Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Personal Development Day

Here is a small piece from my 'Gap-DGB Archives', written sometime in the early
2000s. It's called:

Personal Development Day

Every day is a personal development day that includes these five elements:

1. A vision that supports your passion, and a passion that supports your vision.

2. A game-plan that supports your vision.

3. A decision that supports your game-plan.

4. An action that supports your decision which supports your gameplan which supports your vision which supports your passion.

5. Five additional Friendly Reminders and Motivators

1. Every problem has a solution!

2. There is no obstacle too big for the person who wants something bad enough, and who is willing to tackle this obstacle head on, or find a way around it!

3. Only physical activity -- meaning action -- will get you the results you are looking for! No one is going to deliver your vision on a silver platter without you having to commit yourself to, and persevere through, much hard work, perspiration, discipline, and either figuratively and/or literally knocking on some or many doors...

4. Don't stop until you have succeeded in your goals, working step by step to the ultimate implementation and success of your passionate vision.

5. If your vision is live enough, passionate enough and important enough, you should be able to get other people excited by your vision so that it becomes their vision, their passion, too -- from a personal vision it now becomes a shared and/or community vision and passion.

This is the point at which wonderful things can be accomplished, wonderful things can happen, with everyone excited and pulling in the same direction.

-- dgb, Originally written in the early 2000s, slightly modified April 7th, 2009.

David Gordon Bain