Tuesday, December 30, 2008

An Overview of The DGBN 'Sun-Planet-Moon' Personality Model as a Homeostatic-Super-System

Let us briefly peruse The DGBN 'Sun-Planet-Moon' Personality Model and explain the general gist of how it works, where it came from, and where we are going with it.


1. 'The Central Executive Ego' is mythologically represented by either 'The Sun' and/or 'Zeus'.

2. 'The Nurturing Topdog-Ego' is represented by the two female Goddesses 'Hera' (Zeus's wife, protector of marriage) and 'Gaia' (Goddess of Mother Earth, Mother Nature).

3. 'The Righteous-Topdog-Ego' represented by Apollo (son of Zeus, God of music, healing, light, and truth)

4. 'The Dionysian Topdog-Ego' represented by Dionysus (another -- 'anti-thesis' -- son of Zeus, God of wine, inspirer of ritual madness and ecstasy, mass celebrations, sexuality, blessed and/or cursed with the divine mission of freeing people from care and worry, able to preside over communications between the living and the dead...)

5. 'The Narcissistic Topdog-Ego' represented by Narcissus (God of self-absorption, self-infatuation, egotism...)

6. 'The Approval-Seeking Underdog Ego' represented again by Hera and Gaia.

7. 'The Narcissistic Underdog-Ego' represented once again by Narcissus.

8. 'The Rebellious-Underdog-Ego' represented again by Apollo.

9. 'The Dionysian Underdog-Ego' represented again by Dionysus.

10. 'The Enlightenment Ego' represented by Apollo.

11. 'The Romantic Ego' represented by 'Eros' and 'Aphrodite'.

12. 'The Liberal-Humanistic Ego' represented by Gaia and Hera again.

13. 'The Conservative-Existential Ego' represented by Apollo again.

14. 'The Constructive, Life-Enhancing Ego' represented by Zeus, Eros, Gaia, Hera...

15. 'The Destructive, Death-Enhancing Ego' represented by Ares, Thanatos, the extremes of Dionysus, more so by the evil of Satan...

16. 'The Subconscious, Dynamic, Symbolic, Creative Ego' unrepresented at this moment (I am looking for a God or Goddess of Creativity, Dreams...)

17. 'The Subconscious, Structural Memory Template'( Home of Transference Complexes, Lifestyle Complexes, and Archetypes) unrepresented at this moment.

18. 'The Subconscious, Potential and Evolving Self' represented by 'The Moon'.


The model is large -- larger than any other personality theory model in existence right now as far as I am aware of. This has some advantages and disadvantages of which I will talk about at another time.

Firstly, as far as the model's influential foundations, it has most of my main philosophy and personality theory influencers and their work incorporated into the model -- Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Freud, Adler, Jung, Fairbairn, Cannon, Kohut, Berne, Korzybski, Fromm, Perls and more...

The model can be either expanded and/or compressed to fit customized, contextual needs.

Specifically, the mind and body is full of hundreds, if not thousands, of 'bi-polarity value and feedback systems all aiming for a particular type of homeostatic balance' relative to particular 'sub-functions' each serving the overall homeostatic functioning of the 'organism-as-a whole'.

Metaphorically speaking, you can almost view each and everyone of these 'bi-polar-homestatic systems' in the mind and body as being similar in nature to the workings of 'special interest' and/or 'lobbyist' groups in government and parliament circles.

For example, 'the blood-sugar level' in the body is one such 'bi-pplar homeostatic sub-system' in the 'system as a whole' -- which is the overall healthy functioning of the body. One 'whistle-blower' in the body screams, 'Too much sugar in the blood, more insulin, more insulin!'; and another opposing (bi-polar) whistle-blower screams, 'Not enough sugar in the blood, not enough sugar! Get some orange juice in the body, quick, before I faint!

Another bi-polar body-whistle-blower screams, 'Too much heat in the body, too much heat! Open a window, open a window!'; while the opposing body-whistle-blower screams, 'Not enough heat in the body, not enough heat! Turn the temperature up in the room!'

As I said, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of these 'homeostatic-bi-polar-whistle-blowing-sub-systems' in the body alone before we even start to talk about the mind: metabolism is too fast, metabolism is too slow (hyper-thyroid problems vs. hypo-thyroid problems); too much zinc, not enough zinc; too much iron, not enough iron, too much selenium, not enough selenium; too much potassium, not enough potassium...and on and on we could go...too much water, not enough water, too much food, not enough food...

The 'brain' is the container of the 'mind' -- the 'gateway into the mind' if you will -- and also functions according to the same type of 'homeostatic-bi-polar-whistle-blowing-principles-and-sub-systems' as the rest of the body with some contextual differences.

This brings us to the 'mind' -- the point at which 'physiology' interacts with 'psychology' -- and the two integrate together while still holding onto the same basic life and death, living and dying principles of 'homeostatic-whistle-blowing-sub-systems' that serve the overall functioning of the 'organism-as-a-whole.

Before we get to the model of the human mind or psyche above, it should be recognized that this 'homeostatic-bi-polar-whistle-blowing system' can be found in all aspects of human life and culture -- socially and politically as well as 'inter-psychically' and 'inter-physically'.

In parliament, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of 'special-interest' or 'lobbyist' groups that all function as parts of homeostatic-bi-polar-whistle-blowing-sub-systems'. The problems in Ottawa and Washington start when only one side of a homeostatic-bi-polar-whistle-blowing system is working properly or worse -- is basically 'bribing' government officials' to be given special attention, special privileges, special rights. And that is not right. That is 'Special Interest-Lobbyist-Government-Collusion-and--Socio-Political-Pathology' Two other problems with the way these systems work in government are: 1. there lack of transparency; and 2. their 'narcissistic-behind-the-scenes' nature. The unstated motto for this type socio-political pathology is: 'Let Wall Street and Government Officials both get rich while we use and abuse Main Street.' Or the other colluder -- other than the government -- can/could be any other 'special-interest-lobbyst group' that is looking for undemocratic 'special rights, special privileges, special favors'. That too is Socio-Political Collusion and Pathology.

But this is getting off topic -- other thant the similarity in process -- a thesis for another essay in another section -- another floor of Hegel's Hotel (See American Politics and Economics).

I can tell I am going to need some short forms here -- one in particular: 'HBPWBS' standing for 'Homestatic-Bi-Polar-Whistle-Blowing-Systems'..

Maybe we can do even better: 'HWBS' stands for 'Homeostatic-Whistle-Blowing-Systems'.

Thus, when we are talking about the 'unscrupulous, un-homeostatic activities' of 'narcissistic-special-interest-lobbyist groups' invading, harrassing, persecuting, bribing, extorting politicians in either Ottawa or Washington -- or anywhere else in the world -- we are no longer talking about Homeostatic-Whistle-Blowing Systems' (HWBNBC); rather, we are talking about 'UHWBBS' -- Un-homeostatic-Whistle-Blowing-Narcissistic-Bull-Crap' (if you pardon the expression in this context).

Enough on politics.

Let us move on to DGBN Sun-Planet-Moon Personality Theory.

The 'Sun' is 'The Central-Mediating-Executive Ego'.

The 'Planets' are all the 'Gods', 'Idols', 'Archetypes' that make up the different 'special-interest-lobbyist groups' in the personality. They are all striving for their own particular, narcissistic 'Will-To-Power'.

And The Central Executive Ego has to preside over all 'government' activities in the personality.

The 'Moon' is 'The Subconscious-Genetic-Potential-and-Evolving-Self'.

And in the end, our Central Executive Ego has to answer to 'The Board of Directors' of the Personality -- The Moon -- The Subconscious-Genetic-Potential-Self.

Either we are being true to our Genetic-Potential-Self.

Or we are not.

And that is where I will leave things today, one day before the last day of 2008.

-- dgbn, Dec. 30th, 2008.

-- David Gordon Bain

-- Democracy Goes Beyond Narcissism

-- Dialectic Gap-Briding-Negotiations...

Are still in process...
