more extensively and all encompassingly, our 'humanistic-existential-social-cultural-psycho-biological needs and impulsive drives, and our almost endless various attempts (vicissitudes) at 'satisfying these drives' -- well, then I could certainly live with the concept of 'id' -- or rather, 'idian ego' -- which can also be defined as our 'ego' in its most 'primitive, primary, uncivilized state' -- before 'civilization and socialization' start to have a greater and greater effect on the development and evolution of 'our more civilized, secondary ego'. 

Thus, newborn, we all have a 'primal, primary, primitive, uncivilized, narcissistic idian ego' which almost immediately starts its 'more civilized, evolutionary development towards our secondary, object-relations (self-social) ego'. 

In DGB post-Freudian terminology, 'unconsciousness' no longer becomes an absolute stipulation tied to the definition of the 'id'. Just like the ego and the superego -- the  id -- as the 'primitive, uncivilized id-ego' -- moves through all parts of the personality, i.e., the un/subconscious, the pre-conscious, and the conscious. 

 In the newborn baby, we will assume the presence of one 'genetic starting point' -- what I will call our 'GPS' -- as in our 'Genetic Potential Self'. Our Genetic Potential Self (GPS) can -- and will -- be defined 'biologically-psychologically-humanistically-existentially'. The 'social-cultural' influences have not arrived yet -- both in terms of their social-cultural-psychological influences, and dialectically speaking, the 'self perceived needs and impulsive drives' that stem from these social influences. 

In other words, we have genetic-biological-hormonal influences and needs from within us, as well as evolving social needs from the moment of birth, indeed, before that even, starting in the womb. 

This tells us that both a 'bio-genetic-instinctual' and a 'social-object relations' theory of psychoanalysis are needed with both components influencing the development of what has been called 'self psychology' including a 'humanistic-existential' psychology/psychoanalysis that needs to be developed to compensate for Freud's 'overly-deteministic, reductionistic model of the human psyche. 

Finally, our social object relations theory of psychoanalysis needs to include an area of psychoanalysis that Freud largely left behind after 1896 -- what we will call 'reality-traumacy' psychoanalysis.   

Summing up, we need a dialectically interactive 'reality-fantasy theory'.

We need a dialectically interactive 'self and social object relations theory'. 

We need a dialectically interactive 'bio-genetic-humanistic-existential theory'. 

And we need a dialectically interactive 'transference-immediacy theory' ('there and then' vs. 'here and now').  

Or stated otherwise, we need: 1. a 'Pre-Classical Reality-Traumacy Psychoanalysis; 2. a 'Classical (Instinct-Fantasy-Narcissistic-Ego-Defense) Psychoanalysis; 3. an Object Relations-Social Theory'; 4. a 'Self-Psychology'; 5. a 'Neo-Freudian' (Adler, Fromm, Horney, Erickson, Sullivan...); and 6. as an extension of 'ego psychology' -- a 'Linguistic-Semantic-Cognitive-Emotional-Behavioral' Psychoanalysis (Adler, Korzybski, Hayakawa, Beck, Ellis, Kelly...

I am not sure how to classify either Lacan or Bion but obviously their respective schools of thought need to be sufficiently or fully recognized, and if possible, integrated into psychoanalysis as a whole...  

The 'Quantum (Multi)-Dialectic Model of The Human Psyche' that I am still in the process of developing seeks to take into account most of, if not all of, the avenues of thought mentioned above...the model being a very condensed picture of a whole network of complicated theories expanding outwards like 'spokes from the hub of a psychoanalytic wheel'. 

Rather than starting from the top of the model in the mainly conscious part of the personality, and working downwards into the deepest depth of the un/subconscious, this time I will take the reverse approach and work upwards from the bottom...

D/ From The Deepest Unconscious To The Preconscious...

20. Our Genetic Potential Self;
19. Our (Nietzschean) Existential Abyss;
18. Our Existential 'Womb-Room' (or 'Place of Perceived Psychic Safety');
17. Our Shadow-Id (or Our Primitive, Uncivilized Shadow-Id-Ego);
16. Our Experiential-Memory-Learning-Transference Templates;
15. Our Shadow-Id-Ego-Vault (Our Psychic Isolation Chamber Holding Back 'Threatening Ideas');
14. Our Dream-Fantasy-Sublimation Weaver;
13. Our  (Nietzschean) Existential Mountain Top ('Place of Existential Celebration');

 C/ Subconscious, Pre-conscious, and Conscious Under-Ego-States....

12. Our Righteous-Rebellious-(Deconstructive) Underego;
11. Our Phobic and/or Anal-Schizoid (Distancing) Underego;
10. Our Narcissistic-Hedonistic-Dionysian (Pleasure-Seeking, Id) Underego;
09. Our Approval-Seeking (Disapproval-Avoiding, Pleasing, Conflict-Avoiding, Compliant, Co-operative) Underego;

B/ Our 'Middle' Ego-States....

08. Our Enlightenment-Romantic-Spiritual-Humanistic-Existential Ego;
07. Our 'Conscious Private-Shadow-Id Ego'
06. Our Central Executive (Problem-Solving, Conflict-Resolving, Compromise-Making) Ego;
05. Our 'Social Persona' Ego;

A/  Our 'Superego' States....

04. Our Nurturing, Encouraging Superego;
03. Our Narcissistic-Hedonistic-Dionysian (Pleasure-Seeking, Id) Superego;
02. Our Phobic and/or Anal-Schizoid (Distancing) Superego;
01.  Our Righteous-Critical (and/or Harsh, Rejecting) Superego.

-- dgb, June 26, 2012...

-- David Gordon Bain


Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.
Soren Kierkegaard
