Thursday, May 13, 2010

On Depression

You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.

- Chinese Proverb


With depression, you can either think your way to new feelings and actions -- change your 'self-talk',

Or you can act your way to new thinking and new feelings...

It is much harder to be depressed when you are active....

Depression brings everything inside you to a grinding halt...

All circulation more or less stops...

All life feel like your life is over...

Lost loved ones...lost self-identity....

Your mind is going around and around on the same toxic track...

If only this, if only that...I should have done this, I should have done that...

Everything is stuck in past tense...

Maybe I can do this or maybe I can do that...

And my loved one will come walking back through my door....

If only I could hear his or her voice...

Grief, for the most part, is a healing, cleansing emotion....

Bringing emotional closure -- or at least partial emotional closure -- to a lost loved one...

There will always be a place for that person in your heart...

But depression is unfelt grief.....hanging on to a person who does not want to let go...

Depression is a 'pit bull, hanging on, bite'....where we won't unclench our jaws...

We're biting ourselves over and over again...

Depression is at least partly internalized rage....

Externalizing that rage -- in the right therapeutic environment -- is a key step to moving on...

Activate yourself...

Go for a walk...

Meet new people...

Stop toxifying yourself...poisoning yourself, strangulating yourself...

With the words that you say to yourself, your endless, fruitless, depressive, merry-go-round...

Your 'ifs' and 'buts'...will drive you 'nuts'...

When someone smiles at you and offers you a lifeboat...

Don't go down with the Titanic...

-- dgb, May 13th, 2010

-- David Gordon Bain....