Thursday, December 31, 2009

On Ethics...

Ethics should be the middle ground and the meeting ground between narcissism and altruism with no one being pampered, and given special treatment -- or conversely, marginalized, discriminated against, exploited, victimized, used...Ethics should be about fairness...and 'win-win negotiations, solutions, resolutions, rules, laws, encounters, and relationships'.  We are not always going to get there but we should never stop trying...Ethics starts with an individual, spreads to a partnership and a group, and can be viewed in all dialectic-democratic relationships, from the relationship between a parent and his or her child, a boyfriend and a girlfriend, a husband and a wife, a corporation and the public, an employer and his or her employees, a salesman or woman and his or her customer, a politician and the civilians he or she represents...

-- dgb, Dec. 31st, 2009,

-- David Gordon Bain

-- Democracy Goes Beyond Narcissism

-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...

-- Are Still in Process....