Monday, June 27, 2011

In The Beginning....

In the beginning....

Let me suggest...

That our Creator decided....

To create a world....

That would be...

At different or the same times...

Dramatic, tragic, comical, absurd, painfuil, suspenseful, celebratory, remorseless, optimistic, pessimistic, evolutionary, de-evolutionary, honest, deceitful, transparent, manipulative, narcissistic, altruistic, loving, caring, unloving, uncaring, uniting, splitting, attractive, repulsive, competitiive, co-operative....

Full of powerplays designed to conquer....

Interwoven amongst....

Co-operative, assertive, humanistic, dialectic negotiations...

Two sides looking for mutually satisfying answers....

Or not....
Problem solutions and conflict resolutions...

Aimed at surmounting seemingly insurmountable impasses...

Demanding the best of man's creative, evolutionary integrative spirit....

Sometimes it's there...

And sometimes it's not...
Are we looking for win-lose negotiations and resolutions...

That we, and only we, win?

Or are we looking for win-win negotiations and synergies...

Thst will sustain and bind an ongoing relationship together...

In mutual respect, integrity, honesty and trust...

Regardless of what colour, what sex, what nationality, what religion, what culture, what background...we come from...

As Martin Buber would say...

Here and Now,

I and Thou....

-- dgb, June 23rd,

-- David Gordon Bain,