Thursday, November 6, 2008

On More Economic Matters: Narcissistic Capitalism and The Trashing of The American Dream


(This essay was started before American election day -- Nov. 2, 2008 -- and modified both last night -- Nov. 5th, a day after the election, and again, this morning, Nov. 6th, 2008. So it may read a little 'funny' in this regard, having been written both before and after the election results were in. Still, it marks a turning-point in this section as we move more and more from political matters into economic and business ones. -- dgb, Nov. 6th, 2008.)


Both presidential candidates have said that they will cut taxes...

What presidential candidate in his or her right mind is going to trumpet higher taxes?

I just heard Obama speak a few minutes ago and he did not waver from his $250,000 tax threshold.

Both McCain and Palin keep saying that Obama's 'no tax increase for the middle class' pledge is not to be trusted...

That the 'higher tax threshold' will keep getting lower...

Affecting more and more middle class Americans...

It remains for the American people to decide...

Whether Obama can be trusted as being true to his word...

Or not...

We all know that it is not unusual for a politician...

To flip-flop after winning an election...

But it comes down to whether Obama can be trusted...

To stick to his word...

Or not...

Of course, the same criterion of 'congruence'...

Between 'before-election promises'...

And 'after-election White House action'...

Applies just as much to McCain as to Obama...

Who do you trust more?

Obama or McCain?

Who's going to lead America down the better path?

In Canada, not less than a month ago,

I voted 'Conservative',

That is roughly the Canadian equivalent of 'Republican'...

So I do have some 'Republican Idealism' in me,

But not the type of Republican Idealism,

That we have seen in the White House,

For the last eight years,

Or on the Republican campaign trail,

For the last two years,

In America,

The Republican Party needs to take stock,

Of what the American people have told them,

Through this election,

And 're-invent' The Republican Party,

Along ideals that appeal to,

The best of the American spirit,

Not the worst.

In American terminology,

Call me a 'Republican-Democrat',

Or a 'Democratic-Republican',

Stated otherwise,

A 'Liberal-Conservative',

Or a 'Conservative-Liberal'.

Once again,

You can see the 'Dialectic-Democratic',


Integration, or Synthesis,

In DGB Philosophy.

DGB Philosophy seeks to integrate,

The best of all 'Polar Philosophies',

As they 'chemically react',

Or 'rhetorically react',


In Canada,

The Liberal Party,

Shares this problem,

With The American Republican Party,

Even though their philosophical ideals,

Are mainly opposite to each other...

They both need to 're-invent' themselves,

Along better philosophical ideals,

And rid the people,

Of their negative stereotypes,

And political-economic scandals,

The areas where The Republican Party,

Violated the trust and respect,

Of The American People,

And 'ditto' with The Liberal Party in Canada.

There is no 'Liberal Obama' here in Canada...

There is only the not-to-distant memories...

Of past Liberal scandals...

Richocheting through my Dialectic-Democratic,


Liberal-Conservative or Conservative-Liberal brain...

I concur with Aristotle,

Particularly in matters of politics and economics,

But mainly in philosophy and psychology too,

That the 'middle path' is usually the best path.

That is where you find,

'Homeostatic balance',

Or 'Dialectic-Democratic, Humanistic-Existential'


My DGB Philosophy of 'Idealistic American Capitalism'...

Mirrors one of the latest speeches of Obama...

On his vision of 'Idealistic American Capitalism'...

The American Dream is meant for all classes of American people...

Who are willing to work hard enough to achieve it...

And ideally, at least offer some sort of helping hand up, for those who can't...

For whatever reason --

For example 'age',

Share in the full 'American work ethic',

And/or the full American Dream,

America needs all Americans....

Working together...

For a better America...

A better 'whole'...

A better 'unity'...

A better 'peace and harmony'...

Not more and more 'give-aways'...

To large corporate lobbyists...

And unethical corporate CEOs...

Or for that matter,

Unethical Socialist Lobbyists either,

I will fully support the ethical CEOs,

Who run their companies fairly and ethically,

But not the gouging and juicing CEOs,

Who make money flow uphill,

And only feces flow downhill,

John McCain's vision of Capitalism...

Was not clearly articulated,

And distinguished,

From the type of George Bush Capitalism,

That has made the rich -- richer,

And the poor -- poorer.

The type of Capitalism,

That does the opposite,

Of spreading the wealth,

The CEOs keep all of the wealth,

For themselves,

While bankrupting everyone else.

In Narcissistic Capitalism,

'Greed is good'.

And not to be shared,

With everone who has worked hard,

In the organization.

Rather, the people in power,

Don't want to spread the wealth around,

And instead, they accuse 'Ethical Capitalists',

Like Obama,

Of being 'Socialists'.

For Narcissistic, Unethical Capitalists,

'What's mine is mine,

And what's yours is mine -- too.'

They don't know how to,

'Share the wealth',

So instead,

They trumpet 'sharing the wealth',

As being 'evil',

As being 'Socialist',

This is just another way,

Of justifying,

Putting more money,

Into their own bank accounts,

And their own over-filling pockets.

With Narcissistic Capitalists,

Two out of three is good.

'Let's you and me,

Cut a deal between us,

Get rich between us,

And keep the rest of the American People,

Out of the deal.

Out of the money.

They don't have to know,

About the telephone deal,

Or the boardroom deal,

Or the backroom deal,

That was struck between us,

In the taxi business,

This process is called 'feeding',

The 'dirty dispatcher',

Feeds the 'dirty driver',

And the 'dirty driver',

Feeds the 'dirty dispatcher',

And 20 other 'clean drivers',

As well as 2 or 3 'clean dispatchers',

Are left out of this 'equation'.

In Washington, this process is called,


Or 'Mutual Kickbacks'...

Same process,

On a much grander scale....

Narcissistic Capitalism,

Is a 'top-heavy' Capitalism...

Where two out of three,

In the equation,

Get richer and richer,

And the rest of the masses,

Get shafted...

Get left further and further behind...

A 'healthy, ethical' Capitalism...

Is a Capitalism where businesses are strong...

Both at the top and at the bottom...

Where owners, executives, managers, supervisors, and employees...

All get paid well -- and fairly -- for a day's work....

Workers are not 'gouged'...

Or 'juiced'...

Or 'milked'...

And customers are not 'gouged'...

Or 'juiced'...

Or 'milked'...

In ways that 'narcissistically line the pockets'

Of the rich and powerful...

While at the same time skewering or shafting...

The rest of the American people...

Then they claim that people,

Like Obama,

Who want to 'spread the wealth more fairly',

To everyone who has worked hard,

And earned a good wage,

For a good work effort.

They want to call these type of

Democratic Politicians --


This is not Obama's vision of ethical American Capitalism...

Of Democratic Capitalism With Integrity and Character...

Obama does not support Capitalism for The Ruthless and The Heartless...

And neither does DGB Philosophy...

Obama supports a type of Capitalism...

That is a 'win-win-win' type of Capitalism...

A win for the ethical owner(s)...

A win for the ethical employees...

And a win for the customer -- the consuming American public.

A win for the rich who own and/or manage their own American businesses...


That support the growth and well-being of all Americans...

Both at the top of the business...

And at the bottom...

Who work with their employees...

In and/or towards a win-win relationship...

And don't seek to exploit them...

Abuse them...

Gouge them...

Juice them...

A win for the hard-working, lower and middle class employee...

Who does not seek to exploit his business and/or his business owner...

And/or the manager he or she works for...

And a win for the American consumer,

The American buyer,

Who doesn't get 'seduced', 'manipulated', and 'exploited' into buying an American house...

His or her 'American Dream'...

And then find out a couple of years later...

That there are 'trojan virus bankers and/or mortgage comany owners'...

That have just eaten him and/or her...

Out of house and home...

And that have just trashed...

His and/or her...

American Dream...

-- dgb, November 2nd, updated Nov. 6th, 2008.