Sunday, April 5, 2009

An Update On The Progress Of Hegel's Hotel: DGB Philosophy-Psychology...

As of April 1st, 2009, I consider the main structure or foundation of Hegel's Hotel: DGB Philosophy-Psychology...' to be in place.

The finishing piece of this main structural foundation of Hegel's Hotel was my essay of April 1st/09 on the similarity and dialectic connection of: 1. Ancient, Pre-Socratic Western Dialectic Philosophy (led by Anaxamander and Heraclitus) with; 2. Ancient Eastern Dialectic Philosophy (led by Lao Tse and The Han Philosophers)with; 3. the main centrepiece of Hegel's Hotel: the work of the main German Idealists -- Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel (mainly Hegel); with 4. the anti-Hegelians and post-Hegelians (who are too many to count but include): Schopenhauer, Marx, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, Foucault, Derrida, and DGB Philosophy; 5. the biologists and evolution men and women, most notably: Darwin; 6. the clinical psychologists and psychotherapists: Freud, Jung, Adler, Klein, Fairbairn, Kohut, Berne, Perls...; 7. the medicine men and women: mainly Walter B. Cannon (The Wisdom of The Body, homeostasis) and the current 'dialectical playoff' between orthodox Western Prescription Medicine and Alternative/Natural/Nutritional Medicine; and 8. the implications and extensions of Dialectical Philosophy into Epistomology; 9. Ethics; 10. Business and Economics; 11. Regional, National, International Politics, and Law; 12. Religion, Spirituality, Mythology, and Pantheism; 13. The Arts; 14. Romantic Philosophy, Environmentalism, and Humanistic-Existentialism; 15. Community Altruism; and if I get time to do this last job properly: 16. The DGB Interpretation and Evaluation of The Dialectic Evolution of The History of Western Philosophy.

That is basically the long and the short of what I have been building here for the last two or three years; and God willing, will be finishing off over the next two to three years.

I would say we are now at about the half way point of building Hegel's Hotel.

I have sworn off alcohol as of April 1st/09 (before my liver takes me to meet the 'Grim Reaper') but for those of you who are interested and like the work I am doing here, I would like to raise a collective toast with you,

Say, 'Cheers',

And in a day or so,

Let's get going again.

-- dgb, April 5th, 2009.

David Gordon Bain