Relationships are either continually being born or 're-born', or conversely, they will peter out and die...
Stagnant relationships are usually relationships that are moving backwards and/or away from contact and growth...they are self-destructing by their very stagnancy....
'He not busy being born is busy dying.' -- Bob Dylan
The purpose of relationships is generally mutual contact and growth...without the contact and growth, the relationship starts to lose its functionality and meaning....
If there is no evolving life between us, then one of us, if not both of us, is bound to move another relationship where there is evolving life...
Have the courage, take the plunge, to evolve together...
If it wasn't meant to be, then it won't be...
'I am I, and you are you,
And if by chance we meet,
It's beautiful,
If not, then not.
-- The Gestalt Prayer
Relationships frozen by anxiety and/or anger-resentment are destined to fail...or not get off the ground at all...
You need to break through the impasse...
To break the 'stalemate', the impasse, and get the relationship in motion, and/or moving forward again...
If not, then once you have given your best effort, and it is still not enough, to put the relationship back in forward motion again, then it is probably time to move on. There is a point in time with all of us when, as the expression says, 'there is no use beating a dead horse'...some losses simply can't or won't be recovered....with all due respect, there usually comes some time in all of our lives when it is simply time to find a 'new, live galloping horse (relationship)'...
Life is short.
-- dgb, Sept. 11th, 2010,
-- David Gordon Bain,
-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...
-- Are Still in Progress...