Friday, October 17, 2008

From The Helium Website: What is Wrong With This World?

What is wrong with this world?
Top Article All 145 Articles 17
of 145 Write now Article Tools by David Bain

What is wrong with this world?

Try this: Narcissistic bias interfering with good ethics, integrity, character, compassion and passion for people - as well as the objective search for truth.

Narcissism is necessary, indeed imperative, for self-assertiveness and self-survival - not to mention at least 50 per cent of the pursuit of happiness.

However, narcissism needs to be balanced by altruism and a genuine empathy, caring, compassion, and passion for people

What separates the really great leaders and people of the world from the sociopathic leaders is the difference between leaders who genuinely care about people (Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln/The Gettysburg Adress, Winston Churchill, Eisenhower/His Farewell Speech, Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa...), vs. those who ruthlessly don't (Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung...).

Anything else I write is superfulous.

Sometimes less is better.

This is one of those occasions.

dgb, Aug. 17th, 2008.