Sunday, December 28, 2008

More Changes in The Structure of Hegel's Hotel -- As Well As in The Structure of The DGBN Model Of The Psyche

December 28th -- 4 days left to go in 2008 -- and Hegel's Hotel has another change in it's 'architectural plans', a change that will propel us into 2009 and probably take most, if not all, of 2009 to write. This change is reflected in its new Table of Contents, which is getting closer and closer to what the final Table of Contents will look like. There are still some 'gaps' left in Hegel's Hotel's final structure but these should be filled out as we move deeper into 2009.

Looking back at 2008, there are a number of essays that have dictated this change in direction, this change in Hegel's Hotel's structure. I didn't expect to go as deep into mythology and the philosophy and psychology of 'Gods' and/or 'Idols' as I did.

I certainly do not profess to be any type of expert in the area of mythology and symbolism.

But that is where Hegel's Hotel took me, and that is where we still are. This theme will be continued to be developed in 2009, particularly as we move more and more into the history and study of psychology as opposed to philosophy.

I view my essay 'Rationality and Irrationality in Man' as a major turning point in the direction of Hegel's Hotel.

This essay was followed up by a whole string of 'Gods, Myths, Philosophers, and Psychologists' essays, all of which were/are important in the upcoming construction of Hegel's Hotel for 2009.

Another essay that surprised me but which will now become a focal point and a starting point for my psychological writing in 2009 is the essay:

'DGB Sun-Planet Theory and The Eighteen Mythological Idols of Personality Functioning and Dysfunctioning'.

We are going to modify the contents of this essay somewhat and build off of it in the transition from 2008 to 2009.

The newer version of this essay will now be reflected in the newest -- and I think final -- version of The DGBN Model of The Personality.

There is a strong Jungian influence here, which at least partly surprises me even though I have been carrying this influence around with me for quite a while now. Still, I used to call my integrative theory of psychology -- GAP Psychology -- which reflected my three main influences back in the 1980s: Gestalt Therapy, Adlerian Psychology, and Psychoanalyis. Still, Carl Jung, in my mind, fully deserves to be a member of what I will call 'The Big Four' when it comes to clinical psychology and psychotherapy: Freud, Adler, Jung, and Perls.


Retitled, the newer version of the essay I am talking about -- which hasn't even been written yet -- will be called:

'DGBN Sun-Planet-Moon Theory and The Sixteen Mythological Gods (Ego-States) of Personality Functioning and Dysfunctioning'.

1. 'The Central Executive Ego' is mythologically represented by either 'The Sun' and/or 'Zeus'.

2. 'The Nurturing Topdog-Ego' is represented by the two female Goddesses 'Hera' (Zeus's wife, protector of marriage) and 'Gaia' (Goddess of Mother Earth, Mother Nature).

3. 'The Righteous Topdog-Ego' represented by Apollo (son of Zeus, God of music, healing, light, and truth)

4. 'The Dionysian Topdog-Ego' represented by Dionysus (another -- 'anti-thesis' -- son of Zeus, God of wine, inspirer of ritual madness and ecstasy, mass celebrations, sexuality, blessed and/or cursed with the divine mission of freeing people from care and worry, able to preside over communications between the living and the dead...)

5. 'The Narcissistic Topdog-Ego' represented by Narcissus (God of self-absorption, self-infatuation, egotism...)

6. 'The Approval-Seeking Underdog Ego' represented again by Hera and Gaia.

7. 'The Narcissistic Underdog-Ego' represented once again by Narcissus.

8. 'The Rebellious-Righteous Underdog-Ego' represented again by Apollo.

9. 'The Dionysian Underdog-Ego' represented again by Dionysus.

10. 'The Enlightenment Ego' represented by Apollo.

11. 'The Romantic Ego' represented by 'Eros' and 'Aphrodite'.

12. 'The Liberal-Humanistic Ego' represented by Gaia and Hera again.

13. 'The Conservative-Existential Ego' represented by Apollo again.

14. 'The Constructive, Life-Enhancing Ego' represented by Zeus, Eros, Gaia, Hera...

15. 'The Destructive, Death-Enhancing Ego' represented by Ares, Thanatos, the extremes of Dionysus, more so by the evil of Satan...

16. 'The Subconscious, Dynamic, Symbolic, Creative Ego' unrepresented at this moment (I am looking for a God or Goddess of Creativity, Dreams...)

17. 'The Subconscious, Structural Memory Template'( Home of Transference Complexes, Lifestyle Complexes, and Archetypes) unrepresented at this moment.

18. 'The Subconscious, Potential and Evolving Self' represented by 'The Moon'.


Much of 2009 will be spent developing this model.

We will leave it as it is for now....

And now for the new and updated architecture (Table of Contents) of Hegel's Hotel for 2009.


Hegel's Hotel: New Table of Contents (updated December 27-28th, 2008).


1. Table of Contents
2. Most Recent Essays
3. Introductory Essays on DGBN Post-Hegelian (Dialectic) Philosophy
4. More on The Dialectic
5. History: Anaxamander, Heraclitus, and The Han Philosophers
6. History: The Sophists, Socrates, and Parmenides
7. History: Plato and Aristotle
8. History: Post-Aristolean Roman Philosophy
9. History: Early Religious (Scholastic) Philosophy
10.History: Early Scientific (Empirical) Philosophy
11.History: Rationalism: Descartes, Spinoza
12.History: Later Empirical Philosophy: Locke, Hume
14.History: Enlightenment Philosophy
15.History: The Rise of Capitalism: Adam Smith
16.History: German Idealism: Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel
17.History: Irrationality, Dionysianism, Narcissism: Schopenhauer
18.History: The Rise of Socialism, Communism: Marx
19.History: The Birth/Evolution of 19th Century Romanticism
20.History: The Birth of Existentialism: From Hegel to Kierkegaard
21.History: The Evolution of Nietzsche's Existentialism
22.History: Sartre's Existentialism
23.History: Freud and The Birth/Evolution of Freudian Psychoanalysis
24.History: Adler and Adlerian Psychology
25.History: Jung and Jungian Psychology
26.History: On Narcissism
27.History: On Identification, Projection, Compensation, and Transference
28.History: From Object Relations to Self Psychology to Transactional Analysis
29.History: Language Philosophy: Russell, Wittgenstein
30.History: General Semantics: Korzybski, Hayakawa
31.History: American Pragmatism: James, Dewey
32.History: The Wisdom of The Body: Homeostasis (Cannon)
33.History: More on The Philosophy of Science/Medicine (Popper)
34.History: The Philosophy of Power (Foucault)
35.History: The Philosophy of Deconstruction(ism)(Derrida)
36.History: Perls and Gestalt Therapy
37.History: Idealistic Capitalism Revisited (Rand, Branden)
38.History: Idealistic Humanisitic-Socalism (Erich Fromm)
39.DGBN Psychology: Gods, Myths, Philosophers...
40.DGBN Psychology: Multi-Dialectic (Bi-Polar)Personality Theory: The Model
41.DGBN Psychology: Central Ego Functioning (Zeus, The Sun)
42.DGBN Psychology: 12 Conscious/Subconscious Subsidiary Ego-States
43.DGBN Psychology: The Subconscious, Dynamic, Creative Ego
44.DGBN Psychology: The Memory Template (Transference-Lifestyle-Archetype Complexes)
45.DGBN Psychology: The Self (The Moon)
46.DGBN Psychology: Homeostasis, Dialectic-Democratic Balance, and Health
47.DGBN Psychology: Psychopathology as Unbalanced, Ego-State Extremism
48.DGBN Psychology: Pschopathology, Transference Complexes, and Serial Compulsions
49.DGBN Psychology: Philosophy, Psychotherapy, and Health
50:DGBN Politics/Economics: Dialectical Debates in American Politics/Economics
51.DGBN Politics/Economics: Dialectic Debates in Canadian Politics/Economics
52.DGBN Politics/Law: Equal Rights, Equal Responsibilities
53.DGBN Politics/Law: The Problem with Lobbyists and Special Interest Groups
54.DGBN Politics/Law: Domestic Family/Sexual Justice and The Battle of The Sexes
55.DGBN Politics/Law: Towards A Better Balanced Bill of Equal Rights and Responsibilities
56.DGBN Politics/Economics: Towards a More Idealistic, Integrative, Humanistic-Existential, Dialectic-Democratic Capitalism
57.DGBN Spirituality, Religion, Humanism, Pantheism...
58.DGBN Romantic Philosophy: 21st Century Canadian Romanticism
59:DGBN Philosophy: Family, Community, Altruism
60.DGBN Philosophy: Concluding Essays

This Table of Contents will be changed again, to be sure. However, it gives me -- and us -- a good, solid working foundation for 2009.

Best wishes for each and every one of you in the New Year.

May your health and happiness be invigorated, vitalized -- or reinvigorated, re-vitalized.

Let hope and optimism reign supreme for the New Year, 2009, despite all of our economic and political trials and tribulations.

-- DGBN, Dec. 28th, 2008.

-- David Gordon Bain

-- Democracy Goes Beyond Narcissism

-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...

Are still in process....
