Sorry, my dedicated and prospective readers....Hegel's Hotel is in slow construction mode heading into Christmas...Time, money, energy are all being seriously with many of you out there I would imagine...My multi-bi-polar energy -- that which is still available when I am not trying to keep economically afloat -- is focused mainly on Psychoanalysis, or rather, on re-creating and re-constructing Psychoanalysis.
I have an essay in my head now called: Case Analysis of a Seduction-Abandonment Transference Complex/Neurosis....
My project revolving around an accumulation of inter-connected small essays on: 'Central Ego Functioning: Language, Epistemology, Narcissism, Ethics and Action' continues to lie in the shadows, in need of an 'energy-and-time-booster' get it rocking and rolling...
It is 630am on a very cold December morning -- and I am off to work.
-- dgb, Dec. 11th, 2009.
-- David Gordon Bain