Thursday, March 26, 2009

Excitement, Contact, Withdrawal...From the Gap-DGB Archives...Undated, About 1999

The past is the past.
It cannot be changed.
For better or for worse,
It is, what it is.

We need to work with the cards,
That we were given,
That landed on our table,
And/or that we put there ourselves.

We need to use these cards,
To our best advantage,
Nourish our self-esteem,
Even when those around us,
Have stopped nourishing it,
With us.

The past is the past.
We cannot change last week.
Or yesterday.
Or even what we said and/or did,
Five minutes ago.

We only have the present.
We need to nourish the present.

Not try to build a relationship,
On guilt and resentment.
Or only responsibility and obligation.

No, we need to build our relationship,
On these three things:


Withdrawal when we need to withdraw.
Withdrawal without guilt.
Trust me, I know this can be hard,
But I will be back, my loved one.

Withdrawal to refocus, regenerate, re-energize...
And come back to the relationship with new vigor.
Renewed passion and excitement.

This is what a relationship should be built on.

Excitement, contact, withdrawal.

Union, separation, and union again.

Let's not ruin the cycle,
By mixing guilt and resentment into it,
And lose our passion in the process.

Excitement, contact, withdrawal,

And start the cycle over agin.

-- dgb, March 26th, 2009.