Wednesday, June 1, 2011

On Being a Philosopher-Writer...

You can ignore me, alienate me, ex-communicate me, dissociate yourself from me, disenfranchise me, temporarily suppress me  -- but I won't go away...

When you leave Hegel's Hotel, ideally, you won't look at your world exactly the same way you did before you entered Hegel's Hotel...

Because I will rattle you, shake you, test your innermost philosophical and psychological foundations...

And hopefully, when you leave Hegel's Hotel, those of you who were 'righteously, narcissistically, and/or one-sidedly mummified' before you entered my philosophical premises, will start to become more 'dialectically two and three dimensional' --  multi-dialectically integrated' as you capture more and more of what Hegel meant by his  'Phenomenology of The Dialectic Mind and Spirit'.

No promises...

But that is my goal...

Sometimes I will aim to do this softly with 'cushioned' and 'more balanced' rhetorical arguments.

At other times I will mince no words, take no prisoners -- as I the target the subject and/or object of my considerable righteous anger -- with my rhetorical/proverbial 'Nietzschean Hammer'...

Indeed, I may hang onto my most righteous point...

With my Pit Bull bite....

Shaking, and shaking, and shaking again,

What I have grabbed onto with my Pit Bull jaws...

Until I have perhaps rhetorically 'over killed' the narcissistic object of my anger...

Other times I may just rage around...

Like a Bull caught in a China Shop...

Knocking things off of shelves...

Believing that all is phony and false advertising...

Glossified and glorified....

But fool's gold designed to manipulate us into becoming fools...

The difference between Narcissistic Capitalism and Ethical Capitalism....

Is substance, quality, integrity, and character in the latter,

As opposed to hollow promises of great things that don't exist in the former...

If I have not philosophically affected you...

In one way or another...

Then as a philosopher and a writer...

I have probably not done my job..

As well as I wanted to...

Although you -- and what motivates you -- is 50 percent of the dialectic process...and unfortunately, there is not much dialectic exchange here other than the one way flow of my easy to misinterpret with language being the way it is...under the best of intentions...

If I have failed to communicate effectively, I will try again in the next essay...

And/or re-write or modify or update the perceived less effective one...

Then move on into new philosophical territory...

The world -- and the narcissistic hypocrisy of man -- is my philosophical oyster...

(Schopenhauer just rolled over in his grave on that one.)

But so too is the optimal ethical and humanistic-existential idealism and equality of man. (Anaximander, Heraclitus, Lao Tse, Plato, Aristotle, Spinoza, Locke, Adam Smith, the early Karl Marx, Diderot, Montasquieu, Tom Paine, Jefferson, Voltaire, Rousseau, Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell, Heidegger, Sartre, the early pre-1897 Freud, Adler, Rank, Jung, Fromm, Perls, Maslow, Carl Rogers, Korzybski, Hayakawa, Maxwell Maltz, Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden, Foucault, Derrida, Dylan, Masson...)

Good philosophy is a dialectic process between important/necessary righteous 'deconstructionism'....and

'Better reconstructionism' of what you have just 'righteously deconstructed'...

-- dgb, June 1st, June 4th, July 16th, 2011

-- David Gordon Bain

-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...

-- Are Still in Process...