Saturday, June 6, 2009

A New, Updated Table Of Contents for Hegel's Hotel...June 6th, 2009.

I am back from vacation -- 10 days or so on the East Coast of Canada (New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia) -- and it is time for another re-organization of Hegel's Hotel.

I will be adjusting the old Table Of Contents to reflect this new edition of The Table of Contents, ASAP. (This could take up to a week or so.)

I will also give you a brief overview of expected essays to come in the near future.

Essays are organized in two ways in Hegel's Hotel: 1. chronologically from newest to oldest essays (in the 'Most Recent Papers' section although the chronological order is not perfect); and 2. by subject matter and logic of presentation of which I will start to create a new classification system as of today.

Hegel's Hotel: DGBN Philosophy -- A Multi-Integrative Philosophy For The 21st Century

Table of Contents

Blog (Floor) Number:

01. Table of Contents
02. Most Recent Papers
03. The DGBN Post-Hegelian, Humanistic-Existential Paradigm
04. More on The DGBN Post-Hegelian, Humanistic-Existential Paradigm
05. The Ancient Dialectic Philosophers, West and East (Pre-Socrates)
06. The Sophists, Parmenides, and Socrates
07. Plato and Aristotle
08. Post-Aristotlean Roman Philosophy
09. Scholastic (Early Religious) Philosophy
10. Early Scientific Philosophy
11. Rationalism: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz
12. British Empiricism: Locke, Berkeley, and Hume
13. Enlightenment Philosophy, Part 1: Adam Smith (Capitalism)
14. Enlightenment Philosophy, Part 2: Epistemology, Human Rights, Politics: Diderot, Voltaire, Montesque, Paine, Jefferson...
15. German Idealism: Kant (The 'Subjective-Objective Split'), Fichte (Wholistic Nationalism), Schelling (Dialectic Unity, Holism, Pantheism), Hegel (Dialectic Triadic Philosophy: 1. Thesis, 2. Anti-Thesis, 3. Synthesis)
16. 19th Century Romanticism: Rousseau...
15. Marx: Dialectic-Materialism, Socialism, Communism
16. Schopenhauer: Irrationalism
17. Existentialism: Hegel to Sartre
18. Nietzsche
19. British Utilitarianism
20. American Pragmatism: James, Dewey
21. Russell and Wittgenstein
22. General Semantics: Alfred Korzybski and S.I. Hayakawa
23. The Evolution of Evolution Theory
24. The Philosophy of Science: Kuhn vs. Popper
25. Hypnosis to Clinical Psychology: Charcot, Janet, Freud
26. Freud and Breuer: Early Unconscious Traumacy Theory
27. Freud: The Seduction Theory
28. Freud: Screen Memories
29: Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams
30: Freud: Childhood Sexuality, Oedipal Theory
31: Freud: Sexual Instincts and Objects
32. Freud: The Evolution of Transference Theory
33. Freud: On Narcissism
34. Freud vs. Adler
35. Freud: The Repetition Compulsion and Death Instinct Theory
36. Freud: The Id, Superego, and Ego
37. Freud: Ego-Splitting and Object Relations
38. Ferenczi
39. Jung
40. Object Relations: Klein, Fairbairn, Guntrip
41. Self-Psychology: Kohut
42. Transactional Analysis: Berne
43. Erich Fromm: Humanism and Neo-Freudianism
44. Fritz Perls and Gestalt Therapy
45. Integrating Humanism and Existentialism
46. Post-Modernism and Power: Foucault
47. Structuralism
48. Deconstruction: Derrida
49. Ayn Rand and Objectivism
50. Psycho-Cybernetics
51. Nathaniel Branden and The Psychology of Self-Esteem
52. Jeffrey Masson's Assault on Freud's Abandonment of The Seduction Theory
53. Central Ego Functioning (Problem-Solving)
54. DGBN Ethics: Multi-Dialectic-Democratic-Homeostatic-Humanistic-Existentialism
55. DGBN Multi-Dialectic (Multi-Bi-Polar)Personality Theory
56. DGBN Narcissistic, Learning, and Transference Theory
57. A DGBN Rendition of Ego States and Ego-Splitting
58. Dialectic Extremism as Philosophical and Psychological Pathology
59: Building Better Problem-Solving and Conflict-Resolving Strategies
60. Multi-Dialectic Psychotherapy
61. Gods, Myths, Religion, Philosophers, and Psychologists
62. Gods, Myths, Religion, Spirituality, Pantheism, Humanism
63. Canadian Politics/Economics
64. American Politics/Economics
65. Equal Rights/Equal Responsibilities
66. The British North America Act vs. Trudeau's Revised Canadian Constitution
67. Canadian Family Law
68. Domestic Assault and Canadian Law
69. Sexual Assault and Canadian Law
70. Egalitarian Feminism vs. Narcissistic Feminism
71. Egalitarian Masculinism vs. Narcissistic Masculinism
72. Feminism and Lobbyism
73. Masculinism and (An Absence of) Lobbyism
74. Narcissistic Lobbyism, Special Interest Groups, Partisan Funding, and Legislative Narcissistic Overcompensation
75. Affirmative Action as Racial and Sexual Profiling, Preferentialism, and Reverse-Discrimination
76. Proposed Changes in The Structure and Process of Lobbyism
77. The Changing Nature/Face of Minority/Marginalized Groups - and Power
78. DGBN Political Theory and Canadian Law
79. Federal-Provincial Dialectic Relations, Laws, and Money Transfers
80. Dialectic Relations Between Parliament and The Senate
81. Politics, Law, Business and Economics
82. Employers, Employees, and Union Dialectic Relations
83. 21st Century Romantic Philosophy and The Arts
84. Altruism and Community Work
85. Concluding Essays
86. Contact, Awarenesses, Aphorisms, Short Opinions...

It has taken me about 3 years to write the number of papers that can now be found on the various blogsites of Hegel's Hotel. I estimate that it will take me about another 3 years to finish Hegel's Hotel. Not quite up to the length of time it took Kant to finish his classic philosophical treatise, 'The Critique of Pure Reason', which I think took Kant about 9 years to write, working, I believe, pretty well full time on it.

Anyways, my treatise has a long way to go to approach anywhere near Kant's idolized standard. I do not pretend to have the intellect of Kant or any of the great philosophers but by the time I am through, if my work reaches the level of my own realistic self-ideal, I would my work to be one of, if not the, greatest integrative philosophy projects in the history of Western philosophy...

But...'Down David, down'...I am perhaps letting my egotism and narcissism get the better of me at the expense of a more humble approach that might be more appropriate...

Still, I remember something that Dolly Parton said on the Larry King Show which I liked and will now paraphrase to the best of my memory:

'Sometimes you have to blow your own horn to let people know you are coming'.

Anyways, at this point in time I will target March 3rd, 2012 as my completion date, my 57th birthday, and the 105th anniversary of Freud and Jung meeting for the first time (March 3rd, 1907).

(Google... DGBN get to my largest network of visible blogsites...)

Let hope and optimism reign supreme for the rest of 2009, despite all of our economic and political traumacies, trials and challenges these days.

- DGB, June 6th-8th, 2009.

- David Gordon Bain

- Democracy Goes Beyond Narcissism

- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...

Are still in process....
