Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A DGB Simplified, Internalized 'Hegel's Hotel-Floor Model' of The Structure of The Personality...

A DGB Graphic 'Floor' Model of The Personality: 'Division Of Function and Labour' in The Personality (March 25th, 2009)
This can be viewed as a graphic, simplified version of 'Hegel's Hotel' internalized in the personality -- a '7 Floor' model of the personality -- consisting of 4 basement (unconscious and preconscious) levels and three 'main floor' (conscious) levels.

The Top Main Three Floors....Influences: Freud, Bernes, Perls...

(Parental Ego States): Mezannine Floor: Topdog Management Level

1. Nurturing-Supportive Superego (Gaia/Hera, Jesus Christ, St. Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell, Mother Teresa)...concerned with support, encouragement...

2. Narcissitic-Dionysian Superego (Narcissus/Dionysus)...concerned with pleasure...

3. Righteous-Critical Superego (Zeus)...concerned with discipline, responsibility, ethics, accountability, correcting mistakes...


(Adult Ego States) Main Floor Control Level: Supervisory Level

4. Romantic-Creative Ego (Eros/Approdite, Goethe, Woodsworth, Rousseau, Schelling...)..concerned with love, romance, creativity, mystery, surprise, nature, environment, suspense, mystery, art, music, pantheism, deism....

5. Central Mediating-Executive Ego (Zeus, Anaxamander, Heraclitus, Hegel)...concerned with making the final executive decisions in terms of running the personality...

6. Enlightenment Ego (Apollo, Bacon, Locke, Diderot, Paine, Jefferson, Lincoln, Bertrand Russell, General Semantics -- Korzybski, Hayakawa, Ayn Rand...) ...concerned with epistemology, ethics, equality, democracy

7. Economic and Survival Level: (Hobbes, Schopenhauer, Darwin, Adam Smith, Karl Marx)...concerned with surviving...paying the bills, eating, shelter, clothes, transportation, working, income, business, commerce, economics...


(Childhood Ego States) Main Floor Underdog Level:

8. Rebellious-Righteous Underdog Ego...concerned with breaking the rules and/or finding better rules...

9. Narcissistic-Dionysian Underdog Ego ....concerned with

10. Co-operative Underdog Ego (Approval-Seeking/Submissive/Masochistic Ego) ...concerned with agreement, pretending agreement, and/or doing what one is told...subserviance,


Basement Levels:

11. 1st Basement: Freud's Floor(Preconscious): Symbolism, Creativity, Art, Dreams, Nightmares, Sublimations, Music, Architecture, Culture....

12. 2nd Basement: Freud's, Adlers', and Perls' Floor: Transference-Lifestyle Complexes, Childhood Memories, Childhood Traumacies, Inferiority and Superiority Complexes, Narcissistic Compensations and Fixations, Identifications, Introjections, Projections, Sublimations....

13. 3rd Basement: Jung's Floor: Archetype figures, mythology, symbolism, Gods, heroes, villains, saints, martyrs, evil doers, Gods in charge of their own area: The Sky (Zeus), The Oceans (Poseidon), The Earth (Gaia), Marriage and Family: (Hera), Truth and Ethics (Apollo), Sensuality, Sexuality, Wine and Celebration (Dionysus), Hell (Satan), Heaven (God, Zeus), Messenger to and from The Underworld (Hermes)....

14. 4th Basement: Jung's Floor: Genetic Self and/or Soul: Includes talents, skills, all that we are capable of being and becoming.

-- dgb, Mar. 25th, 2009.