Thursday, February 21, 2013

Room 1004/Essay-Lecture 4: Internal Self-Talk and The Object Relations Part of The GAP-DGB ASIF Model: 'The Deadly Diamond' and 'The Terrible Triangle'

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

I keep looking for simpler, more useful ways to describe the model in some of its most important sub-parts... 

Two sub-parts of the top Object Relations-Transactional Analysis part of the model might be called 'The Deadly Diamond' and 'The Terrible Triangle' 

First, The Deadly Diamond 

Remember, we are talking about a visual AS IF Model (Alternative-Supplemental-Integrative-Friendly) 

1. Top Point of the Diamond: The Harsh Superego or Righteous-Critical Topdog/Object Ego 

2. Middle Left Point of The Diamond: The Shadow-Id-Ego 

3. Middle Right Point of The Diamond: The Public Persona Ego 

4. Bottom Point of The Diamond (mediating between The Shadow-Id-Ego and The Public Persona Ego) The Central Mediating Ego 

Psycho-Dynamics of the multi-dialectic self-talk between the four Points of the Diamond: 

The Central Ego has to make decisions multiple times a day in multiple social settings and conversations -- both business and personal -- as to what type of information to release to the public and what information to keep private...with The Harsh Superego overlooking this decision-making process.... 

One false move on the part of the Central Mediating Ego in terms of what is released publicly -- with bad consequences or the perceived possibility of bad consequences -- and lookout: The Harsh Superego goes snaky as it terrorizes The Central Ego... 

23 minutes ago
David Bain
David Bain  The Terrible Triangle describes the relationship between 1. the Harsh, Righteous-Rejecting Superego (top point of the terrible triangle); 2. Bottom Left Hand Corner of The Triangle: The Harsh, Righteous-Rebellious Underego (Bad Boy or Bad Girl); 3. Bottom Right Hand Corner of The Triangle: The Compliant, (Nurturing Approval-Seeking/Disapproval-Avoiding) Underego (Good Boy/Good Girl); 

Now, the Approval-Seeking Underego splits the The Harsh Critical Superego into two parts: 1. The Rejecting Object; and 2. The Exciting, Idealized (Idolized) Object....and does everything in his/her power to appease and avoid the Rejecting Object while trying to Gain The Approval of The Exciting Object....whereas 3. The Rebellious Underego both identifies and introjects both the idealized, exciting object and the rejecting object...while at the same time hating the rejecting object and doing anything and everything in his or her power to terrorize and tear apart and rebel against The Rejecting Superego/Object....Thus, the Harsh, Rebellious Underego is the 'alter-ego' of The Approval-Seeking Underego -- and often times they hate each other -- like a good and bad sibling, the one trying to be 'nice' and do everything right for the Rejecting Topdog while The Harsh, Rebellious Underego seeks to do everything in his/her power to show rejection back at the Harsh Rejecting Superego, disobeying it all the time, missing curfews, do what he or she pleases, talking back at the Rejecting Parent/Internal Object...etc. etc...However, sometimes the Approval-Seeking Underego admires its 'alter-ego sibling' because the latter has the guts to say or do whatever he or she wants, to talk back at/to The Rejecting Superego -- none of which the Approval-Seeking Ego has anywhere near the courage to say or do...So there can be some envy and grudging admiration on the part of The Approval-Seeking Underego to his or her 'bad boy' or 'bad girl' brother or sister for having a stronger 'Will To Power'....and getting more 'narcissistic pleasure and satisfaction' from his or her rebellion...some of the 'goodies' in life that the Approval-Seeking Underego jealously wants but is too afraid to risk the disapproval of The Rejecting Superego to engage in such rebellion.... 

There can be no internal harmony in this terrible triangular relationship between the three parties unless or until all three parties start to 'moderate' towards the middle and work as a team together...

-- dgb, Feb 21, 2013, 

-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations, Creations, Integrations, and Conflict-Resolutions...

-- Are Still in Process....