Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The 'Bush-League' Republicans Have About as Much Diplomacy and Finesse in International Relations As a Bull In A China Shop

I'm not into starting or embellishing 'witchhunts' where the wrong man, woman, party, or people get nailed to the cross for something they don't, and/or didn't deserve. Indeed, I am soon going to write an essay on:

Negative Labels, Scapegoatism, and Witchhunts: Some Similarities Between The Salem Witchhunts, Nazism, McCarthyism -- And Any Type of Nationalism and/or 'Us Against Them' Mentality Out of Control

However, enough is enough. Before the George Bush-led Republicans are legally and officially pushed out of office, we could be in the middle of an even bigger Middle East disaster, if not World War 111.

Has anyone read what is happening in Pakistan right now? I included two articles on American forces invading Pakistan looking for Al Queda both above and below this essay. I shudder and shake my head. This is unbelievable.

Can you imagine what would happen if another country invaded America looking to kill terrorists? Where innocent Americans were killed in the 'crossfire' and/or 'coalateral damage'?

Where are the brains of the people working at the whitehouse? Who gave American soldiers the right to invade Pakistan? Again -- unilaterally! No consent from Pakistan? Of course not -- what leadership of what country would give America permission to kill their innocent civilians? Terrorists or no terrorists within the country. Again, no permission from the United Nations. No word from NATO. Just America going it alone -- regardless of what country and what people they blow up in the process!

With all due respect to 'America As A Whole' -- which is a critical distintion that needs to be made and which is where both the Reverend and Mrs. Obama got into serious trouble for not making this distinction: specifically, differentiating between 'the goodwill of the American people as a whole' who I want nothing but the best for as if I was an American myself, and this 'type of pathological Bush-led Republican leadership' that seems intent on starting up another war before they leave office. What greater disaster can they add to their legacy?

You don't think that telling the world that America wanted to plant missiles in Eastern Europe was just about as stupid as stupid can be! How do you think Russia and all those Eastern Europeon and Asian countries would feel about this? How would America like it if Russia told the world that they were going to plant some missiles in Cuba? Or in The Arctic above Canada which they were to claim was 'international territory'. How do you think Canadians would feel about this let alone Americans?

Did everyone one of The Republicans currently in the Whitehouse executive decision-making circles -- fail 'international relations and diplomacy'?

Does the George Bush-led Republicans believe that is absolutely immune to any and all forms of international law and justice?

This present Republican Party must have watched 'Dr. Strangelove' -- and taken it seriously; not as a satire on what could/can happen if the wrong person and/or group of people is in power.

Again, I shake my head in total disbelief!

Afghanastan was one thing -- America had the support of the world on this one as they pushed into Afghanastan looking for Al Queda -- and even the Taliban.

Iraq was a whole different matter. Sadaam Hussein was obviously a sociopathic leader -- but there are lots of those in the world, and nobody to my knowledge, every connected Sadaam Hussein to 9/11. Nor any 'weapons of mass destruction' that Sadaam was intent on letting off at a moment's notice. Sure, he might have done it if he had the capability -- but false 'war propoganda' as it would seem now was being used to connect Sadaam to capabilities that he did not have.

And besides, the hunt was supposed to be for Bin Laden. Again, the world was all in support of America hunting down Bin Laden. Surround him, contain him, prevent he and his men from escaping into Pakistan -- this would have to be lesson 101 in any military and/or SWAT training manuel.

And yet, Bin Laden and his men escaped into Pakistan! What kind of military stupidity was this?

Not only that -- but even worse -- America split its military into two fronts! Now they were invading Iraq! Bin Laden was all but forgotten. American troops were barely even chasing him anymore! Their main focus became Iraq and Sadaam Hussein! How in the heck do you explain this? To the American people, let alone the world?

Here's what you do: you feed them false 'war propoganda' exaggerating both Sadaam's connection with Al Queda, and his capability in Iraq for 'creating mass destruction' in enemy countries -- mainly America -- where he didn't even have the missile capability of flying and closing the distance that separated Iraq -- and a lot of ocean -- from America.

But the CIA had 'pictures'. Remember that! Fear-mongering -- that's what this was. If you want to start a war, just convince the people of your nation that you are about to be attacked! Then it becomes: 'Pro-active, pre-emptive, self-defense'! How many judges and juries have heard that line a million times? I killed the man, Your Honor, because I thought he was going to kill me. So I killed him first! 'Pro-active, pre-emptive self-defense'! Never mind that the man I killed didn't have a weapon to kill me. He just looked like he wanted to kill me. It's my thoughts that count, even if they turn out to be totally empirically unsupported, and most of you might therefore believe them to be untrue. But I knew -- and still know -- better. I was totally justified in what I did. We live in a dangerous world, you know. It's 'Lord of The Flies'. It's 'Darwinian Survival of The Fittest'. It's 'kill or be killed'.

How many judges and juries would believe that line of reasoning.

Let's put it this way -- very succinctly: The American People and The World as A Whole were 'bamboozled' by a bunch of Republican 'sophists' who couldn't have done a better job if they were 'stereotyped used car salesman'.

It destroyed Tony Blair's political career and left him with a legacy that will be almost as bad as Bush's for the one blunderous move that they both made at the same time, hand in hand: invading Iraq -- particularly without the consent of The United Nations and an 'epistemological justification' that would turn out to be totally false, if not fabricated.

And in doing so -- again, hand in hand while they thumbed up their respective noses at The United Nations and The World as A Whole -- it destroyed both of the respective economies of the countries they were supposed to be leading: America's and Great Britain's. Not to mention destroying the international relations reputation that both countries held in the world before this collosal foreign relations and economic blunder.

The soon-to-be, McCain-led Republican Party doesn't get it either. They keep differentiating themselves from Bush. Tell the American people how they are going to ride in on their 'dual white horses' -- the totally legitimate and respected war hero on the one horse who still doesn't seem to understand that 'for every enemy you kill, 'crossfire and colateral damage' is likely to create ten more; and the barracuda or pitbull with lipstick on calls herself a 'pro-lifer', seems to enjoy and support recreational hunting -- even aerial hunting -- has no problem 'not blinking' as she sends -- what is it? -- one or two sons off to war, side by side with the war hero, not a whisper or a word of protest from either of their respective mouths as now Pakistan is being invaded for a job George Bush didn't do right in the first place: specifically, find and either bring in or kill Bin Laden -- and we are suppose to believe that both the 'old and the 'new' Republican are 'pro-lifers'.

That would be hysterically funny -- if it was not so sickening.

How many more countries does America need to invade in the name of 'pro-active, pre-emptive, justice, freedom, democracy, God, and country -- before we all take one gigantic step back and say to ourselves,

'Maybe Madonna -- and the Nazi imagery that she showed at her concert -- wasn't so stupid and grossly out in left field after all.'

Isn't it time that somebody got their head back on straight? And if the Republican Party can't do it -- which it certainly looks that way to me -- then, how many people have to die, how many new war fronts have to be opened up -- Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Saudia Arabia, North Korea? -- before the American people get it right and get Obama and The Democrats back in power.

Does America want an America that the rest of the world hates? Or does America -- the civilian America I am talking about now -- want a party that is looking to try to restore peace and decent good will and harmony in the world rather than going into countries, 'Clint Eastwood/Dirty Harry' style -- 'with all guns ablazin'. 'Shoot first, and ask questions later? Oops, we got it wrong. We killed 20 of your civilians? Sorry. 200 of your civilians? Oops. Sorry again. 2000 of your civilians? Sorry, again. It's in the name of international peace and justice. We need to get to any Al Queda and Taliban that we let flee into Pakistan. We don't trust you, my Pakistanian allies. Stand by and let the American army come in and finish the job. 2,000,000 of your civilians? Well, it was justified in the name of democracy, God -- an the evil of world terrorism.

Let's get this one point fully established right now. 'Ethically' and 'morally' there is a place for religion to state its beliefs and causes to both civilian audiences and governments and/or political parties alike. They are a part of any democracy too.

However, number 1; there is no place for 'lobbying' votes for the 'hypocrisy of a pro-life political stance' when now another country has been 'invaded' without anyone even 'declaring war' on that country -- with no United Nations involved and no 'NATO' involved -- just American, no correction, read, Republican arrogance and unilateralism and their belief in the immunity of the American leaders to any form of international court of law or justice -- and once again, innocent people are dead, with no one, I repeat, absolutely no one, claiming accountability and responsibility for this new invasion into a new country, with these new innocent people dying, not to mention that we could have another full-blown war on our hands before we -- correction again, you my American friends -- finally send these war-mongering, Bush-led Republicans packing.

And number 2; there is absolutely NO place in any democratic government for any 'epistemological claims' involving God, nor any 'war-supporting' claims involving God. This is all political sophistry designed to deceive the unsure, the unconvinced, and/or the unwilling.

With all due respect, there is no place in the White House decision-making process for God. Just as Muslim extremists are killing in the name of God, so too are Republican extremists.

Case closed.

Personally, I will take my chances with Obama.

He is the only leader in this election campaigning in the name of 'differential unity' and 'integrationism'. With The Republians its all about 'divisionism'. It's all about 'either/or'. It's all about Nationalism. It's all about Patriotism. It's all about 'not blinking'. (As she sat there blinking about 50 times a minute.) Send your child to war -- and don't blink. Be a 'real' man or a 'real' woman. Shoot up testosterone. Be a Republican. Be a pitbull or a barracuda with lipstick on.

I could keep going. I could say more.

But I think I've said much, much more than enough for one night.

I couldn't help myself. Quite frankly, in the name of democracy, I am disgusted with the present Republican American leadership. And 'the wanna-be-next' Republican American leadership. You can 'wrap up an old fish in new paper. But it's still going to stink. Right now, I would say that both these Republican leaderships -- 'stink'. (I won't use the other Obama analogy just in case it is misinterpreted -- and I am called 'sexist'.)

The direction out of a bankrupt economy is the same direction as the direction out of Iraq. And out of Pakistan. Out of war.

There is only one party in America that seems seriously interested in doing that.

And I don't think I have to tell you any more which party that is.


-- dgb, Sept. 16th, 2008.
Posted by david gordon bain at 3:09 PM 0 comments