Then there are the energy use the Psycho-analytic technical term.....sexual objects, romantic objects...intellectual objects, friends and family objects, pet objects, work objects, hobby objects, car objects....addictive objects....obsessive-compulsive objects...other goods and service objects...
On such a platform...and all the endless possible variations and permutations from this basic platform....we build our lives....
Then about my age...Father Time starts to kick in...and perhaps create a fright....I call this our 'Post-Mid-Life Crisis' -- which is likely to set in just before we are about to enter 'Senior Citizenship' (which a lot of Baby Boomers are about now) -- and any number and type of issues may be raising their scary head if they haven't raised it before now: health, money, aging, dying, love or lack of it, family, work, friends, parents, kids, taxes, bills, retirement or the practical impossibility of it....
We may start to reflect back on how good or bad our choices were along the way....and where our worst choices occured....and why we don't have certain objects now that we feel we should have had if we hadn't messed up along the a nice house, more money, a much more lucrative career, better health, better capability of helping our parents, etc...
A very astute existential writer (Kafka) called this period...'The Trial'....
And if we decide that we have failed or lost our 'Trial'...regarding how well we lived our life....
Or find ourselves failing life before we get to our final 'Existential Trial'...
Then another very astute existential writer (Camus) called this....
Living the life of 'The Stranger'....
If we do not want to continue to lead the self-alienated, shallow, hollow, false life of a Stranger...
Then, if you haven't read it already, read Steve Jobs' commencement speech at Stanford University...
And see if one of the most creative men who lived on this planet the past 30 plus years or so can't pull you back in the right direction again...
I just happen to have a portion of his speech in my email sent to me from my own main visionary mentor...a day or so ago...
-- dgb, October 8th, 2011
-- David Gordon Bain