Sunday, June 10, 2012

Core-Nuclear-(Traumacy-Fantasy)-Transference Conflicts/Complexes and The DGB 13 Most Common, Generic, Ego-State, Compensatory-Defensive Positions

Updated July 9, 2012...dgb

Transference conflicts and/or complexes are generally early childhood 'unfinished' or 'unresolved' traumatic conflicts that we tend to subconsciously 're-create' and/or 'repeat' over and over again for most of, or all of, our  lives, with some partially, or more completely, satisfying contextual resolutions along the way --  ideally, at best in our subjective-phenomenological minds, with some narcissistically, hedonistically, altruistically, romantically, and/or spiritually, mind-blowing, 'orgasmic contextual resolutions' along the way. Excuse me, if this is stated in an overly Reichian, graphic manner.

Perhaps -- or probably -- this is the best reason why our 'repetition obsessive-compulsion' and 'serial behavior pattern' is so persistent -- we 'keep trying to win or master' our 'handicap transference-existential challenge'. The narcissistic-hedonistic-altruistic-romantic-and/or spiritual' satisfaction of our 'ideal transference fantasy' -- which is usually some form of 'transference-reversal' of our early childhood traumatic transference scene, memory, and/or relationship -- is usually our ultimate, driving, lifelong challenge -- and force. It is like winning 'the narcissistic or altruistic transference lottery'. 

Having said this, the 'dark, Shadow-Id-Ego' side of this transference traumacy-fantasy conflict and complex is often some form of self and/or social destruction. We often subconsciously seek out a 'transference surrogate' of our childhood rejector in order to satisfy our 'ultimate transference handicap fantasy-challenge. Thus, in extended Fairbairnian language, our childhood transference rejector -- now becomes our 'transference fantasy exciter'.  

Transference-resistance-and the always present threat of existential here-and-now rejection and a metaphorical return to the childhood rejection-traumacy scene carries with it 'the ideal, counter-phobic, exhilarating, fantasy-satisfaction of our transference dreams. 

This is why, in Freudian language, the 'life' and 'death' instinct, the 'sex' and 'aggressive' impulses, the 'love' and 'hate' impulses, the 'positive' and 'negative' transference impulses...usually tend to travel very closely together in bipolar, dialectic pairs or dualisms, often 'swinging' from one to the other at the drop of a hat if the 'wrongly (or rightly) perceived existential-transference rejection message is received' that brings the whole 'childhood core-nuclear transference conflict flooding back into our adult, conscious ego....'

This is an integrative combination of 'Gestalt-Adlerian-Psychoanalytic-Dialectic-Gap-Bridging ('GAP-DGB') thinking. 

Without further ado, here are our 12 most common DGB 'Ego-State-Compensatory-Defensive-Positions' against our early childhood traumacy-transference conflicts/complexes. 

1. The 'Oral-Approval-Seeking-Disapproval-Avoiding-(Submissive-Masochistic) Underego Position;
2. The 'Oral-Phobic-Anal-Schizoid' Underego Position;
3. The 'Oral-Narcissistic-Dionysian' Underego Position;
4. The 'Anal-Rebellious-Deconstructive' Underego Position;
5. The 'Social Personna-Public' Ego;
6. The 'Central-Decision-Making-Conflict-Resolving' (Executive) Ego;
7. The 'Shadow-Id' Ego;
8. The 'Anal-Righteous-Rejecting' Superego Position;
9. The 'Anal-Schizoid' Superego;
10. Oral-Narcissistic-Dionysian Superego Position;
11. The 'Nurturing-Care-Giving-Altruistic' Superego Position;

 These partly conscious underego, ego, and superego positions function as different ways of hiding, alluding, compensating, and defending against the more 'underground, subconscious activity of 'The Self'.

These can quickly be summarized as...

12. The Nietzschean Existential Contact and Celebration Mountain (or Room);

13. The Dream-Fantasy-Projection-Sublimation Weaver;

14. The Shadow-Id-Ego Vault;

15. The Transference-Dominated Shadow-Id;

16. The Learning-Memory-Transference Templates;

17. The (Chaotic-Disorganized-and/or Organizing) Apeiron;

18. The 'Womb' or 'Safety Room' and/or 'Personal Addiction Room';

19. The Existential Abyss;

20. The Genetic-Humanistic-Existential Potential Self

-- dgb, June 10th, 2012...

-- David Gordon Bain