Wednesday, November 26, 2008

An Important Dialectic Split: Entropy and The Status Quo vs. New Action and Change

Fear and anxiety dictate much of human behavior.

There are some people who thrive on change, and opening new doors.

But there are probably considerably more who don't.

When we are talking about serious change in our lives,

Anxiety and fear can reach terrifying proportions.


If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.
Friedrich Nietzsche

You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.
Friedrich Nietzsche

He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.
Friedrich Nietzsche

The doer alone learneth.
Friedrich Nietzsche


Entropy is stifling, freezing, cementing...often, the older we get, the more entropy sets in and stifles change...meaning the less we want to change, the more we fear change, and/or the less passionate and courageous energy we have for 'gazing at the abyss' in order to propel us forward into change...

If we have a solid job and/or career, we are afraid of losing it; if we are making enough money to pay our bills, then we are afraid to take the lunge that might propel us downward rather than upward...down towards the abyss...

However frightening or boring or alienating or crushing our present job may be,

As we gaze into our 'psychological abyss',

The 'economic abyss' can be ten times more terrifying and immobilizing,

Better to be an automaton, a robot, a puppet on a string, a scapegoat for organizational failure, a man or woman without feelings, a man or woman without a conscience, a monster, a cutthroat, a manipulater, a victim or a victimizer, a 'backroom' player,

Than to be a man or a woman without a job,

Or dropping to a job that doesn't pay the bills.

And thus entropy sets in,

Entropy conquers all,

Entropy reigns,

While creative genius,

Silently flows away in a pool of existential blood,

Or freezes up in our own internal tombstone,

Thank God for hobbies...

Or creativity might never get out...

DGBN, November 26th, 2008.

David Gordon Bain,

Democracy Goes Beyond Narcissism,

Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations,

Are still in process...