Friday, December 18, 2009

In The Deepest, Darkest, Coldest Nights of the Year...

In the deepest, darkest, coldest nights of the year,
When your thoughts are going badly astray,
Get yourself a good night's sleep,
And make the next morning, your New Year's Day.
Indeed, make every new morning, your New Year's Day!

-- dgb, Dec. 18th, 2009.

-- David Gordon Bain


Extended version..

In the deepest, darkest, coldest nights of the year whenever we think that things in our life can get no worse (and they can always get worse), sometimes what is needed most is a good night sleep -- to wake up to a new day, with a fresh, new attitude, intent on meeting all life's challenges and hardships again, head on, and more than this, if need be, to re-invent ourselves, re-create ourselves, rise from the existentially dead, and give something new and fresh and creative to the world, to show both the world and ourselves that we are still 'alive and kicking' and can meet any and all life challenges and hardships with our 'own central essence', our sustaining 'passion' and 'joie de vivre', our 'spirit of being, overcoming, and becoming something that we weren't yesterday.

Don't look back or the world may quickly or slowly catch, overcome, and overpower you. Keep pushing forward and the world will eventually become your oyster...Don't look back until the world has become your oyster...And it doesn't have to be New Year's Day which comes and is gone in a day. There is no sustaining power in a day of emerging and then submerging energy.

Make every new day your New Year's Day...

-- dgb, Dec. 18th, 2009.

-- David Gordon Bain