Monday, June 18, 2012

Reasons For A 'Multi-Dialectic Synthesis' Of Selected Contemporary Psychoanalytic and Neo-Psychoanalytic Theories July 30, 2011, June 15, June 18, 2012

July 30th, 2011...June 18, 23, 2012 ....

In this essay here, we will look at 'the splitting of the 
wholistic Fichtean Ego' into 'The Freudian Ego, Id, and 
Superego' -- and some further, still evolving, 'DGB splits 
in the self (psyche, personality, wholistic ego...) that extend 
beyond the Freudian 'triadic' (ego, id, superego) split....
dgb, July 30th, 2011... 


1. Introduction: Reasons For a Synthesis of Contemporary Psychoanalysis
and Neo-Psychoanalysis into 'DGB Quantum-Dialectic Psychoanalysis'

1. You cannot study human psychology properly without having a
decent background in the study of philosophy -- philosophy
helps to clarify the underlying assumptions of any field of study.
This most certainly includes psychology;

2. You cannot properly study human 'desire' and 'fantasy' without studying human 'traumacy', and visa versa. Desire provides
the 'human engine' with 'gas' to run on; traumacy creates a
'red flag' in our psyche to warn us how to avoid and/or
overcome past traumacies from re-occurring in the future.

All of this is to say that Pre-Classical Psychoanalytic Theory
(Traumacy-Seduction Theory before 1897) cannot exist
without Classical Psychoanalytic Theory (post-1897 Fantasy-
Instinct Theory) -- and visa versa;

3. Similarily, it is just as ridiculous to try to dissociate 'instinct/drive/desire/fantasy theory' (i.e., Classical
Psychoanalysis) from 'Object Relations Theory' (the study
of relationships). as it would be to try to dissociate 'instinct 
theory' from 'the functioning of the ego and its defensive 
functions' against these same instincts/drives/fantasies;

All of this is to say that Classical Psychoanalysis cannot live
without Object Relations Theory any more than it can exist
without pre-Classical Traumacy-Seduction Theory. They are
all connected -- they just need someone creative enough to
intgrate them all together;

4. That's me;

5. Furthermore, Psychoanalysis cannot properly exist without
the external 'critical' and 'nurturing' influence of Adlerian
Psychology, Jungian Psychology, Gestalt Therapy,
Transactional-Analysis, Primal Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, 
Cognitve Therapy, Massonian 'Classical Deconstructionism', 
and so on...They all 'dissociated' themselves from Classical Psychoanalysis -- the 'hub of the wheel' -- but they all are still connected to the same  hub of the Wheel, i.e., Classical 
Psychoanalysis -- it just needs someone creative enough to 
show people how they are all still connected.

6. Again, that is me;

7. In the spirit of Spinoza -- 'Everything is connected.'

8. In the spirit of Schelling -- 'Everything is dialectically 

9. 'Everything that happens here on this earth -- and indeed even in the universe as a whole -- is multi-
dialectically, indeed pluralistically, connected -- a hundred, a 
thousand, a million, a billion, a trillion times overThis is what I refer to as being
'quantumly connected'. 

There are a few generalizations that can be derived from this. One of them is that 'bipolar, dialectically interactive, theories are generally better than 'one-sided, unilateral, uni-causal, theories'. Why? Because most things in life function on the basis of the idea and the phenomenonology of 'bipolar, dialectical interaction towards a dialectic, homeostatic balance. 

On the biological level, atoms and molecules come together for the purpose of superior function, and reproduction -- kind of a 'competitive, functional, harmony' -- unless or until this 'dialectic harmony' and 'superior function' ceases to exist, at which point the atoms and molecules start to break up, and go on to create different unions. 

This phenomenon -- this basic premise of nature, 'competitive harmony' or 'harmonious competition' at its best, disharmony at its worst -- seems to follow its way right up through the evolutionary ranks until it gets to man (this assumes that man is at the top of the evolutionary hierarchy which is not a given) -- but still, what seems to be true at the most microscopic level in the domain of the interaction of cells also seems to spread right up to the macroscopic level -- to the level of 'man in evolutionary development in the context of different institutions, corporations, governments, nations, cultures....

In this regard, we can also view this 'governing principle in nature' -- the movement towards homeostatic-dialectic balance -- with alternating moderate and/or extreme imbalances on both sides of the bipolar, dialectically interactive ledger, influencing all of the similar-different realms of biology-physics-chemistry-biochemistry-philosophy-psychology-economics-politics-religion-culture... of man, and man in group interaction. 

Groups come together for the purpose of 'superior function' and break apart on the premise of 'inferior function' and/or the premise of evolutionary growth or stagnancy, either on an individual level, and/or on the larger group level...or both...Union, separation, union, separation...which intermixes with the Hegelian premise of thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis -- a 'synthesis' that often carries a 'superior function' to either of the 'bipolar extremes' that preceded it....just as 'the particle-wavelength integrative (quantum) theory' in physics developed into a superior theory than either of the 'particle theory' or the 'wavelength theory' that preceded it...

By this assumption, 'multi-bipolar, dialectically and/or pluralistically interactive theories' might indeed be 
an even higher 'evolutionary step upwards from the 
'single bipolar, dialectically interactive theories 
that preceded them. 

A 'Gestalt-Adlerian-Psychoanalytic (GAP)' Integrative 
Theory, for example, may show 'superior functions' to 
either of the three paradigms taken separately, 
and an 'Attachement-Object Relations-Self and Socal-
Pre-Classical, Classical, and Post-Classical-Humanistic-
Existential Integrative Psychoanalytic Theory might 
show 'superior functions' to any of the separate models, 
theories, paradigms, taken separately....

Such is the logic of Hegel's Hotel, and 'DGB Quantum-Dialectic

From this idea of being
'quantumly connected', which means... putting all of these
different academic-scholastic and clinical-therapeutic
influences and ideas together, you have what I am doing
here in this section of Hegel's Hotel devoted to the study of Psychoanalysis, which I will differentiate from all other
partly attached, partly detached, 'schools' of Psychoanalysis. 

indeed, this becomes what I
would view as a 'Super Integrative' School of Psychoanalysis -- 
unofficial and completely unorthodox in that it lies outside 
the official boundaries of any Psychoanalytic Institute -- 
and yet often, ridiculed and/or aggressively confronted 
unorthodox schools of psychology -- or philosophy or politics 
or religion -- eventually make it to 'The Establishment' -- 
assuming they are good enough, and strong enough to 
survive enough criticisms -- and to be able to demonstrate 
'superior function' -- to the point where they are eventually
accepted by The Establishment, The Status-Quo....

Change always 
brings different degrees of 'resistance' with it, 
but, generally speaking, the superior function and 
performance of a new, integrative theory will outlast 
and conquer the resistance --  
'the narcissistic Pit bull bite' --  of all less integrative theories that 
need to be left behind because of 'inferior function'. 

Not always, but generally speaking, time 
and superior performance win the day.... That was Hegel's
under-riding, or over-riding, premise in his classic
masterpiece, 'The Phenomenology of Spirit'....

Not all theories bring with them 'superior performance' 
but generally speaking, 
they will at least bring with them a 'different angle', a 
different perspective, a different way of looking at things, a 
different paradigm -- that may at some point be encompassed by 'the 
larger whole' -- a larger theory or paradigm that does demonstrate
 'superior performance'. 

Examples of this are 'The Reform Party' and 
'The Green Party' here in Canada -- The Reform Party integrated 
into The Progressive Conservative Party, and The Green Party 
continues to evolve....

Before that, it was 'The NDP' (National Democrat Party) 
which is now an established political party here in Canada. 

10. I call my unofficial-unorthodox-underground school of 
'DGB Quantum Philosophy-Psychology -- and Psychoanalysis'. 

What I have stated above is the over-riding, or under-riding,
epistemological and ethical ideal of 'Hegel's Hotel' 

My particular additions and contributions to Hegel's Hotel can be viewed 
as 'the new elements' of 'DGB Quantum Psychoanalysis'(in the larger 
context of 'DGB Quantum Philosophy-Psychology-Politics...) 
that are in the process of being 
integrated with the older
elements from other schools of philosophy and/or psychology that
I have kept.  Obviously, anyone and everyone with a different individual
perspective than mine -- would create a 'different' 
'brand' or 'franchise' of Hegel's Hotel....

-- dgb, June 18, 2012...

-- David Gordon Bain