Thursday, November 12, 2009

A 'Subjectified' DGB Multiple-Bi-Polar Model of The Personality (Self, Psyche)

A 'subjectified' version of the DGB model of the personality -- that you have perhaps seen one or more times now in other essays in a more 'objectified' format  -- is listed below.

01. Our Nurturing Topdog
02. Our Narcissistic-Dionysian (Pleasure-Seeking) Topdog
03. Our Righteous (Orthodox-Establishment)-Apollonian Topdog
04. Our Central (Mediating, Executive) Ego
05. Our Approval-Seeking (Co-operative, Submissive) Underdog
06. Our Narcissistic-Dionysian (Pleasure-Seeking) Underdog
07. Our Righteous-Rebellious (Deconstructionist, Anti-Thesis) Underdog
08. Our Dynamic, Creative-Destructive (Dream-and Fantasy-Making) Unconscious
09. Our Structural, Learned Unconscious and Transference-Memory Template
10. Our Structural, Genetic Unconscious and Mythological Archetype Template
11. Our Unconsious Blueprint-Template of The Self (Our Potential Essence, Spirit or Soul)

This model has finally been brought down to a size that both your and I can probably better deal with.

First up, is a rather extensive overview of the activities of 'Our Central Ego' in both its functional and dysfunctional, healthy and unhealthy -- and anywhere in between -- derivatives. I still haven't completely decided how I want to write this rather lengthy essay -- updated from my 1979 Honours Thesis in Psychology -- but I imagine at this moment that I will write this essay in numerous small parts. It will give you, my most esteemed readers, the opportunity to see most of my 'Enlightenment' and 'Humanistic-Existential' beliefs and values in their entirety, introducing you to the work of Bacon, Locke, Kant, Korzybski, Hayakawa, Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden, Maxwell Maltz, Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck, George Kelley, Erich Fromm, and others...The 'Bacon-Locke-Kant' Connection was not a part of my original 1979 essay, nor was Hegel or Freud or Jung or Adler or Fritz Perls to any degree whatsoever at least that I can remember.

This was an essay written before I became a 'dialectic philosopher' although the groundwork was starting to be laid in this direction. It took my off and on 10 year involvement with The Gestalt Institute in Toronto to ignite my 'dialectical flame' and its resulting influence on my almost 30 years of research (1980-2009) into the history and evolution of both Western Clinical Psychology/Psychotherapy and its underlying Western Philosophical Foundations -- as well as the evolution of my own integrative philosophical and psychological writing.

Once we have tackled the functional and dysfunctional workings of Our Central Ego, then I will start to branch out into the surrounding internal philosophical and psychological influences on Our Central Ego. This was exactly where I left off in 1979. Thus, it has taken the better part of 30 years to 'complete' my full 'Multi-Dialectic-Integrative Model of The Personality.  

Our first project is, to grasp a better understanding of how our 'Central (Mediating, Executing) Ego' works.

That may take us the remainder of November 2009, and perhaps even into much of December, 2009.

We shall see. It will depend on how 'good a head of steam' I can get going in Hegel's Hotel over the next few weeks.

I am optimistic, subject to economics and my 60 to 70 hour work week in the transportation industry.

Regardless, I am expecting to finish this next multi-part essay on The Central Ego by mid-December.

That's the plan.

-- dgb, Nov. 12th, 2009.

-- David Gordon Bain

That was simple.

Now all I have to do is extrapolate on the model and dig into the different nuances and 'intra-psychic dynamics' of the model in more detail.