I am about to change my direction of focus -- from Psychoanalysis to Language, Epistemology, and Action.
I am not completely stepping outside the realm of Psychoanalysis here in the sense that Psychoanalysis in its broadest sense can be defined as 'the study of all human experience, perception, interpretation, thought, association, impulse, fantasy, emotion, restraint, action, and/or lack of action...'.
In this sense, our study of epistemology, ethics, and action can be easily connected to the study of 'The Central Ego' -- and 'Central Ego Functioning and Dysfunctioning'.
From a technical, logistical DGB 'model of the personality' perspective, The Central Ego can be viewed as being 'surrounded' by an 'internal parliament or court of appeals' of six 'advisors': three 'aristocrats' and three 'peasants' or 'civilians'. 'The Central Ego' can be viewed as the 'king', 'queen', 'president', or 'CEO' that presides over our 'internal parliament or court of appeals'.
The DGB 'As If' Model of The Personality/Psyche
Within our own internal parliament or court of appeals -- using the following DGB 'AS IF' model -- we can distinguish between the following 'six court advisors':
01. The Nurturing-Altruistic (Therapeutic) Superego;
02. The Hedonistic-Narcissistic (Dionysian) Superego;
03. The Righteous-Rejecting (Apollonian, Boundary-Setting) Superego;
04. The Approval-Seeking-Co-operative-Altruistic Underego;
05. The Hedonistic-Narcissistic (Dionysian) Underego;
06. The Righteous-Rejecting (Rebellious, Counter-Apollonian, Deconstructive, Reconstructive) Underego
Sitting at the head of the table of our own internal parliament and/or court of appeals is:
07. The Central (Mediating-Executive) Ego
Lying back in 'The Shadows' beneath the workings of our 'Internal Parliament' are:
08. The Dynamic, Creative-Destructive, Subconscious-Dream-Fantasy-Nightmare Maker (Freud, Fromm);
09. The Transference-Lifestyle Memory, Generalization, and 'Unfinished' Complex-Game Template (Freud, Adler, Fairbairn, Berne, Perls...);
10. The Genetic-Mythological Archetype Template (Jung);
11. The Essential and Potential, Unactualized Blueprint Self, which 'spiritually' can be viewed as 'The Soul'...(Jung)
That is the full DGB 'Post-Hegelian, Post-Nietzschean, Post-Freudian, Post-Psychoanalytic Model of The Personality/Psyche' from which we will now return to a significant amount of work that I started earlier on 'The Functioning and Dysfunctioning of The Central Ego' which philosophically, linguistically, and semantically, can be connected to the study of 'Language, Epistemology, Ethics, and Action'...
-- dgb, Jan. 17th, 2010
-- David Gordon Bain
-- Dialectic Gap-Bridging Negotiations...
-- Are Still in Process...