Sunday, March 24, 2013

From Kant to Korzybski to GAP-DGB Philosophy-Psychology...

This essay was originally writtten on October 18th, 2010....small modifications and updates March 24, 2013.)

Kant's epistemology was important but too perfectionistic to be practically applicable. This is where Bertrand Russell, Wittgenstein, and Alfred Korzybski all needed to step in to save epistemology from a Kantian death.

You see, Kant was both right and wrong at the same time. He drew our attention to the 'subjective-objective -- or Kantian -- split'. He correctly ascertained that none of us could get outside of our own minds, bodies, and senses in order to 'fully know' the 'complete objectivity' of the 'real object' in 'the real world'.

In other words, there will always be human error involved in the sensory and interpretive perception (or perceptual interpretation) and evaluation of any 'external or internal object' (two terms that are central to the study of 'Object Relations' which is a sub-school of psychoanalysis).

This is a given. And speaking as a person whose eyesight is definitely not the same now as it was when I was 20 years old when my vision was '20-20', and could hit an eighty plus mile an hour fastball...the importance of our senses is likely to become more and more appreciated as they begin to lose their accuracy and functionality over time as we age, and recognize all too well that our senses are not functioning nearly as well as the way they used to. Consequently, for example, the reading glasses on my face for 'compensatory functional purposes' I can read what I would not otherwise be able to read....

So what Kant was missing here, given the perfectionist that he was, was the idea of 'perceptual and conceptual representation' being important -- indeed, essential -- to our survival, even if it was imperfect.

In Kantian epistemology, there is essentially no distinction between 'physics' and 'metaphysics' because even physics becomes 'metaphysical' because no one can step outside of themselves -- and outside of their own senses and perceptual-conceptual-evaluation system -- to get a 'perfect representation of any physical object'.

In this regard, technically speaking, all physics becomes metaphysics because, paraphrasing Kant, no one can 'perfectly know' the 'real, objective ('noumenal' was the technical term Kant used back then) object/world'.

Technically, that may be true but we do not need 'perfect knowledge' in order to survive, and indeed, will never achieve 'perfect knowledge' unless we are talking about a math question like 2 plus 2 equals 4. Here -- and only here -- can we achieve 'perfect knowledge'.

All other knowledge, we can view as 'imperfect' and 'subject to change' based on 'new incoming information' which may -- on the basis of new and/or different observation, preferrably from more than one source, logical, interpretive deduction, common sense, and so on -- effectively 'over-rule, other past, outdated forms of information and/or purported knowledge'. This is happening all the time as yesterday's 'truths and facts and knowledge' becomes today's 'mythology'.

Such was the case, for example, with 'the world becoming conceptually round' as opposed to 'conceptually flat', and 'the Earth becoming conceputalized as revolving around the Sun' as opposed to 'conceptualized as the Sun revolving around the Earth' (i.e., 'The Copernican Revolution'). The 'objective world' did not change in either of these cases of 'revolutionized conceptuology and epistemology' -- it was just man's generalized 'view' or 'perspective' of the 'objective or real-noumenal world' that changed.

So, whereas Kant said that we 'Kant Know' our 'real, objective, noumenal world' because of the inherent subjectivity of our Sensory-Perceptual-Interpretive-Evaluative' ('SPIE') System, each of Bertrand Russell, Wittgenstein, and Korzybski would say that we 'Can Know' our 'real, objective, noumenal world' -- it is just that this knowledge is always going to be imperfect, never perfect -- again, because of the inherent subjectivity tied up to our SPIE System. But our knowledge can still be 'good enough' to function properly, particularly if we learn a set of 'good general rules' relative to using our mind for purposes of 'good epistemological (SPIE) functioning'.

This DGB concept of 'Good Enough Epistemology' can be compared to Donald Winnicott's Object Relations concept of 'Good Enough Mothering'.

As long as we can see the car coming as we cross the street, our 'internal epistemology' can be considered 'good enough epistemology' even if we cannot see 'every little scratch or dent' on the car coming our way.

Alternatively, if we 'don't see the car coming', then our 'internal epistemology can be considered not good enough for purposes of functional survival'.

Whereas Kant basically told us that we cannot use a 'representative model' of the 'external, real, objective, (noumenal) world', because we have no way of 'knowing' whether the 'representative model' is right or not, on the other hand, Russell, Wittgenstein, and Korzysbki, all agreed to disagree with Kant, not choosing to be quite so 'anally retentive and technically perfectionistic', and argued instead in favor of a 'probability of accuracy' of a 'representation model' as long as certain 'epistemological rules' were adhered to.

Korzybski went the furthest of the three (Russell, Wittgenstein, and Korzybski) in this regard, laying down a set of 'epistemological rules' that he turned into a school of language, meaning, and thinking (epistemology) philosophy called 'General Semantics'.

What Russell, Wittgenstein, and Korzybski did that was different than what Kant would not do is, they provided a 'range and a degree of probability of 'truth value of particular assumed or proclaimed truth assertions/ statements'.

This is essentially the same pragmatic-logical-rational-empirical way of 'establishing truth' as what our courts of law do when they say that 'the man has or hasn't been proven guilty beyond a reasonable shadow of a doubt'. (That is not to say that innocent men and women can't still be convicted guilty on the basis of 'conceptualized false truths' -- with Kant rolling over in his grave and saying, 'I told you so'...there are no 'certain truths'...)

But we all have to function on the basis of what we think or believe are 'truths' -- even if they aren't. In this regard, a distinction can be made between 'probable or even greatly probable truths' vs. 'evolving, possible truths'.

'Truths' change in their degree of probability over time because both the world inside and outside of us is always changing -- and some of our 'conceptual representation skills and results' improve over time because of advances in technology such as the microscope, the telescope, the hearing aid, the MRI, the CT Scan, the Ultra Sound Machine, the Xray Machine...and so on...

Other than that, the only 'perfect truths' that remain indisputable over time are mathematical truths such as: 2 plus 2 equals 4.

Unfortunately, man cannot live only on the basis of 'mathematical truths' -- which means that we still need to find some facsimile of 'epistemological truth' in the works of the likes of Sir Francis Bacon, John Locke, David Hume, Kant, Hegel, Russell, Wittgenstein, Korzybski, and Ayn Rand...

This is what The Hegel-Freud Hotel is still evolving to do in the form of GAP-DGB Philosophy-Psychology and Neo-Psychoanalysis. A particular section will be devoted to 'Central Ego Functioning' and its relationship to language, meaning, thinking, epistemology, narcissistic bias, ethics, and so on...

The results of this work on The Central Ego will then be integrated with the rest of  GAP-DGB Philosophy-Psychology as we moving along.

Enough for today...The world is calling me...

-- dgb, Oct. 18th, 2010.

-- David Gordon Bain...

Friday, March 1, 2013

Let's Take A Magic Carpet, Mythological Ride

Take off your 'rational-empirical hats' and put on your 'Jungian mythological hats' cause we are going on a 'magic carpet ride'...Remember, this Sunday is the anniversary of the day that Freud and Jung met for the first time and talked for about 13 hours straight...on Sunday March 3, 1907. This Sunday marks the 106th anniversary of that meeting including the actual day -- Sunday. 

It is only fitting -- this Sunday also being my birthday -- that you should perhaps experience a little 'synchronicity' here....All the die-hard empiricists and rational-empiricists can leave the room for 20 minutes or so... 


Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner. The concept of synchronicity was first described in this terminology by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist, in the 1920s.[1] 
The concept does not question, or compete with, the notion of causality. Instead, it maintains that just as events may be grouped by cause, they may also be grouped by meaning. A grouping of events by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of cause and effect. 
In addition to Jung, Arthur Koestler wrote extensively on synchronicity in The Roots of Coincidence. 


Let us call this theory 'The Big Bang and Splitting of Internal Ego-Spirits-Archetypes-Gods' Theory.... 
Cosmology and mythology and philosophy are projections of internal psychology, and/or visa versa...psychology being the introjected (internalized) cosmology-mythology-philosophy....Mythology consists of soap opera, psycho-dramas, mainly in the sky....whereas psychology is the internalization of these soap opera, psycho-dramas.  

The individual personality is formed the same way the universe and world were formed -- a 'big bang' and a 'splitting and uniting, splitting and uniting, of molecules and atoms, red blood cells and white blood cells, external and internal spirits, Gods and Archetypes....maybe even epigenetics...DNA and RNA, genetics and epigenetics...

The personality exploding into pieces and spirits and ego-states from its previous state of collective wholism by The Big Bang ...usually a traumatic moment...perhaps wired into the psyche by epigenetics.....including shock, fear, guilt and/or some other strong emotion that essentially 'explodes' the personality into Chaos...and then spiritual and functional pieces...ego-pieces -- after experiencing Chaos -- The Existential Abyss -- start to become organized, splitting into opposites, and consolidating as opposing ego-states each with a particular ego-function aimed at helping to restore Homeostatic -- and Multi-Dialectic (Multi-Bi-Polar) Spiritual-Existential -- Balance...


Jung considered individuation, the psychological process of integrating the opposites, including the conscious with the unconscious while still maintaining their relative autonomy, to be the central process of human development.[2] Wikipedia...


You need at least three Gods or Archetypes or Internal Spirits to be working inside you in order to be Creative....These are; 1. Chaos; 2. Dionysus; and 3. Apollo. ...Add a fourth in there -- Aries (The God of War) and you could get Destruction and Death as opposed to Creativity and Life....

But first, you need a Big Bang -- an internal explosion of the personality into 'ego-pieces' and 'ego-spirits' -- all disconnected from each other and working in different directions -- metaphorically or literally speaking -- epigenetic mutations each with its own particular unique agenda, led by an Archetype or Internal God/Spirit that wants to have its own way and be 'ALL POWERFUL'....such as the conflict between Dionysus (the breaker of boundaries) and Apollo (the maker of boundaries)...Dionysus and Apollo in strife with each other -- with no peacemaker -- can be, in the title name of Nietzsche's first book, 'The Birth of Tragedy'.....But paradoxically, and insufficiently appreciated by Nietzsche -- Dionysus and Apollo in the container of 'Chaos' together can provide The Birth of Creativity as customary boundaries are disbanded, blown apart, and new boundary formations lead to new, integrative, and sometimes extraordinary Creations...

Chief among these internal spirits or Archetypes that can provide the 'Spirit' behind 'Reductionistic, Specialized, Ego-States'are:

Chaos, Zeus, Hera, Gaia, Uranus, Poseidon, Dionysus, Apollo, Narcissus, Aries, Hermes, Hades, and numerous more....,this is operating within a Mythological Container of Greek Gods...the list would grow bigger with any other culture's Gods, Heroes, Villains, added into the mix....We project Gods into The Sky and/or The Gods Come Down to Visit Us as Internal Spirits or Archetypes Within our Own Unique Personality...And Each God Wants Its Own Way....

But like the Greek Gods who created Soap Operas in The Sky, on The Earth, and under the Earth -- so too can these internalized or introjected spirits -- or Archetypes -- create psycho-dynamic, conflictual soap operas inside our personality...

Of which, it is the therapist's job to help the client restore peace, harmony, and unity in the personality again -- or at least some better semblance of it....There will always be some greater or lesser state of 'conflicted unity' in the personality but the 'internal team' has to get along well enough with each other to at least functionally work with each other in a semi-peaceful manner....

You could say that Dionysus is The God of Communal Unity and Apollo is The God of Individuation and Separation...which leads us into Rank's Theory of Creativity....Life being a process of continual re-birth and finding new and creative ways of maximizing both social unity and creative individuation....tragedy is when this process breaks down..


Here is The GAP-DGB Object Relations-Personality Model combined with a more Jungian Mythological-Archetype-Ego State Model

1. The Nurturing Topdog/Superego (Rootedness, Groundedness, Encouragement, Support)

Mythological Counterparts

* Gai (Goddess of Mother Earth)

* Hera (Goddess of Family, Women, Marriage)

* Hestia (Goddess of the hearth, fireside, family, home)'

* Psyche (Goddess of Compassion)

2. The Hedonistic (Pleasure-Seeking) Topdog/Superego

Mythological Counterpart

* Dionysus (God of Wine, Festivals, Parties, Madness, Merriment, Group Celebration, Sensuality, Sexuality..)

3. The Narcissistic (Self-Absorbed) Topdog/Superego

Mythological Counterpart: Narcissus (Mesmerized By His Own Reflection in The Pond)

4. The Distancing Topdog/Superego

Mythological Counterpart: Hermes (God of Flight)

5. The Righteous-Critical Topdog/Superego: Zeus (Leader of The Gods With Usually The Most Power, The Alpha Dog)

6. The Central Ego: Apollo (God of Healing, Peacekeeping), Harmonia (God of Harmony)

7. The Persona: Helios (God of The Sun)

8. The Conscious Shadow (Conflated, Hidden Superego-Id-Ego): Selene (Goddess of The Moon)

9. The Feeling Ego (Eros): The Phenomenology of Spirit, Love, Passion, Romance...Ideally

10 The Submissive-Approval-Seeking Underdog (Omega) Identifies with Zeus;

11. The Phobic Underdog (Phobus: God of Phobias and Fear in General)

12. The Dionysian Underdog

13. The Narcissistic Underdog

13a) The Charites: Goddesses of charm, beauty, human creativity, and fertility

14. Aries/Pallas: God of War and Warfare (The Beta Dog: Second Most Powerful God, Usually at War with Zeus)

15. The Dream Weaver

16. The SIEV: Shadow-Superego-Id-Ego-Vault:

17. Mnemosyne: Goddess of Memory (Learning, Transferences)

18. Chaos, The Abyss, The Apeiron (Birthplace of splitting opposites, creativity, and order)

18a) Hades: God of The Underworld, God of Riches and/or Despair, Imploding and Exploding Ego, Splitting of The Ego...

19. The Womb Room (The Birthplace of Co-Dependence, Harmony, Unity, Wholeness, Oneness...Ideally)

20. The Genetic Self and Potential Self (Skills, talents, mythological skills, genes...)



What I am trying to do is offer a 'shortened, cheaper version of psychoanalytic transference analysis....the inventory could be done in 1, 2, or 3 sessions....therapeutic goals could then be established...and style of therapy could be established, not necessarily requiring a 'couch' and seemingly endless sessions... 

This is a more budget conscious, short term type of 'neo-psychoanalysis' combined with Primal Therapy, Adlerian Psychology, Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Humanistic-Existentialism, and Cognitive-Behavior and/or Reality Therapy... 
I would personally feel most comfortable working with a hot seat and empty chair or empty chairs depending on how many different transference figures we are dealing with and/or the nature of the nuclear family constellation and/or the current family constellation...I could even see adopting a Virginia Satir type family setting and model and/or a Moreno Psychodrama type of theatre clinical setting.                 

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