Sunday, October 26, 2008

DGB Dialectic-Democratic, Humanistic-Existential Political Philosophy and Capitalism

A) Preface

This is a more 'theoretical' -- as opposed to 'applied' -- DGB political philosophy essay. I believe that it is important for my reader to get at least a gist of the underlying, foundational principles upon which DGB Dialectic-Democratic, Multi-Bi-Polar, Humanistic-Existential, Political Philosophy and Capitalism -- is built.

B) Introduction

This is a brand new, DGB Political Philosophy Theory and the 'tip of the iceberg' of slowly evolving DGB Business-Economic Theory (to which I have a very lot to learn) as of today, October 11th, 2008 -- this essay deriving from my last essay on this subject matter exactly one month ago, Sept. 11th, 2008). See my September 11th essay, just re-named today (Oct. 26th, 2008):

DGB Multi-Bi-Polar 'Sun-Planet Theory' and 'Sixteen God-Archetype-Ego-States' of Human Personality Functioning and Dysfunctoning'


C) Gods, Myths, Philosophers, and Heroes; b) Archetypes; c) Self-Energy Centres or Ego-States; and d) The Inter-Relationship Between Projection and Introjection

The rationale and logic for this line of thought runs something like this:

1. Gods, idols, heroes, mythological figures, and parental figures are all external projections and symbolizations of 'human ideals' -- some relevant and meaningful to a whole culture or society, others relevant and meaningful to some 'subset' of culture or society, and still others that hold only a deeply personal meaning for us, and us alone.

2. 'Archetypes' are subconscious, internalized (or introjected) renditions of externally projected Gods, idols, mythological figures, and parental figures.

3. Thus, 'Gods', etc... and 'archetypes' work hand in hand with each other, dialectically, and ideally democratically, on both an externally projected and an internally introjected level to make up much of the psyhological dynamics of the human personality...When 'Gods' and 'archetypes' collide and conflict with each other -- as part of a 'mythological and/or philosophical battlefield (much like in the battles of Ancient Greek Gods, read, for example, Homer and the Iliad -- so too do the forces within our own personlity/personalities; and visa versa.

4. In other words, myths and Gods are external reflections of the human personality -- much like an artist's completed canvas is an external reflection of his or her own personality; and much too like Government is a reflection of the internal workings of the human personality. Different government dynamics reflect different leader personality dynamics and visa versa. Dictatorships reflect partly different dynamics than democracies -- but not really. Everything is connected. Democracies tend to gravitate towards dictatorships, and dictatorships tend to gravitate towards democracies. 'Democracy' and 'dictatorship' together reflect one dialectical polarity, an important one -- the 'democratic-dictatorial polarity' -- amongst countless similar 'multiple-bi-polarities' that make up: 1. the character (meaning the philosophy and psychology) of man; 2. the biology, chemistry, and physics of man; 3. all aspects of the culture and politics of man; and 4. the essence of life -- and the 'life-death'/'health-sickness' bi-polarities.

Based on the above developed logic, and other related DGB Post-Hegelian, Post-Nietzschean, Post-Spinozian, post-Freudian, post-Cannon principles, here are:


D/ Eight Essential DGB Philosophy Principles Pertaining To The 'Multiple-Bi-Polar Nature of Man-In-Action:

1. Individual molecules come together and unite ('differential unity');

2. 'Differentially unified' molecules break apart and 'individuate';

3. Individual molecules 'compete' with each other and/or 'co-operate' with each other with the goal of 'individual and/or group survival' in mind -- both often happening to some degree or another at the same time, sometimes, the 'competition' part dominating, other times, the 'co-operation' part dominating, and in effect, engineering both the 'constructive' and/or the 'destructive' (or 'deconstructive') forces of life and/or death, individual separation and/or differential union.

4. 'Freedom' and 'determinism' is another human and life 'bi-polarity', and the two dialectically interact with each other, negotiate with each other, and unite with each other, in the ongoing human mental, psychological, physical, biological, chemical, political, legal, philosophical, and cultural integrative and interactive process of free-will and deteministic forces: in effect, 'free-will determinism' or 'deterministic-free-will'.

5. 'Republicanism' vs. 'Democratism' is an important American political bi-polarity as is its underlying philosophical bi-polarity of 'conservatism' vs. 'liberalism' and or its economic corollary of 'capitalism' vs. 'socialism.

6. 'Apollonianism' (ethics, equality, justice...)and 'Dionyisianism' (sensuality, sexuality, pleasure...See 'The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche, and also Freud and Psychoanalysis...) is another important human bi-polarity.

7. 'Security or safety' vs. 'risk, newness, and excitement' is another important human bi-polarity.

8. All human bi-polarities gravitate towards a position of homeostatic (dialectic-democratic) balance; and when this position gets too boring, too status-quo, too routine, too taken for granted, new bio-chemical, philosopical and psychological forces tend to propel a person and/or a society back out towards the edges of one form of 'bi-polar extremism' or another. This can be both good and or bed depending on where the bi-polar pendulum is swinging from, and where it is going to.

I will let you 'chew' on these principles for a while without further elaboration.

Have a great day!

-- dgb, October 11th, 2008, updated October 26th, 2008.